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Everything posted by ★BEE★

  1. «・CLOSED・»

    Apologies for my absence, but if you still want those items I can get them for you whenever you're available @Polyr and @Marcus Martineu. Please tell me your in game name(s).
  2. «・CLOSED・»

    Formerly known as «・BEE'S FREE STUFF THREAD・». Closing thread since I am inactive. Leaving thread filled in for posterity. ______________ Hello friendos, I have amassed a massive stockpile of hit weapons bought from the shop, rares, and I'm giving them away for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to help out the needy and impoverished. Also bee sure to check out my Greedy Shop Thread for custom server stuff, hit weapons, endgame armors, etc. Basically anything I feel is too good to be let go for free. If you want anything, please leave a post here with your game name and what you want. FREE STUFF LIST «~ BREAD N' BUTTER NONRARES w/ HIT ~» «~ RARE WEAPONS ~» «~ ARMOUR ~» «~ SHIELDS ~» «~ UNITS ~» «~ MAGS ~» «~ TECHNIQUES ~» If you like, I can give you a complete set of techs (all supports, all simples, all gi-techs, all ra-techs, and grants/megid if I have them in stock). «~ ET CETERA ~» WANT LIST I'll reiterate that all of the above items are free. However, if you insist on giving me something, I won't turn down a PD, PC, Addslot, or any 50 hit common nonrare weapons I don't have. Also, it doesn't cost you anything to toss me this thread a like. :3 Here's a list of those aforementioned nonrare weapons I need: Likewise I'll appreciate donations to give away. Things like high hit nonrares (think Charge Vulcans with 50 hit) you can buy from the shop in bulk, useful hit rares (Diska of Braveman), popular common rares (Master Raven), good stat boost units (God/Heavenly/Centurion Power/Arms/Mind/HP units), good utility units (V501/Smartlink), etc. PICKUP LIST @Drexxin : Charge Gatling (5/0/0/0|50) COMPLETED ORDERS (after October 18th, 2017) ______________________________________________________________
  3. Music

  4. happy birthday to bee <.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JanenbaDMS



    3. Mystery


      happy Bday Bzzzz

    4. Shiva




      (a bit late... but better late then never :3 )

  5. Shisui’s Meme And Screenshot Event - EXTENDED

    Here is my PSO meme: Here is my PSO screenshot: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Happy Turkey Day @ Destiny peoples :3

  7. Music

    Somehow a new Ihsahn album escaped me until now
  8. Does anybody know if the Proof of Sword Saint works with any of the custom items here?

    1. JanenbaDMS


      I spoke to @Magictrick about this a while back but can't actually remember what the answer was :3

    2. NDW


      They do not, currently. I believe Magictrick said he had planned to try to add the ability to add custom weapons to the list of weapons that are affected by Proof of Sword-Saint.

      I'd imagine Dark Falz Buster, Judgement Blade, Planet Eater, and Tiger's Fang & Dragon's Claw would be added if such ability becomes possible.

  9. If your Baranz begins acting irritable, try gently massaging its missile glands.

  10. Show your screenshots

    I'm gonna pull a NDW here and dump a bunch of screenshots I haven't bothered uploading yet. But unlike NDW, I'm gonna spoiler them to save space. >:3 1. Blue Phantom Field I got with @Orgodemirk spamming the beginning of LHB. 2. Red Phantom Field given to me by Good Guy @Orgodemirk, who found 2 before I could find mine, so he gave me his spare. 3. Found a Demon's Raygun with 50 hit. 4. Meme Fill Scepter +128 with 55 hit. 5. FINALLY found a Frozen Shooter with 40 hit for Snow Queen. I've never had a Snow Queen--I've always wanted to make one, but I've never been lucky enough to find a FS with enough hit until now. My previous best was a 25 hit one on Ephinea. 6. Got a 0'd Excalibur from a crate. 7. BIG MILESTONE: Finally found a Centurion/Battle. It took ungodly long. I remember @Sabrina offered me one for my 40h Sword of Despair, and for a long time I've kind of regretted not doing that trade. NOT ANYMORE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 8. An almost-maxed HUney's total ATP with an Ultimate Double Cannon and 4P PB buffs. 9. Finally got a Smartlink after doing 8 BPD runs in one day (although I've probably used 15-20 PCs total to get it). I've been coasting on 90 hit my UDC dropped with as a Lavis, but now it can truly shine. :3 Also wow, the difference between having and not having a Smartlink with Hell Striker is night and day. o_o 10. My 3rd X-Parts drops. ...Anyone wanna trade me for a Dynasty Armor or a Kroe's Sweater? <.< 11. My 4th X-Parts drop. ...Anybody? >.> 12. And lastly, another BIG milestone: My HUnewearl «QUEENBEE hit level 200 yesterday. Making me the 3rd level 200 HUney on the server? Allegedly? :3
  11. «・CLOSED・»

    I've updated the completed orders I've had with Seority, Cuber, Polaris, and even some past ones I've procrastinated from filling out due to laziness. Also I've added more techs and more rares-- including some Spread Needles I've recently obtained from BPD. I have even more techs on the way from mat farming. All high level stuff, only level 27+. :EDIT: Updated my thread with the techs I was talking about, King's Strikers, some rares, and a new mag section. I'm giving away my old level 200 pure POW Sato and a new level 100 POW Sato. Both are bright yellow. Like a BEEEEEEEEEE
  12. Music

    The greatest cover of all time.
  13. Bzz @Magictrick I read that there's a limit of 5 custom mags per server. Which would mean Destiny already hit this limit with Twin Wraith, Nights, Dragoon, Twin Sato, and Dark Chao if I'm not mistaken.

