Rules 09/21/17
Read our server/forum rules here: https://playpso.net/forums/guidelines/ -
Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build Guide 05/28/19
server exclusive items, useful tips, setups, and more! -
Destiny Reader Update! Map Items! 05/01/24
Floor item reader is here! (last update: 5/2/2024) -
What's coming to Destiny PSOBB? 05/26/24
Trailer of NEW End-game contents! stay tuned! -
Sneakpeak of New Raid Quest 03/06/25
New Raid BOSS: Manipulator III, New Item "Jointparts", ETA: Late March
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Showing most liked content since 02/15/24 in all areas
15 likesHi I'm planning to implement brand-new 'summer event exclusive' quest this year, stay tuned! (this quest is not related to contents that we posted teaser on youtube)
14 likesHere's a little sneak peek of what we've been working on <3 Huge credit to @VEL(JP) and @Orgodemirk
13 likesDestiny PSOBB SUMMER EVENT 2024 日本語訳はこちら(Japanese): x10 XP and Free Section ID For the entire duration of the event! Use /sectionid to change your section id. The event lasts for around 4 weeks. Presents & Photon Tokens Special presents are dropping randomly from any monster and contain a random item. Possible contents: Galatine Phoenix Claw Laconium Axe Girasole Baranz Launcher Rainbow Baton De Rol Le Shield Bubble Blaster (mechgun) Icecream Cone (partisan) Deal With It (shield) Photon Tokens (PTs) are also dropping randomly from any monster in the game. Photon Tokens can be used in the Phantastic Bazaar quest by talking to Hopkins to add hit (1PT=1hit%, Max is 80hit) on your weapons. Find the quest in Episode 2 / Shop. Rules: Presents and tokens drop the same way as crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a present or token. It's not allowed to farm presents or photon tokens (and other rares) with multiple accounts at the same time. Rates: Present/Photon Token rates: This rate is droprate to the game, not to player. Therefore the rate is divided by the number of players. [New Item] Blueprint: Astral Dragon "A blueprint that can be used to change the appearance of a FINAL EGG BLASTER" Blueprint: Astral Dragon + Final Egg Blaster = Astral Dragon Drops from Dorphon Divine on Pinkal in Quest: Summer Vacation Tragedy @1/1170 Like orb of illusions, Blueprint: Astral Dragon will change only aesthetics. The animation, stats and ablities etc are unchanged. That said, Astral Dragon has alternative particle effects and skin. Item and Skin by: @Magic [New Quest] Summer Vacation Tragedy This year, we present brand new quest! Its Episode 4 quest with mixed enemy rosters and Custom enemy: Dorphon Divine, enjoy! Quest by: @VEL(JP) Special thanks: @Magic @Orgodemirk Areas: Crater East / Desert2 / Desert3 / Crater Interior Reccomendation: Andoroid + V503 + Arrest Weapons 2~3+ Players Dorphon Divine only appears in the following quests: Ultimate Episode 4 / Summer / Summer Vacation Tragedy Drops Dorphon Divine drops various items for each IDs Blue Print: Astral Dragon (Pinkal) @1/1170 Eternal Night (Greenil/Oran) @1/900 Twin Cyclone (Yellowboze/Whitill) @1/900 Grave Digger (Skyly/Purplenum) @1/744 Storm Render (Viridia/Bluefull) @1/700 Armageddon (Redria) 1/700 Some info about Summer Vacation Tragedy Enemies that do not exist in EP4 will not drop rares, but still drop Photon Token/Present Difficulty is 6 Monster Count Dr. Robotnik has arrived The infamous mad scientist Dr. Robotnik has invaded Seabed, and is once again trying to take over the world. It’s up to you to protect the “friendly” creatures of Ragol and stop dr. Eggman. Modeling & Texturing by @Shiva Monster AI by @Magictrick Dr. Robotnik appears in the following quests: Ultimate Episode 2 / Summer / The Eternal Age Ultimate Episode 2 / Summer / Phantasmal World 3 Drops Dr. Robotnik's Plan B "Eggman's super secret plans. They appear to be blueprints for some kind of weapon." Can be used to transform Egg Blaster into Final Egg Blaster. Drops from Dr. Robotnik on all ids in Episode 2 / Summer / Phantasmal World 3 Drop rate: 1/1170 Final Egg Blaster "A prototype secret weapon built by dr. Robotnik to destroy the world. Its power is awakened when its owner is in danger." Obtained by combining a "Dr. Robotnik's Plan B" with an "Egg blaster". Egg blaster is made by combining a "Parts of Egg Blaster" with a fully grinded handgun series weapon. Paragon Frame Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl "A divine frame forged by masters of the past. Increases the power of support techniques." Shifta & Deband level +5 Resta power +800 Drops from Dr. Robotnik on all ids in Episode 2 / Summer / The Eternal Age Drop rate: 1/1170 For more stats on these items, check the database. Some info about event droprates: These items only drop in the specified quests. In all other quests, the standard items are dropping according to the droptable. The droprate shown has DAR already calculated in. Just like the regular droptable. Furthermore, these rates (just like the ones on the droptable) benefit fully from happy hours x3 and ultimate x2. This event will run for about 4 weeks. Enddate: 25th 15:00 (GMT) Good luck and we hope you have a great time!
