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Mystery last won the day on May 16 2023

Mystery had the most liked content!

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1079 Excellent

About Mystery

  • Birthday 02/16/1987

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  1. Happy Birthday

  2. hello (*´ω`*)−☆

    We already met but Welcome to Destiny Enjoy your time here <3
  3. Hello ! I'm Kalut !

    Welcome to Destiny Enjoy your stay!
  4. Let`s have some Fun (Symbol Chat Event)

    I will close this topic! Thanks for the mini event @Arashi
  5. Welcome To The Mystery Shop

    New items added + New wants.
  6. Want to Buy

    Looking to Buy: Paragon Frame Done!
  7. Want to Buy

    Looking to Buy the following: Luck Mats x25 HP Mats x125 TP Mats x125 Done!
  8. EASTER EVENT 2023!

    Destiny PSOBB EASTER EVENT 2023 This amazing banner was made by @Shiva Time for some easter! So, what's there to do??? Egg Rappies Of course the Egg Rappies are back, dropping Easter Eggs that contain various stuff. Find the Rappies in Episode 2 Temple. You can exchange Easter Eggs with a GM for a special item from the following list: Byakko shield - 25 Easter Eggs Suzaku shield - 25 Easter Eggs Daisy Chain - 15 Easter Eggs Murasame - 15 Easter Eggs Tension Blaster - 15 Easter Eggs RIANOV 303SNR-5 - 15 Easter Eggs Black Gear - 15 Easter Eggs Epsiguard - 15 Easter Eggs Rules: The weapons will be delivered with blank stats (0 attributes/hit) and shields/armors will have minimum stats. Redeeming is possible from now until June the 3rd. To redeem your Easter Eggs, please message a GM on the forums or look for redeem rooms in game. x10 XP and Free Section ID For the entire duration of the event! Use /sectionid to change your section id. The event lasts for around 4 weeks. D-Virus Baranz have returned! A super hazardous D-Factor Virus has escaped from dr. Osto's lab! The virus spread all the way to mines, infecting the Baranz and empowering their abilities. Destiny PSOBB presents the extremely powerful D-Virus Baranz! Do you have what it takes to get the situation under control?! D-Virus Baranz appear in the following quests: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Mine's Offensive Ultimate Episode 2 / Easter / Gal Da Val's Darkness Drops: D-Virus Launcher "A powerful virus flows through this ultimate weapon. Its true potential is awakened when the owner has low health." The lower your HP gets, the more projectiles it fires with each shot. Under 1/2 HP this weapon fires 2 projectiles to each target, under 1/8 (dark flow mode) it fires 3 shots per target (for a total of 12 shots). Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1170 Section ID: Virida, Greenill, Skyly, Bluefull, Purplenum. D-Virus Armor "Armor enhanced with a D-Factor virus. The virus empowers your abilities, increasing attack speed and defensive power." Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: Pinkal, Redria, Oran, Yellowboze, Whitill. Primal Nexus "This strange artifact is embedded with ancient magic. A proficient caster can harness this magic to empower offensive techniques and magic resistance." Drops from: Episode 2 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: All ids Oppressor VII, Praetorian IV & The Prophet Hopkins lost his SOUL RIPPER! Help him retrieve it by going toe to toe with some of the most powerful monsters ever seen in Destiny PSOBB. Warning: These enemies are strong! Better bring some friends They appear only in the following quest: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Lost SOUL RIPPER Drops: Oppressor VII: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids Praetorian IV: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids The Prophet: TWIN RIKA'S CLAW @ 1/64 on all ids TWIN RIKA'S CLAW "A famous claw, modified by an unknown scientist to unlock its full potential. ATP increases by 200 when equipped by a hunter." Type: Claw ATP: 660 - 730 ATA: 40 Grind: 200 Total ATP: 1130 Targets: 3 Special: Tempest, Razonde lv. 25 Boosts: All Stats +10, Gifoie +30%, Gibarta +30%, Gizonde +30% Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal, ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal Some info about event droprates: These items only drop in the specified quests. In all other quests, the standard items are dropping according to the droptable. The droprate shown has DAR already calculated in. Just like the regular droptable. For example, Primal Nexus drops at 1/1204 from baranz episode 2. The actual rate is 1/602, but because baranz has 50% DAR, the rate shown is 1/1204. Furthermore, these rates (just like the ones on the droptable) benefit fully from happy hours x3 and ultimate x2. Easter event will run for about 4 weeks. Special thanks to all the staff for making this possible. Good luck and we hope you enjoy the event!
  9. Happy Belated Birthday!!

  10. Happy Birthday! 

  11. Looking to Buy Valentine Wings Pm me if your selling them with your price. Thanks :)


  12. To all new players (an honest review of the server)

    Welcome to Destiny, Glad your having fun.
  13. Show your screenshots

    Good Job man
  14. EASTER EVENT 2021: Chaotic Casino

    DESTINY PSOBB EASTER EVENT 2021! Happy Easter from Destiny PSOBB! A super awesome Billy Hatcher theme throughout Ragol, made by @Shiva ™. Also includes themed monsters. Egg Rappies Of course the Egg Rappies are back, dropping Easter Eggs that contain various stuff. Find the Rappies in Episode 2 Temple. Chaotic Casino An infamous evil Doctor decided to open a casino in mines! But some things didn't go according to plan, and now the slot machines are raging out of control. Do you have what it takes to enter the chaotic casino and save Ragol from this mechanical madness? Drops: Primal Nexus "This strange artifact is embedded with ancient magic. A proficient caster can harness this magic to empower offensive techniques and magic resistance." DFP: 180-200 EVP: 250-300 EFR: 45 ETH: 45 EIC: 45 EDK: 40 ELT: 40 Required Level: 200 Boosts ALL offensive techs by 30% Drops from: Corrupted Slot Machine / Episode 2 / Ultimate / All ids D-Virus Armor "Armor enhanced with a D-Factor virus. The virus empowers your abilities, increasing attack speed and defensive power." DFP: 600 EVP: 200 EFR: 32 ETH: 32 EIC: 32 EDK: 32 ELT: 32 Required Level: 200 Boosts attack speed by 80% Drops from: Corrupted Slot Machine / Episode 1 Mines / Ultimate ID'S Virida, Greenill, Skyly, Bluefull, Purplenum. D-Virus Launcher "A powerful virus flows through this ultimate weapon. Its true potential is awakened when the owner has low health." ATP: 300-360 Grind: +80 Required ATA: 210 Special: Berserk Targets: 4 The lower your HP gets, the more projectiles it fires with each shot. Under 1/2 HP this weapon fires 2 projectiles to each target, under 1/8 (dark flow mode) it fires 3 shots per target (for a total of 12 shots). Drops from: Corrupted Slot Machine / Episode 1 Mines / Ultimate ID'S Pinkal, Redria, Oran, Yellowboze, Whitill. Returning drop: Zu's Punishment "A mysterious cane created from the head of a Zu. Its special attack launches 3 fireballs." ATP: 465 ATA: 60 Required MST: 1100 Tech Boosts: foie 60%, gifoie 50%, rafoie 50% Special: Launches 3 level 16 foie forward. The foies benefit fully from tech boosts, making each one around 80% as effective as a single foie. Skin by @Shiva Code by @Magictrick Drops from: Shambertin / Episode 4 / Ultimate / All ids x10 XP & Free Section ID For the entire duration of the event! Use /sectionid to change your section id. The event lasts for around 4 weeks. ENJOY!!!
  15. Free Section ID + X10 XP

    Hi there, Here is some free section ID change and x10 XP until the event starts. Enjoy