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About This Team

A bunch of wall huggers that don't really know anything.

  1. What's new in this team
  2. Gameplay Recordings

    Casual but complete runs for PW4 and Brink of Oblivion. Hope they help to memorize monster spawns. Enjoy!
  3. Useful Pso Links

    Ty very much my guy.
  4. Gameplay Recordings

    Defend the main room quest https://youtu.be/sX5vVJ91oK0 https://youtu.be/7Z_hvJv6zjk Just play in the bg and relax! Will do better in this quest next time =)
  5. Gameplay Recordings

    thanks for sharing !
  6. Gameplay Recordings

    My very first recording and many more to come. These are for both walkthrough purposes and ASMR content. I did a run of the east tower in Episode 2. I'm still learning the OBS equipment, however, I did some tweaking with the audio mix via VLC Media Player. I changed the threshold to around -20dBs and then maxxed out the makeup gain. This softened loud noises found in the video so they won't hurt the ears as well as amplified sound effects from the Ill Gill. Enjoy! Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst - East Tower - 2024-01-10 (youtube.com)
  7. Useful Pso Links

    max stat calculator: Max Stat Calculator mag feeding guides and charts : https://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewtopsection&section=Mags Item combonations : https://playpso.net/forums/topic/804-item-combinations/?tab=comments#comment-11024 floor reader : https://playpso.net/forums/topic/1094-destiny-reader-update/ Orgods Quests and info : https://playpso.net/forums/topic/654-orgodemirks-quests-and-information/ black paper deal https://playpso.net/forums/topic/410-black-papers-dangerous-deal-1-and-2-drops/?tab=comments#comment-2547 more links to come..........
  8. link for the Seabed maps

    https://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=listarticles&secid=94 this might be helpful runnning seabed for olga
  9. Ayo , welcome to the team

    welcome to team Bones, If anyone need some help with with info or ingame stuff feel free to Pm me or post in here. Ive been more active recently and looking forward to doing some runs with everyone
  10. Elusive Shield Drop !

    Nice job Bones.