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Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build End of 2020 Revision

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Again these are guidelines for giving you ideas when making builds they are not absolute and I do not claim they are the best but upon my experimentation, they are for my playstyle.

Some are only theorized for currently Hunewearl Ramarl Racaseal because I did not experimented them.


All the builds presented were tested except for some specific SET and also at the exception of  Racaseal which is the last Class which I have to level which won't change much comparing to Racast, some possible niche weaponry and the theorized TA Builds (but I did saw some runs with gear mentioned)

Again you're absolutely welcome to contribute any section of the guide


Regarding Tower : you can opt to carry either Archfiend Armor or RIng of Fire or Behemoth Armor with Molten Ring to gain significant resist in either EDK or EFR or a lesser mix of both


Regarding Mag choice.


Gael Gill is preferred for his weird yet useful ability to trigger more often if synch is 101%+ (95%/60%/95%)

Recon (mag) works same as Gail Giel but it doesn't drain your HP. only obtainable by using 6th Anniversary cell on Kama. (it has animation like regular enemy has!)



If you're running any Human with DVL Setup for TA, I Highly suggest using Twin Sato (it spins when trigger) for not killing yourself in the process or having to heal every 20 steps or carrying NON optimal unit...HP Flow and you could choose to equip Shadow Cloak to not get 1hko by the traps.



Builds for Characters




Humar can make the most of TP based weapon its also the strongest Human ATP and being able to use Demon Weaponry without neglecting the use of UDC Dark Flow and Rathalos Greatsword.



Christmas Sprit N/D/H at least or SET (THIS IS HIGHLY VITAL I consider this and LE Set are the actual strong point of playing the class, you could go for a set depending of the quest)

UDC M/D/H (again a set can be good but not as important as Hunewearl maximizing Hit is a necessity)

Dark Flow SET

Rathalos Sword D/H, Set if you feel like it

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

Celestial Fusion M/D/H



Slicer of Fanatic (above 40 Hit)

Holy Ray and/or Subzero above 40hit

Judgement Blade /D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H






Stormrender M/D/H

Eternal Night N/D/H

Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H

Soul Biter N/D/H (EP4)





Maxxed Dynasty Armor/D Virus Armor/Behemoth Armor/Evil Aura/ Shadow Cloak (if maximizing on DF Play for trap vision)

Blue Phantom Field










UDC Play must be maximized on that classs where she can heal herself in 3 fast resta if max MST







UDC SET (non questionable if you can afford it)


Dark Flow SET

Rathalos Sword D/H, Set if you feel like it

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

Christmas Spirit N/D/H (again Vital, a set is possible)


Celestial Fusion M/D/H

Last Emperor Set


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit)

Holy Ray and/or Subzero above 40hit

Judgement Blade M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Stormrender M/D/H

Eternal Night N/D/H

Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H

Soul Biter N/D/H (EP4)



Maxxed Dynasty Armor/D Virus Armor/Behemoth Armor/Evil Aura/ Shadow Cloak (if maximizing on DF Play for trap vision)

Blue Phantom Field










Hucast features the Highest ATP, DFP HP of the game.



Making 2 different separate specialized Hucast was for me the best choice both using the same mag as starter




that was when the 0 mag were not available nowadays you can try to make 0/115/85

Attack Hucast Build



Master Raven N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)

UDC Set your goal is to pack the most damage possible so yeah you need in theory to maximize the sets


Dark Flow SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

Eternal Night N/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure) or Last Prophecy ( Necessary for soloing or cast party)


S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Soul Biters SET

Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H

Taste of Affection M/D/H

Behemoth Armor/Evil Aura

MAXXED Red Ring/Blue Phantom Field








PB/FLOW (2nd one for Dragon Sword)



Attack Hucast Build Time Attack


Master Raven N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)



Dark Flow SET


Soul Biters SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword SET

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

Eternal Night N/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure) If Solo TA


S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H

Taste of Affection M/D/H





X Parts ver 3.10


Red Phantom Field









PB/FLOW(2nd one for Dragon Sword)


Defense Hucast Build






This build is the Most Resilient build of the Hunter class allowing you to withstand attacks and Solo some quests if you're good or having the proper gear. Its highly Underappreciated/underplayed but i do PREFER it over Attack Hucast for good reasons, try it and forge your opinion. Knowing you do have to carry an Immortal/Body, you can hotswap it on the field and replace it with Immortal/Power to max ATP for boss where your DFP does not matter aka Falz



Master Raven N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)

UDC M/D/H (again a set can be good but not as important as Hunewearl maximizing Hit is a necessity)

Dark Flow SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Eternal Night N/D/H

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure) or Last Prophecy

S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Soul Biters SET


Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H  

Taste of Affection M/D/H



D-Virus Armor

MAXXED Red Ring/ Cataclysm/Hellfire Shield IF your RR is not maxxed




















Hucaseal Features the Highest ATA of the Hunters and the best EVP of the game



making 2 different specialized Hucaseal was for me the best choice- both using the same Mag as starter.