13 likesDestiny Valentines 2024! Here we go! Sorry for the wait. Happy valentines from Destiny <3 Valentines Crate As usual Valentine Crates are dropping randomly from monsters. Rules Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Good luck! Rates: This rate is droprate to the game, not to player. Therefore the rate is divided by the number of players. Flower Bouquets For the duration of valentines event, flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet or to change a special from a weapon. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) New monster: Bubbles! No worries, this guy just wants a hug. Find him in the quest: Episode 2 / Valentines / Love Research. This a temporary quest only active during valentines event and based on the quest Dolmolm Research. There's a secret way to unlock 6 extra Bubbles spawns. If anyone dies during the simulator part of the quest, you won't have access to seabed. Seasonal Valentines items Wings of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta, Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. This item only drops during valentines event. Drops from Bubbles on all IDs @ 1/630 New item: Section ID Halos A chromatic halo that boosts support techniques and accuracy. Req Lv:150 DFP:180 EVP:180 EFR:20 EIC:20 ETH:20 EDK:25 ELT:20 Class: All This shield boosts: Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%, Jellen & Zalure by 100%, and ATA by 25. It's only available during Valentines. To obtain it, find the "exotic armor dealer" NPC in the Love Research quest and he will trade it for 3 Wings of Life and 50 Flower Bouquets. The color of the halo you receive is based on your current section ID. So if you want a certain color, make sure to change your section ID first! x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the duration of the event! To change your section ID, use /sectionid in the lobby. End date: March 18th Enjoy and good luck!
11 likesDestiny Halloween 2024! Happy Halloween! We're proud to present Destiny's 2024 Halloween Event. [New!] Weapon Update: For more info, please check patch note: 日本語訳はこちら(Japanese) Halloween Theme Once again, a super awesome halloween theme is active throughout Ragol during the event. Hallo Rappies Obviously the Hallo Rappies are back, dropping Jack-O'-Lanterns that contain various mag cells. x10 XP & free section ID change For the entire event! Presents Special presents are dropping that contain limited items. They come wrapped One of the presents is a weapon, and it comes tekked with a random tier 4 special Presents drop the same way as crates, individually No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a present. Note that it's not allowed to farm presents with multiple accounts at the same time. Get S-ranks Once you've collected a bunch of jack-o'-lanterns, you have the chance to trade 25 of them for an s-rank weapon (no special) with a GM. Redeeming s-ranks starts when the event ends and is available for around a month. The Grim Reaper has returned... [New!] Halloween Event Quest: Hallowed World [Extreme] "If you hear the laughter, it'll be your end." Screen Shots This quest is based on Phantasmal World #4, but all Ill gills are replaced to Grim Reapers. In addition, some of spawns are modified, some of enemies are buffed slightly. Also added some checkpoints to save your time. also added some features for fun, chellenging, QoL etc. Of course, there is secret route and ending for veteran players! Warning: This quest is hard! Better bring some friends and good gear! Find the quest in: Episode 2 / Haloween / Hallowed World [Extreme] Group and gear recommendations: 3~4 level 200 players Freeze Trap, Freeze and Demon Weapons Mandatory support force, ideally with Paragon Frame. S/D/resta range boosts Monster count: Quest modified by: @VEL(JP) [New!] Astral Wing "Astral wings from another dimension. These wings grant immunity to any disease, and gives you the ability to detect traps." This shield built in 'Improved' State/Maintenance and Trap/SearchClass: All. DFP: 180 / EVP: 180 Resists: 32/32/32/24/24 Improved State/Maintenance: This doesn't take 1 frame to cure Item Code by: @Magic Astral Essence and Bat Wing are only available during Halloween Event. To obtain Astral Wing, find Paganini in Pioneer2 and He will trade Astral Wing for... Bat Wing ×3 (See below) Astral Essence ×1 (See below) Gratia Magic Stone "Iritista" ×2 Magic Rock "Heart Key" (Obtainable from Paganini in Gallon's Shop, it costs 50PDs.) [New!] Astral Essence "The strange artifact radiates energy outwards as you hold it. There is someone who needs