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  1. Yesterday
  2. Halloween Sneakpeek (2024)

    Crazy timing lol i recently got a SJS from hunting Venus bow!
  3. Halloween Sneakpeek (2024)

    With the Halloween update there will also be some changes to TJS. So just a heads up if you're considering trading tjs or sjs, because the value may change.
  4. S>BANK (ton of items) SOLD

    SOLD, thanks for quick reply! Selling huge amount of items in my bank that I don't use. maybe somehow good for starter pack. Only selling whole bank at once, so please do not ask 'I just want this one, how much?'. also make sure your char has enough space to deposit items. (let's finish the trade quick) thanks Of course, you can use these items as you want. giving away to new players, selling it again, etc. Price: 15DTs or Venus Bow or 30Crates (NO PD/PT/PS) gc#4200915 list of items
  5. Nyanchi's Sell List

  6. Last week
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    Xena Say- ''give me pgf'' cg!
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    Merci mon bro <3
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    congratulation vilain !!!
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    to start the day off right <3
  11. Auction 100HIT Bringers Rifle

    AUCTION CLOSED The Rifle goes to @Orgodemirk please tell me when youre avaible!
  12. Auction 100HIT Bringers Rifle

    Action has 4 hours and 49 minutes left leading is @Orgodemirk with 50dt
  13. Destiny Reader Update!

    the link is broken
  14. Anniversary 2024: Radiant Destiny!

    7th Anniversary event has ended, I hope you enjoyed, thanks for playing! Halloween event will come soon, stay tuned
  15. PC> Handgun Guld 70/80/00/00/80HIT

    Worth around 10-20 dt imo, the guild milla it can be used to make is certainly outclassed in damage by final egg blaster. Gush needle is a much better weapon for gush as well. Handgun guld with those nice stats can certainly be useful, I just don’t think people would pay a lot for it given there are better options. Just my take on it.
  16. Impairation's Sell list

    selling some stuff just make some offer since i don't really know the prices GALATINE [0/0/30/0|45] RAGON SLAYER [0/0/35/35|55] DRAGON SLAYER [30/0/30/0|55] SILENCE CLAW [0/0/0/20|35] EGG BLASTER [20/40/0/30|0] YAMIGARASU [0/0/30/0|0] YAMIGARASU [0/25/30/0|0] SEALED J-SWORD [0/0/0/0|0] [kills: 322] MASTER RAVEN [0/0/50/40|60] FROZEN SHOOTER [25/35/0/0|25] PASSION HAZE [0/0/0/0|30] RAINBOW BATON +1 [45/0/0/0|40] BERDYSH [0/0/0/60|45] 5x v501 1x v502 2x Smartlink Flower Bouquet x7 Dragon Tear LIMITER [kills: 0] BUBBLE BLASTER [0/0/0/0|40] HEART OF POUMN [30/25/0/0|35] [untekked] A New Friend
  17. Auction 100HIT Bringers Rifle

  18. Auction 100HIT Bringers Rifle

    A>BringersRifle 100% Abeast and 100% HIT Auction open unti 15:00 GMT 13.10.2024 Starting at 50 DT
  19. Done please close

    Thx for the Info
  20. Done please close

    See Zion shop, has 1 in stock
  21. Done please close

    please close
  22. S> Blueprint: Astral Dragon 60 PT

    offer 30 DTs
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    Crate drop
  24. Nyanchi's Sell List

  25. I need a Mag Maker

    Hi folks, Are there any of you who like to feed mags? I need 2 mags at the moment and am not really into the subject. Many thanks in advance
  26. Earlier
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