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Showing most liked content on 03/03/20 in all areas

  1. 4 likes
    Hi guys, this is a guide for more advanced Hucast players on how to hunt Ill gills. The idea is the same as Janenbas guide and if done right it is very consistent and easy to do. I recommend doing this with 120 Mag sync to get invince from Del Lily more often.
  2. 3 likes
    1 DT <=> 10 Photon Drops <=> 2 Photon Tokens <=> 2 Crates 10 DT <=> 1 Photon Sphere Weps SPREAD NEEDLE [45/0/45/40|0] 50PDs HELL STRIKER [10/0/0/20|30] 50PDs YASMINKOV 9000M [60/0/50/0|70] 25DTs TWIN RIKA'S CLAW [0/0/0/0|0] 20DTs Armor/Shield X-PARTS ver3.10 [slots: 1 / def: 0 / evp: 0] 20PDs PRIMAL NEXUS 10DTs RED RING [def: 25 / evp: 22] 70PDs BEHEMOTH ARMOR [slots: 4 / def: 0 / evp: 0] 10DTs Units immortal/Battle 10DTs PB/Flow 70PDs Immortal/Ability 50PDs ADEPT 50PDs Heavenly/Resist 70PDs Other 4th Anniversary Orb 20DTs Orb of Illusions 25DTs *Keep an eye on my shop for surprise discounts! Ill occasionally slash the prices of random items, offering good deals for a limited time only*
  3. 1 like
    Hey! 1 DT (Donation Token) = 10 PDs (Photon Drop) = 2PT (Photon Token) = 0.1 PS (Photon Sphere) I accept all currencies GC# 42002355 Hunter: Master Raven [0/0/40/0|40] 50PD Ranger: Guld Milla +60 [0/40/0/0|60] 50 PD Gush Needle +1 [50/0/0/0|50] 10DT Boondock Saints [40/0/40/40|0] 30PD Grave Digger [50/0/0/0|0] 15PD Force: Psycho Wand [0/0/10/20|10] 20PD Frames/armor Spectral Suit (1 slot) 20PD Shields / Barriers From The Depths 20PD Energy Storm 20PD Deal With It Units Immortal/arms x2 20PD each Mags 0/0/0/0 Mags 5PD each Misc Gifoie LV29 disk Shifta LV30 disk 2PD Zalure LV30 disk 2PD Deband LV30 disk 2PD Resta LV30 disk 2PD Wants / Buy List: DT / PT / PD / PS Maxed Red Ring 90+ hit Weapons: 90+ hit Suppressed Gun or TypeGU/Mechgun 90+ hit Armageddon -5 hit weapons (only interested in -5 or 5% unteked) -5% hit Twin Blaze -5% hit Glide Divine -5% hit Skyfall
  4. 1 like
    Hey all, I am new. While the game work for me, my brother has not be able to play for more than a few minutes before the game suddenly crashes. We added the game's .exe files to the exception list of the antivirus and made sure the game is up to date. He's using the same internet as myself too. This seems to be an unresolved issue because the post below mentions it and despite their efforts, a solution did not seem to be reached: Please advise on any tips! Thanks we look forward to playing together.
  5. 1 like
    I think I am having the same issue and cant seem to find a solution yet either. I'll let you know if I figure something out
  6. 1 like
    a normal day on the road...
  7. 1 like
    ... Well, now's a good time to go madman farming, since I'm all caught up on Path of Exile.
  8. 1 like