this..." Drops from: Grim Reaper in Hallowed World [Extreme] on All IDs @ 1/1760 [New!] Get Roll on Discord Players who cleared Hallowed World with true ending will be awarded New Roll: Hallowed Survivor on Discord. Just send screen shot on discord that proves your achievement. Destiny Official Discord: https://discord.gg/FRE3BqM7ka The Headless Horseman has returned too! Find the Headless Horseman in: Episode 1 / Haloween / Path to Salvation Find the Grim Reaper in: Episode 2 / Haloween / Walking through Flame Episode 2 / Haloween / Hallowed World [Extreme] BAT WING "A pair of mysterious wings. Its strange powers boost certain techniques." This shield boosts Jellen & Zalure range by 100%, and ATP by 60. Class: All. Drops from: Headless Horseman in Path to Salvation on All IDs @ 1/930 ETHEREAL ARMOR "This legendary piece of equipment gives the wielder a set of extraordinary abilities. Only usable by forces." Boosts: Megid Penetration, Attack Speed +120% Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl Drops from: Grim Reaper in Walking through Flame on Viridia, Greenill, Skyly, Bluefull, Purplenum @ 1/930 ILL GILL REAPER Video: Check it out on youtube "An ultimate scythe worn by Ill Gill. When equipped, three different attacks can be used." Type: Partisan ATP: 900 Special: Unreduced Tempest/Unreduced Blizzard/Buffed Hell, depending on button press. In addition to the special attack, also deals regular damage. Targets: 10 Class: all Drops from: Grim Reaper in Walking through Flame on Pinkal, Redria, Oran, Yellowboze, Whitill @ 1/1024 Halloween event will run for about 4 weeks. Special thanks to all the staff for making this possible. Good luck & have fun!
11 likesDestiny Anniversary 2024! 日本語訳はこちら (JP Translation is here) -Anniversary Crates- This special crate can contain a LOT of different items and just like the daily crates can contain items with up to 100% attributes/hit (even though at a very rare chance). They are dropping randomly from any monster in the game for the duration of Anniversary Event. Rules: Anniversary crates drop randomly to a player. No daily limit, you can find/pickup as many crates as you want. It's not allowed to farm crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Happy hour doesn't influence the crate droprates. Rates: This rate is droprate to the game, not to player. Therefore the rate is divided by the number of players. -Photon Drops reward in World of Illusion- During this Anniversary Event, you're able to obtain PDs in the infamous quest World of Illusion. Normally this quest awards a random material after each of the 7 stages. This time around, the last 5 stages award a Photon Drop instead. Remember, in this quest, dying is game over! Important: To play this version of the quest, make sure to start it from Episode 2 / Anniversary / World of Illusion at the quest menu. The regular WOI in Episode 2 / Destiny still only awards materials. [New!] 7TH ANNIVERSARY Quest: Radiant Destiny! Something evil escaped from below... Again! The Tormentorrs have returned. But this time, they spawn in Control Tower! Watch out, they have much more power than normal Hildetorrs, have access to different techs, are faster and are 2 times larger. This quest is based on 'Defend the main room' that everyone familiar with (Its also @VEL(JP) 's first quest). To celebrate special anniversary event, lots of 'specials' are added to this quest. Can you find all!? (Try to get SS rank if you are veteran player ) Find the quest in Episode 2 / Anniversary / Radiant Destiny! (All other regular quests still have normal hildetorrs.) Group and gear recommendations: 2+ level 200 players Mandatory support force, ideally with Paragon Frame. S/D/resta range boosts Credits: Quest by @VEL(JP) (Original quest: 'Defend the main room!' is also made by @VEL(JP)) Enemy Skin by @Shiva Enemy AI by @Magictrick Monster Count: [New!] 7th Anniversary item: VENUS BOW [Note: temporary model, there are some issues we need to fix, real model coming later.] Limited? TBA ATP: 777 ATA: 77 Req ATA: 177 Range: 77.7 Special ability: Deals Set damage (N=7, H=77, EX=777 damage) Special ability 2: Can hit lizards in episode 4 Class: All Drops from Tormentorr on All Ids in Radiant Destiny! @ 1/154 Credits: Idea and Code by @Orgodemirk Special thanks by @Magic Placeholder skin by @VEL(JP) x10 XP & Free Section ID For the entire event! Anniversary 2024 will last for 2 weeks. Special thanks to the Destiny Team, and a huge thanks to all the players for all the support of this server. Without you guys this server wouldn't exist. Thanks for an amazing 7 years. GLHF!!!!!!!
