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Showing most liked content on 01/23/23 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Hi all. I am selling / trading a few things ETERNAL NIGHT +95 [100/0/0/100|80] SPREAD NEEDLE [0/0/40/40|0] GRAVE DIGGER [50/0/60/0|0] GRAVE DIGGER [0/35/0/0|0] M&A85 FURY [20/0/10/0|10] EGG BLASTER [40/0/30/0|0] MONKEY KING BAR [0/0/0/60|0] LAST SWAN [0/0/90/0|0] LAST SWAN [0/0/0/35|50] LAST SWAN [0/50/0/45|0] LAST SWAN [40/50/0/30|0] LAST SWAN [35/0/25/25|0] FROZEN SHOOTER +9 [0/30/35/0|30] FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/35/30|35] FROZEN SHOOTER +9 [25/0/0/0|30] FROSTBITE +20 [0/40/0/0|10] DESERT EAGLE [0/40/40/0|0] DESERT EAGLE [0/50/0/0|0] BARANZ LAUNCHER [0/0/30/0|35] BARANZ LAUNCHER [0/0/50/0|0] S-RANK MECHGUN [Demon's] [0/0/0/0|0] SOUL BITER [0/0/0/100|0] EXCALIBUR [0/0/35/0|40] TIGER'S FANG & DRAGON'S CLAW [0/50/50/0|0] TIGER'S FANG & DRAGON'S CLAW [0/0/40/0|40] JUDGEMENT BLADE [40/0/0/40|40] JUDGEMENT BLADE [0/0/0/55|0] KITETSU +30 [0/0/0/55|40] MOTHER GARB+ [slots: 1 / def: 0 / evp: 0] SHADOW CLOAK [slots: 4 / def: 0 / evp: 0] RED PHANTOM FIELD [def: 0 / evp: 0] BAT WING [def: 0 / evp: 0] CURSED WING [def: 0 / evp: 0] CURSED WING [def: 0 / evp: 0] LIMITER [kills: 0] Immortal/Ability Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Purple] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Green] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Fuschia] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Green] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Blue] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Orange] Mag [level 0][0/0/0/0][Yellow] Tellusis [level 200][5/125/70/0][Fuschia] Dragon Tear x3 1DT = 10 PDS = 2 TOKENS. WANTS: GOOD 90+ Hit weapon Like Twin cyclone, Celestial Fusion, Last Emperor Things like that Easter Eggs Soul Devourer With Good % Dark Matter x3 Orb of Illusion x6 PGF / Dark Bridge DTS PTS If you are interested in something to buy or to trade for items i want PM me pls First come First serve Thanks for looking My Guildcard is 42000007.
  2. 1 like
    Scheduled Happy Hours active! 179 minutes remaining.
  3. 1 like
    Please PM me if you want to take something Notes : All weapons are tekked Price : 1 Donation Token = 10pds, 1 Photn Token = 5pds Prices are subject to change and items might be removed, added and/or altered in the future Team DUCK is my Closed Team So if you find Team DUCK in game, please feel free to talk to me You're more than welcome to tell me in game My guildcard : 42000726 Mainly for HUNTERS Price not yet determined Mainly for RANGERS Price not yet determined Mainly for FORCES Price not yet determined Materials Lv0 Mags All 3pds each Lv200 Mags All 3pds each Items Thank you for reading this to the end
  4. 1 like
    ONLY DTS / PDS THREE SEALS x3 MOTHER GARB+ MOTHER GARB SPREAD NEEDLE [25/0/20/0/20] SPREAD NEEDLE [0/20/0/0/20] FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/0/30/30] FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/0/20/30] FROZEN SHOOTER [0/0/0/0/20] SWORD OF DESPAIR [30/35/30/0] SOUL BITER [0/50/50/0] HELL STRIKER [30/30/0/20] HELL STRIKER [35/0/40/0] CANNON ROUGE [30/0/30/0/30] ENERGY STORM x3 IMMORTAL/HP DRAGON SLAYER [25/0/0/45/50] GRAVE DIGGER [30/0/0/30] Mille marteaux [0/0/0/0/100] PRIMAL NEXUS [slots: 0|4/20|14/50] STORMENDER [0/0/0/30/0] KITETSU [0/30/0/0/0] V802 SYNCESTA ARCHFRIEND ARMOR [slots: 2|0/0|21/80] BLUE ODOSHI VIOLET NIMAIDOU [slots: 1|0/10|0/10] DEATH REAPER [20/0/0/0/20]
  5. 1 like