1st possibility will Maximize ATP ATA LCK and put some points into defense

2nd possibility will Maximize ATP ATA LCK EVP but will need you to constantly use Immortal/Legs

Ultimately you can mix both these into One Hucaseal but you won't be able to gain extra DFP and have to change your gear completely each time you decide to go to the other playstyle.

But there is some specific distinctive EVP Hucaseal  you may use



currently you should make it if playing optimally

0/133/67 with 0 def mags



ATA Hucaseal

Last Swan N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)

UDC M/D/H (A set is strongly advised because of Hucaseal female DS animation and ATA)

Dark Flow SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure)

S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H



Dynasty Armor Max DFP


Blue Phantom Field




PB Flow



EVP Hucaseal all go to EVP Build



EVP Hucaseal is very fun to use and my main Hucaseal Build actually, you can sometime even cancel sinows jump attack and all often all low tier regular mobs



This could give you (assuming you find a maxxed rainbow shield) 1710 EVP total

Last Swan N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)

UDC M/D/H (A set is advised because of Hucaseal female DS animation and ATA)

Dark Flow SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Soul Biters SET (assuming you're having max EVP will likely make you impervious to enemies attack in non endgame area thus you can Zerk your way on all mobs)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure)

S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H



Reflex Gear


Rainbow Shield MAXXED





Immortal Legs



EVP Hucaseal balance between DFP and EVP



Last Swan N/D/H or Christmas Spirit N/D/H or even Suppressed Gun (Charge) N/D/H or Suppressed Gun (Arrest) /H( Suppressed gun was not tested)

UDC M/D/H (A set is advised because of Hucaseal female DS animation and ATA)

Dark Flow SET


Rathalos Sword SET (RGS ability to explode traps + severe DPS actually make good reason to use a set)


Soul Biters SET (assuming you're having max EVP will likely make you impervious to enemies attack in non endgame area thus you can Zerk your way on all mobs)


Twin Blaze

Dragon Sword N/M/D

Twin Cyclone M/D/H

S Rank Gun (Zalure)

S-Rank J Cutter (Arrest)

Stormrender M/D/H

Nightmare A.B/M/H




Hell Striker

Mitsunari N/M/H



Behemoth Armor/Evil Aura

Red Ring MAXXED/Cataclysm Shield/Hellfire Shield/From the depth (yes that shield it does provide you random RESIST function negating ANY attacks for free and evp is just 30 less than max rainbow shield)





Immortal Legs



Ramar Max ATA/ATP/Luck Build




Mag 0/142/58/0(GAEL-GIll for Standard/TWIN SATO for DVL Focused runs)


Demon /Special oriented play should be maximized




Grave Digger ( maximized Hit and possibly Dark)


Frostbite M/D/H/Frozen Shooter


Snow Queen (50h is good)


Arrest Needle D/H

Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) (hit should be maximized)


D-Virus Launcher D/H (dark should be maximized to FAST KILL Olga 2


Dark Meteor M/D/H at least or set

Combustion Cannon D/H ( the last stat I'm unsure where it belongs)

Final Egg Blaster M/D/H at least or Set


Christmas Spirit N/D/H

Arctic Faust M/D/H

Yasminkov 9000m Charge (Tower)/Armageddon IF you're equipping Behemoth/Red Ring at the same time



Yasminkov 7000V (Hell)/Hell Striker Yas is better


Hell Needle

TYPE/Shot (Hell)

LCK38 Combat (Falz) (Dark at least should be maxxed)


Last Emperor M/D/H or set

Excalibur N/D/H (EP 4) /Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H





Dynasty Armor Max DFP/D-Virus Armor (for a more balanced approach of Ata Build)/ Behemoth Armor (can be comboed with Charge Weapons for extra damage multiplier)

