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Showing most liked content on 12/03/19 in all areas

  1. 8 likes
    Ahoy everyone, It's been two weeks for me on Destiny and I have such a blast so far with the whole experience I already met some of you ingame, I had a lot of fun, help and gifts as well ♡, it's really appreciated Big up to this Crate system implemented, this is as exciting to hunt and open... and what a satysfying experience when RNGesus bless us, I will share more of that later in show your screenshots topic hehe Cheers Destiny! 🥂
  2. 5 likes
  3. 4 likes
    Its been a pleasure playing with you, im super stoked that you're having fun here. Psttt... thats my Red Ring.... how you get that.. btw you lucky *Beep* i cant believe you got a Seal J sword. I want one just for bragging rights hehehe!
  4. 2 likes
  5. 2 likes
  6. 2 likes
    Yeah Lipelis est dans la place jamais cru que tu sauterais le pas Content de te voir ici mec au plaisir de te voir ingame From French: Yeah Lipelis is in the house. Never though you would take that step. Nice having you and seeing you soon with pleasure ingame.
  7. 2 likes
    Oh dude, you tell me That D-Launcher yesterday out of HH was also something
  8. 1 like
    Eh coucou Depassage, merci pour le message ça fait plaisir! <o/
  9. 1 like
    Hello you all, i'm Jez. Not particular new to pso, but this server seems interesting and a fresh start could be good. Looking forward to play with all of you. Also a compliment for the server's main page, it's pretty good.