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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. Game constantly crashes

    try testing this one here: btw, what OS do u have? Also, u play in fullscreen or window mode?
  2. Game constantly crashes

    Only crashes when u r ingame? do u run a browser in the background? And if so, do u have a page like discord for example open which gives a sound everytime u get a message? Pso can be really weird with this kind of stuff
  3. Music

  4. Music

  5. List of Item Combinations

  6. Happy birthday dude ^^

  7. Music

  8. Music

  9. Show your screenshots

    can we have a dislike button pls?
  10. Show your screenshots

    for some reason i couldnt stop laughting when i saw this
  11. Music

  12. happy birthday :D

    1. SNOW


      Thank you very much :D

  13. Nice to meet you i yuzu

  14. I'm Steel

    hey there, hope u will having a blast and some really good drops with some new friends on destiny x3
  15. Happy Birthday dude ^^

    1. Arashi


      mann hattest du echt nach mir geburtstag :D
      sorry ich habs leider verpennt ja ja der alkohol
      hoffe du hattest eine geile fette auch wenns zu spät ist
      Hoch soll er Leben der Strolch :D


    some of you might run into some white blocks which suppose to have transparency on it. Those arent displayed correctly why i would recommend you to use this program:
  17. New here! Hi!

    Welcome^^ good ol' days of GC. I miss the Couch coop with split screen hehe 😁

  19. Music

    dayum that solo at the end
  20. 903 while downloading psobbw.exe

    What r the differences between ur old and new pc? for example the OS
  21. 903 while downloading psobbw.exe

    try the following: -reinstall -add psobb.exe and psobb.exe to ur AV whitelist -start the game and let it patch -after it interrupts, check your destiny psobb folder were the exe is loacated -look for a file called psobb.pat (There might be 2 files with the same name) -delete both psobb.pat files -Launch the game and let it patch Hope this will solve it otherwise u could also trying downloading these and retry: https://playpso.net/forums/topic/174-windows-xp-download-launcher/