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Jeffk1023 last won the day on March 21

Jeffk1023 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

10 Neutral


About Jeffk1023

  • Birthday 10/23/1991

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  1. 2nd Anni Wings (Purp)

    Hey mates returning home and trying to beef my HU stash up Got a 2nd Anni Wings (Purple) for trade Looking for a ratha sword for sure drop a line with your offers! Thanks all
  2. Happy Birthday wish you all the best in life <3


  3. B>Syncesta x2

  4. Alpha's Corner

  5. Alpha's Corner

  6. Destiny v0.6.13

    Those material changes <3
  7. Looking for 802 / Imm/Bat / Cent/Bat offer dts <3 Ty all!

  8. Alpha's Corner

    Hello frends! Welcome to Alpha's Corner. For Sale SPREAD NEEDLE [30/0/0/20|0] SPREAD NEEDLE [0/0/0/45|0] MASTER RAVEN [0/50/0/45|50] MASTER RAVEN [0/0/0/45|0] BARANZ LAUNCHER [0/35/0/0|35] ICECREAM CONE [0/45/45/0|0] ICECREAM CONE [0/40/0/45|0] BUBBLE BLASTER [40/40/0/0|0] HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/25/15|0] KITETSU [0/35/0/0|0] YASMINKOV 7000V [35/0/0/0|0] [untekked] YASMINKOV 7000V [0/0/0/30|0] [untekked] NINJA SUIT [slots: 0 / def: 0 / evp: 0] DEAL WITH IT [def: 0 / evp: 0 DE ROL LE SHIELD [def: 0 / evp: 0] V502 Make an offer! I'm reasonable! For Trade! DARK METEOR +25 [80/0/80/0|50] Looking for some HU gear Similar Stat DF High Stat UDC ??? Wants! Pds & Dts Twin Cyc w/ H Imm/Bat and Hp DF High Stat UDC D Virus Red Phantom Field Drop a line or shoot a PM! Thanks!! ~Alpha.
  9. B> Pow / Mind Units offer pds.