11 likesDestiny PSOBB EASTER EVENT 2024 Time for some easter! So, what's there to do??? Egg Rappies Of course the Egg Rappies are back, dropping Easter Eggs that contain various stuff. Find the Rappies in Episode 2 Temple. In order to make farming easter eggs less boring, from now on easter eggs also drop at 1/500 from any mob in the following quests: Ep1 / Easter / Lost Soul Ripper Ep1 / Easter / Mines Offensive Ep2 / Easter / Gal Da Val's Darkness Note that this rate does not have DAR calculated in already, so the final droprate per actual killed mob is still affected by amount of players and enemy DAR. Furthermore, egg drops are completely separate from rare drops and even common drops. This means that you won't ever miss out on a rare drop because an egg dropped. However, you may occasionally encounter two items in the same spot. You can exchange Easter Eggs with a GM for a special item from the following list: Byakko shield - 25 Easter Eggs Suzaku shield - 25 Easter Eggs Daisy Chain - 15 Easter Eggs Murasame - 15 Easter Eggs Tension Blaster - 15 Easter Eggs RIANOV 303SNR-5 - 15 Easter Eggs Black Gear - 15 Easter Eggs Epsiguard - 15 Easter Eggs [New!] Fake Special on Weapons - 8 Easter Eggs for 1 weapon, 15 Eggs for 2 weapons (Please check @Howitzer 's post) Note: weapons that have regular special already (DVL/zerk, Grave Digger/Demons) can't be added fake special. Rules: The weapons will be delivered with blank stats (0 attributes/hit) and shields/armors will have minimum stats. Redeeming is possible from now until June the 3rd. To redeem your Easter Eggs, please message a GM on the forums or look for redeem rooms in game. x10 XP and Free Section ID For the entire duration of the event! Use /sectionid to change your section id. The event lasts for around 4 weeks. D-Virus Baranz have returned! A super hazardous D-Factor Virus has escaped from dr. Osto's lab! The virus spread all the way to mines, infecting the Baranz and empowering their abilities. Destiny PSOBB presents the extremely powerful D-Virus Baranz! Do you have what it takes to get the situation under control?! D-Virus Baranz appear in the following quests: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Mine's Offensive Ultimate Episode 2 / Easter / Gal Da Val's Darkness Drops: D-Virus Launcher "A powerful virus flows through this ultimate weapon. Its true potential is awakened when the owner has low health." The lower your HP gets, the more projectiles it fires with each shot. Under 1/2 HP this weapon fires 2 projectiles to each target, under 1/8 (dark flow mode) it fires 3 shots per target (for a total of 12 shots). Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1170 Section ID: Virida, Greenill, Skyly, Bluefull, Purplenum. D-Virus Armor "Armor enhanced with a D-Factor virus. The virus empowers your abilities, increasing attack speed and defensive power." Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: Pinkal, Redria, Oran, Yellowboze, Whitill. Primal Nexus "This strange artifact is embedded with ancient magic. A proficient caster can harness this magic to empower offensive techniques and magic resistance." Drops from: Episode 2 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: All ids Oppressor VII, Praetorian IV & The Prophet Hopkins lost his SOUL RIPPER! Help him retrieve it by going toe to toe with some of the most powerful monsters ever seen in Destiny PSOBB. Warning: These enemies are strong! Better bring some friends They appear only in the following quest: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Lost SOUL RIPPER Drops: Oppressor VII: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids Praetorian IV: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids The Prophet: TWIN RIKA'S CLAW @ 1/64 on all ids TWIN RIKA'S CLAW "A famous claw, modified by an unknown scientist to unlock its full potential. ATP increases by 200 when equipped by a hunter." Type: Claw ATP: 660 - 730 ATA: 40 Grind: 200 Total ATP: 1130 Targets: 3 Special: Tempest, Razonde lv. 25 Boosts: All Stats +10, Gifoie +30%, Gibarta +30%, Gizonde +30% Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal, ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal Some info about event droprates: These items only drop in the specified quests. In all other quests, the standard items are dropping according to the droptable. The droprate shown has DAR already calculated in. Just like the regular droptable. For example, Primal Nexus drops at 1/1204 from baranz episode 2. The actual rate is 1/602, but because baranz has 50% DAR, the rate shown is 1/1204. Furthermore, these rates (just like the ones on the droptable) benefit fully from happy hours x3 and ultimate x2. Easter event will run for about 4 weeks. Special thanks to all the staff for making this possible. Good luck and we hope you enjoy the event!
