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  1. 5 likes
    The idea is pretty simple, i will post 5 questions in this thread. That are PSOBB Destiny related. When a question is answered, i will post the next question. Its your job to answer them. You can only answer once per question and you may not change your answer. Winners must not answer future questions. The first person to answer wins that question. I will give away prizes once all questions are done. The people who answer each question right will be able to pick a number between 1 - 70 for a random banner item from my personal bank. Every item in my bank is a banner item so not to worry you will 100% get one. Questions will start from 10 am (GMT) on Wednesday 20 November 2019. Goodluck.
  2. 2 likes
    I do not know whether this is the first 2 man group but here it is...
  3. 1 like
    GC No42002044 1DT = 10pds 1PTs = 5pds 1PS = 10DTs PGF plsPM D-VIRUS LAUNCHER [0/0/40/0 | 0] 9DT D-VIRUS ARMOR 12Dts  Storm render [] 15pd Ra FROZEN SHOOTER [ 30/30/0/0 / hit45 ] 28pd FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/0/30 / hit45 ] 25pd FROZEN SHOOTER [25/0/0/0 / hit35 ] 5PD HAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/40 / hit0] 8pd HAVEN STRIKER [0/35/35/30 / HIT0] 18pd SPREAD NEEDLE [0/40/0/0 / hit40] 35pd SPREADNEEDLE [0/0/0/30 / hit25] 5pd Fo Zuspunshiment [0/0/0/0/0] 18pd Resta lv16 1pd ATackDisk 25〜29 2set pd1 unit and shield State maintenance 6DT REDPHANTOMFIELD4pd Dphotoncore 35pd mat def mind×10 = 1pd(def200mind100 keep) hpmat4 = 1pds (keep200) pmat4 = 1pds want list PDsPTs DTs PS hit90〜100LAVIS Hit85↑Calliver
  4. 1 like
  5. 1 like
    Ok cool ya I am more in to fomarl she been my girl since Dreamcast I may lose 💯 atp but I think she has better animation on most weps
  6. 1 like
    i‘m actually a fan of fomarl since you have great support and highest ata of all forces (really good for demons special). But you have slightley less atp than fomar which means less dmg output in the end they are basically the „same“ it‘s just up to you what character you like more and which attack animation you prefer
  7. 1 like
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 1 like
    Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎉 I hope you day and the rest of your year are great
  9. 1 like
    banner item - banner = item = no fame
  10. 1 like
    DMC is still a thing here. I noticed it yet a lot of times. But the DMC here seems to occur less often than on other servers. Which means in team play with randoms it doesnt really matter. But if you do time attacks then black mage isnt the best choice. Another aspect is the combination of meele + nuke on a force for solo runs. you can kill resistance weak low hp‘ed mobs with techs. But otherwise on high hp mobs with high resistance you can use demon weapons and then finish em of with techs.
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