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Showing most liked content on 03/11/19 in all areas

  1. 9 likes
    Hi all, Valentines is extended for 1 week. So the event ends on sunday 17th. Enjoy the last week
  2. 5 likes
  3. 2 likes
    nice event, thanks @staffs i have a question about flower bouquets, can i "change" special with x15 of it? (not adding on blank weapon)
  4. 2 likes
    Thanks a lot for this event. Sounds fun! Keep up the good work Destiny team!
  5. 1 like
    No you cant use them to add a special to Sranks. But i will change the other one it is allowed to add a special to a weapon that already has one, as long as the weapon doesn't have a special from itself like yasminkov etc.
  6. 1 like
    ok, thanks. can we add spec on blank Sranks?
  7. 1 like
    Thanks No you can only add a special to weapons that dont have one yet.
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    wow looks really nice thanks for your effort @Staffhappy grind @all
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    HH 169 remaining! Good luck!
  16. 1 like