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Everything posted by Mystery

  1. Show your screenshots

    Go @Shiva go get them
  2. Show your screenshots

    Finally some luck White wings Purple wings Skyly Wings
  3. Destiny PSOBB 2nd Anniversary!

    Section id will be turned off Monday september 30 at 10 am gmt / utc
  4. Show your screenshots

    The 4 lucky brothers
  5. B> 2nd Anniversary wings for dts pm me if you sell my luck is -100 Done LOL

  6. Price guide

    Psycho Wand 10/15 pds Claw Of Elements between 5 and 15 depends on stats Three Seals 5 pds Mother Garb + 10 pds v802 25 pds Adept 10/15 pds
  7. Mini event puzzle

    Word searcher Destiny PsoBB There are 25 words in the puzzle: 4 classes 8 weapons 3 Shields 3 Armors 3 Mag cells 4 Items Rules are very simple, 1- make the puzzle. (paint is allowed to circle or cross the words) 2- post your solution in this topic. 3- you can only post 1 time. 4- You are allowed to edit your post with an updated solution, but the time of edit counts then as entry time. 5- Post your puzzle in a spoiler. 6- Staff members can't participate. 7- Have fun. The first person who post the correct solution wins. Prize: 30 DTS Good Luck
  8. Mini event puzzle

    And we have a Winner it looks good. Here is the Solution and the words we were looking for. @HHawk4 Congratulations Sent me a pm with your guildcard number please for your prize
  9. Mini event puzzle

    forward / backward Diagonal up and down
  10. Mini event puzzle

    Yes both
  11. Buying  
    Wings of life
    Rathalos Greatsword
    D-Virus Armor
    Paying in Dts or items from my trade list.
    PM me if you wanna sell or trade. :D 

  12. One week mini event

    Event has ended. Hope you guys had fun
  13. One week mini event

    HI everyone this week we have: Free section id change Xpboost by x10 This mini event will end Monday 9th at 10 AM server time GMT/UTC. Both are active now. Enjoy and don't forget to change your ID back in time.
  14. @TheRealHawk Happy Birthday man enjoy your day.


  15. Hello!

    Welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay

    Really good mag maker he made me a few already and i am really happy with them Ill be back when i need more mags
  17. Greetings.

    Welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay
  18. Hello everyone

    HI welcome to sever enjoy your stay
  19. Hi Destiny

    LOL welcome dude enjoy your stay
  20. Happy Birthday Shiva, I wish you all the best in life may all your dreams come true <3 


    1. Shiva


      ❤️ Thx a lot ^^

  21. Mag cells

    Hey man i have a bunch for you that i am not using can have them for free let me know when you can get them
  22. Destiny v0.6.18: The Eternal Age

    Since we have this now we like to see the community make a post when Happy Hours starts in the happy hours alert topic in forums so everyone knows HH is on. https://playpso.net/forums/topic/48-happy-hourxp-boost-alert/?page=25&tab=comments#comment-5399 Thanks
  23. Happy birthday man wish you a wonderful day :D


  24. Little mini event puzzle

    Haha yeah i am glad you guys had fun with it you can sent me a pm with your guildcard.
  25. Little mini event puzzle

    Hi all I have made a really cool puzzle about psobb Destiny. It has 18 words in it that is related to psobb / Destiny. Rules are very simple, 1- make the puzzle. (paint is allowed to circle or cross the words) 2- post your solution in this topic. 3- you can only post 1 time. 4- You are allowed to edit your post with an updated solution, but the time of edit counts then as entry time. 5- Post your puzzle in a spoiler. 6- Staff members can't participate. 7- Have fun. The first person who post the correct solution wins. Prize: 25 DTS Good luck