10 likesQuick little update Venus Bow model was finally updated to the intended model. Special thanx to @thanx for helping with converting and texturing, model provided by @Magic Prev updates:
10 likesThe reader has been updated to version v0.9.9. v0.9.9 Update The new version will not retain v0.9.5 settings / position / size / etc. Added map items option! This will show items on your map. These items are filtered in the same way you choose to filter items on the reader now. If you use multiple monitors and Display Scaling within Windows, a borderless game tool, or have other issues with map items appearing correctly, you may need to manually configure the setting. Fixed mouse-over behavior for reader items so item icons no longer disappear. Clicking an item in the reader will make the icon on the map pop out. Using your cursor to hover over an item on the map will show details about that item. Added a settings reset option that appears in the JumpList from the taskbar. (Requires restart) Lowered the minimum Opacity and added a warning about using 0% opacity. Changed some button behavior for 0% Opacity cases Added a Dark GUI option that changes the title and buttons to black. (This also prevents resizing the reader)
9 likes"Something evil escaped from below... again!" Hi, we are planning 7th Anniversary event quest and there will be brand new Anniversary item as well Stay tuned! Some screenshots from the quest:
9 likesExplanations: The aim of this mini game is to find the winning prizes among a series of numbers ranging from 1 to 50. You are entitled to 2 attempts on 2 numbers of your choice. I also specify that a number can only be assigned once to 1 person only (single use). First come, first served. Act quickly but choose wisely. Numbers: Rules: No inappropriate content GREEN: Number is available 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 attempts only RED: Number is unvailable 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Enjoy 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Prizes to be won: 10 TP mats Cryo Warhead D-Photon Core Immortal/HP Immortal/Power Immortal Arms Adept Heart of dark chaos Part of egg blaster Bringer right arm WINNERS: @maradona = D-Photon Core @Nickie = Cryo Warhead @maples = 10 TP mats @HammerHead9000 = Immortal/Power @Jeonsaryu = Part of egg blaster End date: THURSDAY 27/06/24 11 p.m. CET/UTC+1
9 likesGame changes Droptable updated (please check below) Added banner to Amitie's memo, Pioneer Parts, Tablet, Yahoo! Engine, Heart of Morolian, Section ID Cards. ■VERY HARD ■Ultimate Also you can check official droptable list, thanks! https://playpso.net/drop-tables?diff=3#ep4 Drop table editted by @VEL(JP) , approved by @Magic
9 likesafter countless of runs and finally found Paragon with awesome stats (DFP:46/50 EVP:15/20)
9 likesWe planned to launch valentines today, but unfortunately there are still some issues with the new item. So it will take a little bit longer. Thanks for the patience <3
8 likesPSOBB Destiny Valentines 2025! Banner by @thanx Here we go! Happy valentines from Destiny <3 Valentines Crate As usual Valentine Crates are dropping randomly from monsters! Valentine Crate contains various items that includes some of useful items like twin cyclone, lavis blade, M&A85 Fury, Planet Eater, Soul Devourer etc. There are also exclusive items in the valentine crate. Maximum % on weapon could be 100 (It's super rare though) Rules Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Crate item list: Flower Bouquets For the duration of valentines event, flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet or to change a special from a weapon. Redeeming starts after the event ends, for 1 month. Custom monster: Bubbles! No worries, this guy just wants a hug. Find him in the quest: Episode 2 / Valentines / Love Research. This a temporary quest only active during valentines event and based on the quest Dolmolm Research. There's a secret way to unlock 6 extra Bubbles spawns in Seabed upper level. Fixed some issues and refined things in Love Research (from 2025) Removed wall in Pioneer2, you can access to shop directly from pipe. Removed HP/Death check, so you can go to seabed even you died in temple area. Fixed telepipe position in pioneer2. Fixed some minor issues. Tweaked some enemy spawns. Monster count: Seasonal Valentines items Wings of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta, Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. This item only drops during valentines event. Drops from Bubbles on all IDs @ 1/630 Section ID Halos "A chromatic halo that boosts support techniques and accuracy." Req Lv:150 DFP:180 EVP:180 EFR:20 EIC:20 ETH:20 EDK:25 ELT:20 Class: All This shield boosts: Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%, Jellen & Zalure by 100%, and ATA by 25. It's only available during Valentines. To obtain it, find the "exotic armor dealer" NPC in the Love Research quest and he will trade it for ×3 Wings of Life and ×50 Flower Bouquets. The color of the halo you receive is based on your current section ID. So if you want a certain color, make sure to change your section ID first! x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the duration of the event! To change your section ID, use /sectionid X (X=0~9) in the lobby. Valentine Event will last for 3 weeks. Enjoy and Have Fun!