Blue Phantom Field/ Red Ring Max/Halloween Wings (for a more balanced approach of ATA Build and/or Charge/Berzerk Weapons














Mag 0/131/69 (GAEL GILL For Standard/Twin Sato for DVL focused runs)

Demon /Special oriented play should be maximized




Grave Digger ( maximized Hit and possibly Dark)


Frostbite M/D/H/Frozen Shooter


Snow Queen (50 hit is good)


Arrest Needle D/H

Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) (hit should be maximized)


D-Virus Launcher D/H (dark should be maximized to FAST KILL Olga 2


Dark Meteor M/D/H at least or set

Combustion Cannon D/H ( the last stat I'm unsure where it belongs)

Final Egg Blaster M/D/H at least or Set


Christmas Spirit N/D/H

Arctic Faust M/D/H

Yasminkov 9000m Charge (Tower)/Armageddon IF you're equipping Behemoth/Red Ring at the same time



Tyrell Parasol


Hell Needle

Yasminkov 7000V (Hell)/Hell Striker Striker is better due to signature handgun animation

TYPE/Shot (Hell)

LCK38 Combat (Falz) (Dark at least should be maxxed)


Last Emperor M/D/H or set

Excalibur N/D/H (EP 4) /Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H



Dynasty Armor Max DFP/D-Virus Armor (for a more balanced approach of Ata Build)/ Behemoth Armor (can be comboed with Charge Weapons for extra damage multiplier)

Blue Phantom Field/ Red Ring Max/Halloween Wings (for a more balanced approach of ATA Build and/or Charge/Berzerk Weapons












Mag 0/130/70


Sacrifiicial/Charge Build

Twin Blaze

Frostbite M/D/H/Frozen Shooter


Snow Queen (50 hit is good)


Arrest Needle D/H

Yasminkov 9000m Charge (Tower)/Armageddon


Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) (hit should be maximized)


Heaven Striker D/H (Only if you run specfic runs/TA)


D-Virus Launcher D/H (dark should be maximized to FAST KILL Olga 2


Dark Meteor M/D/H at least or set

Combustion Cannon D/H or set

Final Egg Blaster M/D/H at least or Set


S Rank Launcher Zalure (if Solo or cast party)


Arctic Faust M/D/H


Excalibur N/D/H (EP 4) /Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H

Yasminkov 7000V (Hell)/Hell Striker Yas is better


Hell Needle


TYPE/Shot (Hell)

LCK38 Combat (Falz) (Dark at least should be maxxed)


Grave Digger ( maximized Hit and possibly Dark MUST  IN TOWER)




Behemoth Armor/Evil Aura (Get as much extra ATP from Armors/Shields as possible)


Red Phantom Field (these EXTRA ATP comboed with Charge/Berzerk Weapons for extra damage multiplier)











Theses specific Builds which are only available optimally for Racast and Racaseal does provide an insane amount of Resistances and over the top DFP almost rivalizing the fabled Sonic Team Armor a supposed GM only Armor from Version 1 of PSo Dreamcast


But Over-might does come with a Price. You won't be able to swap any units or shields or equipping Immortal/Battle and will be without the assistance of V503.


And I need to mention that the combo pieces of the build aside from Gratia are VERY Hard tier to get (Heavenly/Resist is Anniversary Crate Only)


Be mindful that if you do use the Immortal/Ability max all stats build for Racaseal you will lack 40 in everything except ata if you plan to use this build with her DO use the standard max ATP DFP ATA LCK plan




Credits to @Orgodermirk for thinking/finding them






D-Virus Armor 80% Speed Boost






Heavenly/Resists x3




You will end up with a Crushing Ceiling of 102 EFR, 102 EIC, 102 ETH, 92 EDK 92 ELT


+730-750 DFP/ +400-415 EVP by using DVA+Gratia












Max ATA/DFP Build (Theorized) or All stats yellow if using Immortal/Ability but forced to keep the unit (unpractical for Over Resilience Build)




Mag 136/64 DFP Focused/Over Resilience Friendly Build

5/139/56 or 0/144/56 with Materials tweaking ALL Stats YELLOW


Twin Blaze

Frostbite M/D/H/Frozen Shooter


Snow Queen (50 hit is good)


Arrest Needle D/H

Yasminkov 9000m Charge (Tower)/Armageddon


Yasminkov 9000M (Demon) (hit should be maximized)


Heaven Striker D/H (Only if you run specfic runs/TA)