    I was wondering what's the exact limit for other custom items? There's already so many custom weapons, armor, shields, and units-- how many more can be added into the game?

  14. ???? «Bee's_Team» ????

    Hello friendos, it is I, Bee. I ams here to tell you about my team, The Bee Team, AKA «Bee's_Team». ????ABOUT US???? :3 It is a team. It is mine. It has a Bee for the team flag. I bzz at all of my members and everyone who is not a member. But I bzz at my team's members more since they can read the team chat. ????DA RULES???? :3 Bee nice Levity is life, levity is love Pls no drama or I sting u Our team lobby is Lobby 8, the rainbow lobby (but no one goes there because it is always empty, so it is sekrit lobby shh tell no one) Pls obey server rules & don get ban Pls do not complain about your bee allergies or bad experiences with bees IRL. "Waaaah I got stung by a bee when I was 3 and I almost died, WAAAAHHH"-- no one cares. You deserved it. Think about what you did. Bees did nothing wrong. Bees did nothing wrong. Pls try help each other Look at >THIS< picture. Does that man have a point? ???????????? Pls try to be active maybe Pls do not point out that I copied the thread layout from PSG's thread ????BEECOMING A PART OF THE COLONY???? :3 Bees are notoriously territorial and can get defensive when approached by foreign bees. If you are a worker or a drone bee, first we must apply a newspaper to separate our colonies. Then, gradually, our workers will tear through this newpaper and the odor of each colony will begin to mix. Eventually holes will become large enough for bees to travel between colonies. This gradual acclimation will prevent fighting from breaking out between each colony's workers. However, if you are a queen bee, you cannot join as the ultimate goal is to form one colony, there is a limit of one queen bee per colony, and I am the queen. In the case you are a queen bee, you must find a queenless colony on your own or through the aid of an experienced beekeeper. Alternatively you could commit suicide, but this is not recommended. If you are feeling suicidal please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. ????BEECOMING A PART OF THE TEAM???? :3 Say you want to join my team either in this thread or to me in game and I will invite you. Everybody is welcome-- there is no level limit, arbitrary gear requirements, etc. _________________________________
  15. «・CLOSED・»

    Yeah sure. What's your character's name(s)? Also I'm in game right now farming mats, if you're available. :Edit: Added you to pickup list.
  16. «・CLOSED・»

    Formerly known as «・BEE'S GREEDY SHOP THREAD・» Closing this thread since I am inactive. Leaving the page filled in for posterity. ________________ Hello friendos, I now have a thread for things that AREN'T free, unlike my other thread for things. I basically only put this server's custom items here or cool stuff with hit. I haven't put any prices on things yet cuz server so new and stuff, so if you see something you want and you have some I might want (and I want way more stuff than I probably should), perhaps we can negotiate???????? Maybee???????????????? Also I'm going to keep a public log of all of my trades here for posterity so maybe people in the future can get an idea for what things go for. I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ «・STUFF FOR SALE・» «・STUFF I WANT・» «・Trade Log・» «・Pending Trades・» ________________________________________________________________________________ "What do you call a particularly wealthy bee? ...A money-bee!"
  17. «・CLOSED・»

    That's more than fine to me. I'll add it to my pending trades thing after I get some food maybe. How long are you gonna be available?
  18. «・CLOSED・»

    I've updated the thread with new items, updated the completed orders thing, and actually got bank reader to work and added a TON more techs. Alas the elusive 50h Charge Vulcans has yet to appear in my shop. :FeelsBadMan:
  19. «・CLOSED・»

    Okay I'm ready now, just waiting in lobby 1/ship 1
  20. «・CLOSED・»

    I'm on now, but I'm in the middle of a PTS game. How long are you gonna be available?
  21. «・CLOSED・»

    YES :3 (added to pending trades)
  22. Show your screenshots

  23. «・CLOSED・»

    Oh. Did you want anything I had for any of them? <.< Sure okay. I kind of already agreed to trade it to @Shisui for a Twin Cyclone. Sorry. Perhaps I should add a "pending trade list" here kind of like I have a pickup list in my free stuff thread.
  24. Goodbye, Destiny!

    I seen your "Trials of dw" event but somehow missed this until now. I should have figured you would be leaving us since you're basically quite literally offering your bank for the rewards. I enjoyed the time we played together and I'm sad to see you go. I'm curious as to the circumstances that led to this turn of events, but in any case I appreciate you making an event for the community out of the situation. Definitely some of, if not the best rewards out of any event this server has ever had. o_o Bee stinging you later! Bee missing you!