PSOBB Destiny Valentines 2025!
Here we go! Happy valentines from Destiny <3
Valentines Crate
As usual Valentine Crates are dropping randomly from monsters!
Valentine Crate contains various items that includes some of useful items like twin cyclone, lavis blade, M&A85 Fury, Planet Eater, Soul Devourer etc.
There are also exclusive items in the valentine crate.
Maximum % on weapon could be 100 (It's super rare though)
Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually.
No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate.
It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time.
Crate item list:
Flower Bouquets
For the duration of valentines event, flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet or to change a special from a weapon. Redeeming starts after the event ends, for 1 month.
Custom monster: Bubbles!
No worries, this guy just wants a hug.
Find him in the quest: Episode 2 / Valentines / Love Research.
This a temporary quest only active during valentines event and based on the quest Dolmolm Research. There's a secret way to unlock 6 extra Bubbles spawns in Seabed upper level.
Fixed some issues and refined things in Love Research (from 2025)
Removed wall in Pioneer2, you can access to shop directly from pipe.
Removed HP/Death check, so you can go to seabed even you died in temple area.
Fixed telepipe position in pioneer2.
Fixed some minor issues.
Tweaked some enemy spawns.
Monster count:
Seasonal Valentines items
Wings of Life
"A set of holy wings that boost support techniques."
This shield boosts Resta, Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%.
Class: All. This item only drops during valentines event.
Drops from Bubbles on all IDs @ 1/630
Section ID Halos
"A chromatic halo that boosts support techniques and accuracy."
Req Lv:150 DFP:180 EVP:180 EFR:20 EIC:20 ETH:20 EDK:25 ELT:20
Class: All
This shield boosts: Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%, Jellen & Zalure by 100%, and ATA by 25.
It's only available during Valentines. To obtain it, find the "exotic armor dealer" NPC in the Love Research quest and he will trade it for ×3 Wings of Life and ×50 Flower Bouquets. The color of the halo you receive is based on your current section ID. So if you want a certain color, make sure to change your section ID first!
x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the duration of the event! To change your section ID, use /sectionid X (X=0~9) in the lobby.
Valentine Event will last for 3 weeks.
Enjoy and Have Fun!