D-Virus Launcher D/H (dark should be maximized to FAST KILL Olga 2


Dark Meteor M/D/H at least or set

Combustion Cannon D/H or set

Final Egg Blaster M/D/H at least or Set


S Rank Launcher Zalure (if Solo or cast party)


Arctic Faust M/D/H


Excalibur N/D/H (EP 4) /Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H

Yasminkov 7000V (Hell)/Hell Striker Yas is better


Hell Needle

TYPE/Shot (Hell)

LCK38 Combat (Falz) (Dark at least should be maxxed)


Grave Digger ( maximized Hit and possibly Dark MUST  IN TOWER)




D Virus Armor (Non questionnable)


Maxxed Red Ring/Cataclysm/Hellfire Shield (non questionable use the others only if you do not have an RR above their stats)





Immortal/Body (IF Over Reslience Build is wanted with the Mat Plan) or Immortal/Ability

for all Stats In Yellow



Fomar (Melee/Tank) EDIT TOWER Build more fit for Solo Play



5/122/73/0  Max DFP ATP LCK ATA or 0/127/73

Skyfall (only usable with Immortal/Mind

Christmas Spirit N/D/H


Maxxed Last Emperor Set


Soul Devourer
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement

Mortal Ruin


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H


Maxxed A.B/D/H Hellion Sword (everything needs to maxxed but in worst case at least hit to 80 and Dark. for correct aim and Insane damage A.B Hellion is the only efficient way of Dealing with Worm Boss optimally


Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush) 

D-Virus Armor

Maxxed Red Ring
Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)
Immortal/Mind (needed for Skyfall use)

Fomar Agressive Utility BattleForce Build New from end of 2020


Regarding Dark Bridge You do only Need  BASIC TRIPLE 50% DB But you can choose to go to 100% Machine for Easy Vol Opt 1 Fight

This build is Absolute FIRE...HellDivine Fire it does mainly focus on the last buffs of


Dark Bridge. This buff unleashed the potential of Fomar and Fomarl to never seen extent. Harnessing both Devastating BattleFo, Life Support and over decent Technique Powers. All of this did became possible because of DarkBridge


Also please note that Fomar got innate Grants Boost of 25% which Adds up to Rainbow Shield Boost and DarkBridge Triple Grants for explosive results!


Warm Thanks to @Orgodemirk for the complete Mat Plan



Mag 0/109/73/18 (you can workaround POW and MIND and tweak mats around it)

105 Pow

23 Def V

77 Mind V

45 Luck


(MAX MST or NEAR MAX (-3) DFP Depending the unit used/Hotswap)








Dark Bridge (THE MVP)

Christmas Spirit N/D/H


Maxxed Last Emperor Set


Soul Devourer
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement

Mortal Ruin


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H


Maxxed A.B/D/H Hellion Sword (everything needs to maxxed but in worst case at least hit to 80 and Dark. for correct aim and Insane damage A.B Hellion is the only efficient way of Dealing with Worm Boss optimally


Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush) 



Excalibur N/D/H or M/D/H or N/M/H depending your needs MAX ATP Only EP4


Ethereal Armor/D-Virus Armor (You can freely Swap to any of theses armors depending your DFP/Battlespeed Needs)


Batwings/Demon Wings/Rainbow Shield (How Swap depending the enemies Weakness to Grants and Context


Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)
Immortal Battle/Immortal Mind/Body for MAX MST/DFP Depending of the context



Fomarl (Melee/Tank) EDIT Living Support Fortress Build




0/129/71/0 MAX DFP ATP ATA LCK



Skyfall (Fomarl best friend)


Christmas Spirit SET (Harness and abuse the fastest Shot animation of the game!)


Maxxed Last Emperor Set


Soul Devourer
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement

Mortal Ruin


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H


Maxxed A.B/D/H Hellion Sword (everything needs to maxxed but in worst case at least hit to 80 and Dark. for correct aim and Insane damage A.B Hellion is the only efficient way of Dealing with Worm Boss optimally


Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush) 


D-Virus Armor

Batwings/Demon Wings
Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)
Immortal/Mind (needed for Skyfall use with DVA)



Fomarl Agressive Utility BattleForce Build New from end of 2020


This build is Absolute FIRE...HellDivine Fire it does mainly focus on the last buffs of


Dark Bridge. This buff unleashed the potential of Fomar and Fomarl to never seen extent. Harnessing both Devastating BattleFo, Life Support and over decent Technique Powers. All of this did became possible because of DarkBridge


Also please note that Fomarl got innate Grants Boost of 50% which Adds up to Rainbow Shield Boost and DarkBridge Triple Grants for explosive results!


