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  1. S> DTS

    Need hu weps im not familiar with the servers new items so offer away wants: adept lame excalibur server exclusive hu weps just offer
  2. S> Dark Falz Buster

    0/0/40/0 wants lame d'argent excalibur charge vulcans arrest raygun adept SOUL BITER
  3. S> Combustion Cannon

  4. S> Combustion Cannon

    bump Some wants : swordsman lore adept excal arrest raygun cahrge vulcs s-red blades just offer hu shit
  5. S> Combustion Cannon

    0/30/0/25 looking for HU weapons Specifically HUcast
  6. hi

    thank you guys
  7. hi

    Hi I am armando and I play league of legends and thats it someone give me mag + charge weapons plz, i will boost you on league