8 likesIn the next update, 2 weapons will be updated. 1.ANO RIFLE Required: RAcaseal ??? ??? 2.ZANBA Required: HUmar ??? ??? Only RAcaseal can use buffed Anorifle and only HUmar can use buffed Zanba. Stay tuned! Destiny Official Discord: https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn
8 likesHi, we are working for new contents and items that'll be released in next halloween event! Of course, there is secret route and ending. Excalibur will gain the 'new power' when you are equiping tellusis https://imgur.com/a/uoYTvd7
8 likesFirst of all, Mericarols and purple epsilons one hit kill and they're in the game since gamecube. Back when I played PSO as a kid on my friend's gamecube, we got oneshot by the first hildebear encounter in normal. What did we do? We devised strategies to deal with it regardless, and that's some of the most fun I ever had playing PSO. But when you have demons, mag invincibility, guaranteed freezes, 4 way PB and J/Z at your disposal, the fight is already favored heavily towards players. Especially in terms of pure power. Several bosses get obliterated by dark flows and final egg blasters before they can even attack. The truth is, a team of geared Lv 200 players is much more powerful than the content currently available (events excluded) and any content without at least some instant death mechanics is just too easy to be called endgame. Another problem is the fact that enemies can only have a maximum of 32767 hp. But even if we were to increase that somehow, demons would make light work of any HP increase. We do have plans to address this issue in the future though. An argument could be made for tanking, healing and dealing damage, but with the utility we have available there's always going to be a better way to kill enemies more efficiently. Plus, enemy positions and targets aren't synced in PSO, so an enemy may be attacking the tank on one client, but going after the healer on their screen. All this makes balancing new content a difficult task. But I believe we did a good job with the right combination of power and instant death. And if it does turn out to be unreasonably hard, we can always nerf some parts of it. Lastly I want to mention that, without saying too much, this harder content will benefit everyone in some way, even players who aren't geared enough or aren't ready yet to participate directly.
8 likesv0.9.12 Update Changed Ignore Blue Boxes setting so that it will always show 4 slot Armors. You can now set certain items to always show even if you're ignoring certain types of drops. If you want to see drops on the ground such as Trimates, Moons, Resist/Devil, etc. while ignoring other items this will be useful. The reader will check for a file named always_show.txt in the same directory when you first open it. If the file does not exist, a blank one should be created. In this file, you can put one item name per line to always show that item on the reader and map regardless of what types of items you're ignoring. The item names you list will ignore spaces, special characters, and capitalization, so your file could look something like this:
8 likesWe are proud to inform stuffs about new endgame contents! stay tuned everyone 'Show me your potential'
8 likesIn order to make farming easter eggs less boring, from now on easter eggs also drop at 1/500 from any mob in the following quests: Ep1 / Easter / Lost Soul Ripper Ep1 / Easter / Mines Offensive Ep2 / Easter / Gal Da Val's Darkness Note that this rate does not have DAR calculated in already, so the final droprate per actual killed mob is still affected by amount of players and enemy DAR. Furthermore, egg drops are completely separate from rare drops and even common drops. This means that you won't ever miss out on a rare drop because an egg dropped. However, you may occasionally encounter two items in the same spot. Good luck!
7 likesBugfixes Fixed an issue where some attacks bypassed the increased HP limit in Training Room quest. Droptable changes With everything considered, we decided this droprate for Nei's Claw is more fair compared to other drops in the server. Viridia Ill Gill: NEI CLAW 1/25206 --> 1/10239 Del Lily: Book of Hitogata 1/28807 --> 1/2127 Item buffs Flight Cutter Required: Ninja Suit Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-2 Targets: 4 → 5 ATP+100, Buffed Angle Prev update:
7 likesSmall patch Some objects in Hallowed World were removed to prevent drops from getting stuck It's now possible to use Astral Wings with Orb of Illusions to create Astral Halo skin. (make sure to unequip any other items that are affected by using orb)
7 likesHappy Anniversary! HF everyone and GL to find the Secret and get SS RANK in Radiant Destiny (will update tips about RD here, maybe)
7 likesI’m retiring, I’ve spent too much of my life in a comfort zone loop. I aspire to new life goals, and PSO takes too much of my lifetime. Thanks for thoses years, I’ve made great memories.
7 likesHello everyone for 1 I'm not a troll I'm new to the server! And would like to get the hang of this server I'm coming from ultima first game I made tho I was called a troll I am not I am.new to server I made a char years ago and played a hour apparently I don't remember but I'm just here to say hello and if anyone wants to help me get started that be awesome starting from scratch is a nightmare
7 likesv0.9.10 Update Fixed issue with items disappearing after walking away from them. Added option for players to manually choose icon size.