Warm Thanks to @Orgodemirk for the complete Mat Plan


0/129/71/0 MAX ATP ATA LCK

(MAX MST or MAX DFP Depending the unit used/Hotswap)


85 Pow

25 DFP

95 Mind

45 Luck





Skyfall (Fomarl best friend)


Dark Bridge (THE MVP)

Christmas Spirit SET (Harness and abuse the fastest Shot animation of the game!)


Maxxed Last Emperor Set


Soul Devourer
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement

Mortal Ruin


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper M/D/H


Maxxed A.B/D/H Hellion Sword (everything needs to maxxed but in worst case at least hit to 80 and Dark. for correct aim and Insane damage A.B Hellion is the only efficient way of Dealing with Worm Boss optimally


Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush) 



Ethereal Armor/D-Virus Armor (You can freely Swap to any of theses armors depending your DFP/Battlespeed Needs)


Batwings/Demon Wings/Rainbow Shield (How Swap depending the enemies Weakness to Grants and Context


Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)
Immortal Battle/Immortal Mind/Body for MAX MST/DFP Depending of the context



Fonewm (Nuke)


0/82/94/24 Max DFP 800 ATP





Dark Bridge/Psycho Wand if you can't afford it

Glide Divine X
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/Glide Divine
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement


Mortal Ruin


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper (can only be used at max ATP)
Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush)






Excalibur N/D/H or M/D/H or N/M/H depending your needs MAX ATP Only EP4


Last Emperor Set

Primal Nexus/D Virus Armor
Three Seals/Profound Darkness

Deal with It

Elemental Shield
Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)



Fonewm (Photon Token Setup)




Primal Nexus/ Mother Garb + is doing HOD2 VHARD 4P Party


Three Seals/Profound Darkness




Adept x3


Fonewearl (Nuke)


5/98/97/0 or




800 ATP LUCK is NOT Worth it





Dark Bridge/Psycho Wand if you can't afford it

Glide Divine X
Celestial Fusion M/D/H/Glide Divine
Bringer's Rifle (above 65hit is good getting 50Hit from EP4 Quest is mandatory)


Zu's Punishement


Mortal Ruin (innate Megid Pierce)


Slicer of Fanatic (above 40hit is good)


Ill Gill Reaper (can only be used at max ATP)
Holy Ray (above 40h is good)

Subzero (above 40h is good)
Mercurius Rod (Triple Gifoie Utility for stopping Rush)






Excalibur N/D/H or M/D/H or N/M/H depending your needs MAX ATP Only


Last Emperor Set

Primal Nexus/D-Virus Armor (if focused on Support)

Elemental Shield
Three Seals/Profound Darknesss
Wings of Life (one is always good to carry with)



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Pinned and featured. Well done! I'm sure this will help a lot of players.

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part 2 about Armors/Shields/Units is online!
Thank you very much for the pinned and featured status !

"Edit Improved overall guide readability"

Edited by Depassage

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Part 3 about class guide by myself is completed, Orgodermirk suggested me other guides to possibly do however it's very complex and I probably need more time/help If I decide to make them

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awesome guide :)

here is some my opinions, Eternal night set work pretty good with all HUnters since LE got nerfed. (it still deals high DPS on single enemy tho), Special of storm render doesn't hit to some enemies (it's depend on enemy's vertical hitbox) and that special doesn't hit to x3 enemies at once.

Ract/cl with charge yas9k is OP especially in tower. Armageddon sometimes targets enemy that you don't want to attack (guard form epsilon etc)

About Exterminator, it's depend on area/your team i'd say. it works well at some situation, but i agree DVL is much better than this weapon.

in addition, actual special of FEB is fire bullet + explosion, so it hits 18 times on targeted  1 enemy with 1 combo.

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Love the guide, I refer to it a lot :D

I would say a Hit Hell TypeRI/RIFLE (or a hit hell laser which is much cheaper but less ata) is worth considering for some spawns where auto lock isn't wanted, it also has the longest range of the hell guns.

I've found it useful in certain spawns in episode 2 sniping gees from a big distance or aiming for certain enemies that unlock the room.


Its more of a legacy gear suggestion but Stealth Suit has an interesting property that it removes weapon equip lag so you can attack faster when changing weapons. Might not be optimal given the other options but is worth considering possibly.

