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gesseluis last won the day on January 1

gesseluis had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

142 Excellent

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  1. Show your screenshots

  2. Reverse Auction

    169 PDS
  3. Roland's Trade List

    TECHS- razonde 29, rabarta 29, shifta 29 and deband 30, i take this!
  4. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    New itens!
  5. S> Bat Wing closed

    S> BAT WING [def: 21/ evp: 9]- how much this?
  6. [SOLD] S> Astral Essence

    how much?
  7. Nyanchi's Sell List

    how much? LAST EMPEROR [0/0/5/100|0]
  8. Next content sneakpeek

    This will be a Real christmas catastrophe
  9. A good place for new accounts?

    Hello, I'm over 40 years old, already an adult obviously, I don't see a better place to enjoy this game, yes I'm also from the time of schtserver, which was very irresponsible resetting everything, but it's over. Anyway, I've been here for 4 years, the ease of getting everything is stimulating, there are so many combinations that you can make a hunter mage with level SD 35. Due to my time here, everything is possible to get. This is a good and bad point, because you don't need to have someone to help you hunt for things, because the server works so that you are self-sufficient in everything, whether it's leveling up or finding items! But of course a party is much better.
  10. Nyanchi's Sell List

    i am on line now
  11. Nyanchi's Sell List

    HI! you can sell me this mag?! Kama- level 65 (0/34/31/0) for use in my mag cell 6th ^^
  12. please close

    HALLOWED GARMENT [slots: 1 / def: 15 / evp: 18]- 20 pds or 5 tokensHALLOWED GARMENT [slots: 0 / def: 23 / evp: 14]- 20 pds or 5 tokens
  13. Show your screenshots

    Xena Say- ''give me pgf'' cg!
  14. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Sorry!! sold out!
  15. Nyanchi's Sell List

    APOCALYPSE BOWGUN [0/0/80/0|0] - 10pds i will take this! just for my collection!