7 likesUpdate: 'Fake Special' Hey everyone, We're happy to announce 'Fake Special' feature for weapons with unique specials such as Dark Flow/Meteor, FEB, etc. We're introducing this feature to make it easier for players to tell weapon sets apart. Starting today, you can obtain the 'Fake Special' by redeeming Easter Eggs. It'll require 8 Easter Eggs to add 'Fake Special' to one weapon and 15 for two weapons You can choose any special except S-rank exclusive from here: https://phantasystar.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_special_attacks_in_Phantasy_Star_Online >The special displayed is really just text and has no impact on the weapon >Weapons that have regular special already (DVL/zerk, Grave Digger/Demons) can't be added fake special
6 likesDestiny XMAS Event 2024! Merry Xmas from Destiny! Almost the end of the year. Which means it's time for the last Destiny event of 2024! [New!] Quest: Silent Nightmare [Raid] (Episode 1/Year-Round) "The Nightmare has just begun..." This quest is Year-Round. but during xmas event, you can play xmas version with better droprate and some bonus! Boss uses Additional AoE attacks, for more info, please check list of attack icon. Boss has higher HP than PSOBB limit (32767) Dark Falz in this quest (but stronger than regular one) drops Christmas Spirit during Xmas event @1/64 on all IDs New Role Challenge (for mor info, please check official discord!) Here: https://discord.gg/FRE3BqM7ka Wide-Screen client (psobbw.exe) is REQUIRED! If you haven't already, set a widescreen resolution in the launcher. 4:3 aspect ratio is not supported in this quest. If you are having trouble with visibility of AoE attacks, please try this Effect Pack. https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1210951466404286536/1290963526315147345 Year-Round version of Silent Nightmare [Raid] will be added after Xmas event. Find the quest in: Episode1>Xmas>Silent Nightmare [Raid] This quest is hard, you better to bring your friends and some good gear. Group and gear recommendations: 3+ level 200 players Decent DPS Weapon with high A% Mandatory support force, ideally with Paragon Frame. S/D/resta range boosts Monster Count: Special drops in this quest only: (All IDs) Goran Detonator: Hell Striker 1/417 Pazuzu: Zu's Punishment 1/700 Girtablulu: Last Emperor 1/1137 Dark Falz: Christmas Spirit 1/64 Nightmare Chaser XII: Chaos Engine 1/75 Quest by @VEL(JP) Secial thanks: @Magic @Orgodemirk for feedback and testplay [New!] Item: Chaos Engine (Unit) "A strange device built by outlaws. It's said it empowers certain weapons..." Drops from: Nightmare Chaser XII in Silent Nightmare [Raid] on All IDs @ 1/75 This item buffs certain weapons as description says. In addition the unit boosts all resist by 5. Here is detail of buffs and those 4 items require Chaos Engine to be buffed. ・Planet Eater Hits: 1-2-2 → 2-2-3 Animation: Twin Sword → Custom ATA+20 ・M&A85 Fury ATP+100 Piercing Bullet Range increase from 170 to 210 ・Mortal Ruin Targets: 3→10 ATP+100 Auto-Aim Megid special ・Ill Gill Reaper Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-3(Normal) / 2-2-2(Heavy/Special) Animation: Partisan → Custom Targets: 10→6 Speed+15%, Buffed Angle ・Saint Rappies The Saint Rappies are roaming around, dropping Christmas Presents that contain various stuff. ・Trade 25 presents for a custom mag This event around, you have the chance to trade 25 Christmas Presents for a custom mag order with a GM. Rules: Only the Christmas Presents dropped from Saint Rappies are accepted, not the ones dropped by monsters. See the picture for reference. You'll receive a level 200 mag with any stats/PBs you like. You need to bring mag cell by yourself if the ordered mag requires mag cell. Redeeming starts after the event (for 1 month) ・Photon Tokens & Presents For the duration of xmas event, all monsters in Ragol have a chance to drop presents and Photon Tokens. Photon Tokens Photon Tokens can be used to add hit to weapons by speaking to Paganini in the new Phantastic Bazaar quest. Christmas Presents These special christmas presents can contain: limited edition xmas themed apparel certain Type Weapons with special Yasminkov 9000m with special Notes Presents and Photon Tokens drop randomly to a player. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a present or Photon Token. It's not allowed to farm these items with multiple accounts at the same time. Rates (presents and tokens) This rate is droprate to the game, not to player. Therefore the rate is divided by the number of players. ・Quest: Christmas Catastrophe During Xmas event, this quest is available. Its mines1-2 quest with decent amount of enemies and you can receive any 3 of materials (includes TP and Luck) as clear reward. do not forget to activate 4 consoles in mines1! Find the quest in: Episode1>Xmas>Christmas Catastrophe ・Special Xmas hunts Christmas Spirit (limited edition Xmas only!) "It's that special time of the year. Time to spread the love!" Shot Animation Launches a volley of 3 candy canes per shot to a single target Spirit special Ability to hit moving/flying targets without missing Hunter/Ranger/Force! Drops from: Dark Falz in Toward The Future (Xmas Version) on All IDs @ 1/64 Find the quest in: Episode 1 / Xmas / Toward The Future ・Better rate for Parasitic Gene 'Flow' during Xmas event! Don't have a dark weapon yet? Now is the time to hunt the most wanted combine item in PSO. The droprate for Parasitic Gene "Flow" has been lowered to 1/146 for the duration of the XMAS event. ・ORB OF ILLUSIONS "This orb can transform photons around an object, in order to alter its appearance." Drops from: Drops from: Saint Million / Kondrieu in Brink of Oblivion (Xmas Version) on All IDs @ 1/64 Find the quest in: Episode 4 / Xmas / Brink of Oblivion Can be used on certain gear to change its appearance and name. Everything else is identical to the original item. Item Combinations of Orb ・x10 XP & Free Section ID For the entire event! This Event will last 4 weeks Enjoy and MERRY XMAS!!!