Edited by piv
forgot about not adding hit to s ranks, originally posted hell laser

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22 minutes ago, piv said:

Love the guide, I refer to it a lot :D

I would say a Hit Hell S rank Rifle (or a hit hell laser which is much cheaper but less ata) is worth considering for some spawns where auto lock isn't wanted, it also has the longest range of the hell guns.

I've found it useful in certain spawns in episode 2 sniping gees from a big distance or aiming for certain enemies that unlock the room.


Its more of a legacy gear suggestion but Stealth Suit has an interesting property that it removes weapon equip lag so you can attack faster when changing weapons. Might not be optimal given the other options but is worth considering possibly.

Thanks for your Feedback!

YASMINKOV 3000R has 66 ATA, comes with no specials and still have the 210 Range if you don't want Autolock on rifle which can be used as an HELL or Arrest Rifle aswell and still get the possibility of having % which unfortunately S Ranks, lacks.


Yes I've forgot about Stealth Suit,  I'll add your contribution later into the guide.

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about Halloween event items and updated items.


The hell special is better than regular hell, that accuracy of hell is better than other hell weps. not sure the certain rate though, but you can kill mid EDK (60-70) enemies pretty easily.

Heavy Attack (Unreduced Blizzard + Heavy attack) deals nice DPS for melee FOs 

L&K38 Combat

Combo Unlocked for RA and that DPS is close to ARMAGEDDON, doesn't require so many hit%s since you won't use special so much.

Christmas Spirit

now it's one of great ranged weapon for melee FOs.


Tricky and Technical Ranged hell wep for HU, worth to use dark matter for this now.

launches some hell waves (+regular hell swing as well), that movements of hell waves is similar to dark flow.


not going to say about dark bridge and ethereal armor, these items are strong obviously lol.

haven't tested subzero, but i think it will work like holy ray.



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Okay, I did added some I will complete the rest later, I do have interesting data for LCK38 Special on Falz (Thanks Orgo) I also need to find some spelling for Ill Gill Reaper and still add Piv's suggestions (im sorry)

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a small update to ill gill reaper and lck 38 (thanks orgo for the data) the rest is coming soon

Edited by Depassage

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Hello everyone,

I did started to make an end of 2020 Revision for the guide. The weapon part has been covered and spelling mistakes corrected. I just need to update Gear and Class Build (I do have spicy new content and opinions) =P

Edited by Depassage

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On 28/05/2019 at 9:32 PM, Depassage said:

Dragon Sword


Also you can use Only 40 PB by only doing the special at the end of Attack 3 and switch weapon quick using the quick menu.

On 08/01/2020 at 12:11 AM, Piv said:

Reducing PB

Unlike the above PB reduction tip, this can be done anywhere. You can reduce your PB by switching weapons after the second swing of TJS / Dragon Sword. With a combo of normal attack -> special attack, then quickly switch weapons to cancel out the PB burn. This way you will only burn 37 PB instead of 44 PB.

-> Second swing & precise PB numbers ⬆️
from Evolving Collection Of PSO Tips & Tricks

Cheers guys!

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9 hours ago, Depassage said:

Thanks for the intel!


Also... UPDATE PART 2 About Armors and Shield is ONLINE with a few change inside it.

Stay tuned for the Build part guys :D

I use this guide all the time.  Thank you for the work.

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This section I'm a little confused with wording.




Not relevant anymore in end game due to ennemies stats but the ata specific bonus for yas can still be come in handy if you're not 200 .


UPDATE (and what an update)


Actually its one piece of the most lethal and resilient build close to Sonic Team Armor from PSO VER 1 Dreamcast for Racast/Racaseal Only that this shield can produce but it NEEDS Lot of hard equipment to find and comes with lot of limitation like 80% Max Attack speed and unable to use any free slots

This has been discovered by @Orgodermirk

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Hello Wade.
Where is the confusion? The build I'm speaking of is quite known for some times. but requires 3 H/Resists (only available as a random crate drop in Anniversary Event), 1 State Maintenance and 1 D Virus Armor along Gratia. I'll be more specific once I've rewritiing the build part. but yeahsentence construction might be confusing at the end but It definitly means what it means.


Anyway, stay tuned ;)

Edited by Depassage

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I think a lot of new players to the server never heard of this build. This is very cool information. Hopefully we get a chance to farm the h resists. I started last year at the very end of the anniversary event. 

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