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6 hours ago, Junsui said:

Probably been raised before but why is: Tormentor a Demon's shot? It would of made more sense if it was Hell? Grave Digger pretty much decimates it because it is:

1) Easier to get. Therefore easier to acquire better % especially hit.
2) Needle animation and speed therefore OP demons.
3) 170.0 range, whilst Tormentor has 130.0 range.

Though Tormentor has a lower required ATA, higher total ATP and 10 more ATA. But the aforementioned above, really do outshine those Tormentor's pros. I personally think it needs a different special to be honest to at-least make it a useful weapon because its taking a backseat at the moment because of Grave Digger.

Type: Needle
min ATP: 400
max ATP: 460
Grind: 9
total ATP: 478
ATA: 40
Required ATA: 190
Special: Demon's
Range: 170.0 (targets: 5) 
Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racasea

Type: Shot
min ATP: 415
max ATP: 415
Grind: 85
total ATP: 585
ATA: 50
Required ATA: 180
Special: Demon's
Range: 130.0 (targets: 5) 
Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal

Agreed the server definately needs a substitute for Type Shot Hell

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13 minutes ago, Depassage said:

Agreed the server definately needs a substitute for Type Shot Hell

Well it does have hell needle with hit so thats a solid replacement but obviously not like for like.

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1 hour ago, Junsui said:

Charge would make Exterminator take a back seat lol; since that's a berserk spread with lower ATP stats then Tormentor. Charge could be done but one would have to buff Exterminator/de-buff Tormentor in the ATP scenario etc... Then we have to think about Baranhz's charged spread also as we don't want to make that useless either. Its always tricky thinking about implementing new weapons because its hard to not devalue vanilla weapons atleast.

On the flip side though, Exterminator can be farmed from arguably easier enemies and is found on twice as many (and more common) ids. So while it wouldnt be as good, should it be considering its availability in comparison to Tormentor?

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Does Reflex Gear allows "Resist" Like From the Depths if not it would be nice to add or to make an updated FTD Shield Imo

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Hi guys,

first of all big THANKS to destiny staff for upgrading Nightmare! 

After the buff was announced, i wasnt quite sure about how usefull it is or how much better it would be than death reaper or Ill gill reaper. So i started grinding for it and maxing it up (at least hit%) to find out.

Turns out its an SH/Shot with hell special for Hunters xD and much more powerfull in close range. See for urself :P


Edited by Howitzer

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On 23/03/2020 at 5:32 PM, Howitzer said:

Hi guys,

first of all big THANKS to destiny staff for upgrading Nightmare! 

After the buff was announced, i wasnt quite sure about how usefull it is or how much better it would be than death reaper or Ill gill reaper. So i started grinding for it and maxing it up (at least hit%) to find out.

Turns out its an SH/Shot with hell special for Hunters xD and much more powerfull in close range. See for urself :P


80 hiit? or 300?  lol

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On 30.8.2020 at 7:15 PM, gesseluis said:

80 hiit? or 300?  lol

130hit (80hit sword + 20hit Armor + 30hit Shield) :P 

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Here are a few screen shots of some mags 

Pandora's Box = Twin Wrath


Ideya Cell  = Nights


Heart of Dark Chao = Dark Chao

If someone wants pic from other mags let me know. :D


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I have collected all the items on this list except one.  I wish there could be a limited mini event to once again hunt the Dark Falz Buster.

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