6 likesfinally after more than 200 hours spending christmas is starting well for me so merry christmas to all
6 likesDestiny v0.7.8 (Major Update) Item buffs and new mechanics As was said in the last update notes, we now have the ability to modify items in ways not possible before. We will be using this opportunity to gradually roll out buffs and changes to existing items as well as new ones. The goal is to increase the amount of useful items in the game (even vanilla items), encourage more diverse playstyles, and to close the gap between custom and vanilla gear in terms of power. These modifications can include changes to animation, number of hits/projectiles, set bonuses and much more. Some weapons now truly feel like a completely new weapon type, and we think this breath of fresh air is what PSO needs. The buffs are not only targeted to endgame players, but also to intermediate and new players. This goes hand in hand with droptable changes to provide the freshest and most fun PSO experience blue burst has to offer. Below is a list of buffs with this update. And it's just the beginning! Massive credit to @Orgodemirk for doing the coding to make this all possible. Droptable changes Droptable has been updated (by @VEL(JP)), for more info please check below. Higher enemy HP We now have the ability to modify enemy HP freely, thus can set HP higher than 32,767 from this update. (credit goes to @Magic). This is not in the game yet, but will be part of upcoming content. Demons immunity We now can add the ability: 'Demons Immunity' to Enemies. (credit goes to @Magic) Bugfixes Skin glitch was fixed on TJS, Astral Dragon and Venus Bow, and some other small bugfixes ■Weapons Update! From this update, various weapons got buffed. (credit goes to @Orgodemirk, each weapons are upgraded by Destiny Development team) ・TSUMIKIRI J SWORD Targets: 10→5 Hits: 1-1-1 → 3-3-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 5-1-1 (Special) Animation: Sword → Custom Also skin has updated by @Magic and Samurai Armor buffs TJS's ATP by 30%, ATA+20 ・EXCALIBUR Required: Tellusis Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-1-3 Animation: Saber → Double Saber ・DAYLIGHT SCAR Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 ・NEI'S CLAW (REAL) Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 (3rd attack takes time a bit) Animation: Claw → Custom Video: ・DARK METEOR Required: Low HP (under 12% like Dark Flow) Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-1-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 1-1-5 (Special) Video: ・SOUL DEVOURER Required: Paragon Frame Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-2-5 (Normal/Heavy, 3rd attack takes time a bit) / 1-1-3 Animation: Slicer → Custom In addition ATP+100, hits Lizards in the face ・OROTIAGITO Required: Samurai Armor Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-2 In addition all attacks have faster battle speed (by 35%) and special attack has better range/angle (150.0/15.0) ・KUNAI Required: Ninja Suit Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 Animation: Card → Slicer In addition ATP+50, ATA+20 ・HELLION SWORD (During Halloween Event only) Required: Haunted Helm + Hallowed Garment ATP+387, ATA+21 ■Droptable Update ・Previous update (0.7.7)
6 likesLet me introduce myself, my name is Gaetan, I am 33 years old and I live in France! I discovered PSO on Nintendo GameCube when it was released in France (2003)! Even though we didn't have the Online mode, we spent hours there with my best friend! When PSO NGS was announced we were really hyped but unfortunately very disappointed when the game came out... Fortunately we discovered this server which continues to keep our childhood game alive which brought my best friend and I so much closer and for that, a big thank you to all the moderators ❤️! For now, I only have one character (Elly HUnewearl lvl200) that I am trying to maximize before starting another character! A big Big Up to everyone, and see you soon in the game 😁
6 likesJust to clarify, with option 2 "anniversary items coming back with a lower rate" we don't necessarily mean its going to drop from the same enemy as before, or even in the same location as the next anniversary item. It just means it will be a lot harder to obtain than during anniversary when the item is released. Could be anything. Other quest, year round somewhere on the regular droptable, chance as a prize for a certain challenge, etc. It will be obtainable, but nowhere near as easy as during the actual event.
6 likesSadly we're still working out stability issues, so summer event will be delayed a bit more.
6 likesThere was an issue if multiple players in the room use halo and recon together. After some investigating it turns out that it was the lighter color on the halos that causes this issue. As a workaround, for now we removed the lighter color part of the halos so that everyone can use these items without problems. I'll be looking into another way to restore the original skin. Sorry for the inconvenience.
6 likesSmall update Item shop was added to pioneer 2 in Love Research Wings of Life droprate lowered from 1/930 to 1/630 Fixed an issue with redria wings skin conflicting with terror sawd