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Showing most liked content on 10/04/17 in all areas

  1. 6 likes
    Picked up this amazing toy today
  2. 4 likes
    First banner of mine for this server. As per usual when I get good stuff, Kezia is in the room.
  3. 2 likes
    See alot of familiar names which is great to see! Hopefully everyones keeping their ultima forum name so it's easy to find people. Server is going to be the only competition ultima has seen from what I've read. Basically like ultima but the market isn't all jacked up from items that only 4 drop once a year. Think ima give it a try here wish I could bring character data here. Oh well fresh start!
  4. 2 likes
    Hello you all, i'm Jez. Not particular new to pso, but this server seems interesting and a fresh start could be good. Looking forward to play with all of you. Also a compliment for the server's main page, it's pretty good.
  5. 2 likes
    Bragging rights on a 17 odd year old game that looks and runs like crap and has split communities whereby most of the time no more than 30 people are on at once. I have to say we are a strange bunch of people lol
  6. 2 likes
    So if Tsumukiri J-Sword has not been modified compared to vanilla, it means that it is weaker than DRAGON SWORD. But, they can both be found on Skyly epsiode 2 in Ultimate. And... SJS is 3 times harder to find than Dragon Sword, not even to mention that you have to unseal it. So my question is : what's the deal ? What did I miss ?
  7. 2 likes
    I'm only going to offer 1 thing ???? Death Reaper 00/00/00/45/40hit
  8. 2 likes
    Welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay here
  9. 2 likes
    Could probably deal without the "Wilson's" part but yea, nice to get one going, Also there's people better than Sylph, he was just the best on Ultima.
  10. 2 likes
    Randomly came across this while doing the daily quest
  11. 1 like
    Hello/Bonjour! Team PantiesÐrøþ! So this topic is about choosing the desired ID's to help spread out the availability of rare items we can all potential get by working and hunting together. I know we all have our own favorite ID's with which some being better then others of course. Whilst most of us will have chosen our ID's based on nostalgia from other versions of PSO, character coordination/aesthetic choice(s)/themes and just in-general preferences based on drop information. Since we are playing on a new server with a tight-knitted community with new and old drops that all require hunting to flesh out and give our characters an advantage, I think it is best if we start choosing our section ID's more appropriately to benefit and accommodate the wide spread of drops for us all to hunt. I'm not saying having duplicate ID's is a bad thing as that can be quite resourceful when a certain team member isn't online to hunt with. It is also beneficial as-well for our own team member(s) to change to another character if a certain person decides to play that different character for a specific mission/another play style. So I am just going to list down below of our characters/classes, potential new characters/classes, and their section ID's. Please give this information below too on what characters you have in mind creating. Thanks. *Click on it multiple times to be able to zoom in.
  12. 1 like
    Hi I am armando and I play league of legends and thats it someone give me mag + charge weapons plz, i will boost you on league
  13. 1 like
  14. 1 like
    Thank you for responding oh well was worth a try
  15. 1 like
    People will still want TJS for bragging rights though
  16. 1 like
    I meant drop rate wise @Tro Dragon Sword: 1/2127,8 Sealed J-Sword: 1/7447,13 But yes, the run for Dragon Sword is even easier, that's for sure =)
  17. 1 like
    And there are 4 Del lilies as first spawn in one of the missions so you might even say 3x easier to farm is an understatement :-)
  18. 1 like
    Wants: 50 0 0 50 50 Sword, V502, Smartlink, Power Materials, Arrest Raygun 50h, PDs, Excal(?), Hell Striker(?), Judgement Blades(?), Death Reaper(?), Spirit Garment. Offer away question mark means I don't really know if it's worth that.
  19. 1 like
    I'll double up on that offer with a Hell Striker (0/0/25/40), Death Reaper (40/0/0/35), Smartlink, 10pds
  20. 1 like
    Welcome to destiny. Not all of us kept our ultima forum names though...This server has been great so far. I hope you enjoy.
  21. 1 like
    Welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay
  22. 1 like
    welcome to destiny! enjoy your stay any questions = feel free to ask !
  23. 1 like
  24. 1 like
    welcome to our server ! ^~^ if you have any questions feel free to ask
  25. 1 like
    Iron Faust on RAmar is a thing of beauty.
  26. 1 like
  27. 1 like
    So dragon sword is like TJS? Guess I'll hold onto mine
  28. 1 like
    Bee be rolling in those Proof of Sonic Teams, and I got more excited than I should have seeing Ryudo there. X3