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Showing most liked content on 03/11/20 in Posts

  1. 4 likes
    "without ever leaving your home" lool
  2. 3 likes
    The poison Lilly laughing sound is also used in the house of the dead for the first boss fight
  3. 2 likes
    This is the last picture we have of @Howitzer before he was flattened
  4. 1 like
    TypeGU/MECHGUN [Hell] [20/0/0/10|0] TypeME/MECHGUN +30 [Demon's] [0/0/15/0|0] TypeSH/SHOT [Hell] [35/0/0/0|30] I'm looking for TypeDS/D.SABER would prefer hit but not required. If you have one and do not like what I'm offering please PM me as well, we can figure something out.
  5. 1 like
    I don't think TypeDS/D.SABER is obtainable here yet. It was a beach laughter reward for FO on Ultima but we're still missing ma2v2 to obtain heart of ID. I did a lot of these runs when I played there but unsure if that was a custom build or standard. I read the old GC reward was different.
  6. 1 like
    I played both, destiny 2 and psobb alot. Its a shame that i realize these similarities just now
  7. 1 like
    My first 90hit wep! its kinda usefull i guess for celestial fusions but sadly its not ToA
  8. 1 like
    The real question is "how original is Destiny?" >_> (referring to the Bungie game not this server) I'm sure plenty people have seen this post before but I'll leave it here anyway