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Everything posted by Spuz

  1. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    I know all the gov quests as they are vanilla drewards. I want to know any non-vanilla.
  2. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    All of Destiny.
  3. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    I see. Any lists for any other quest rewards on Destiny?
  4. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    This is confirmed the same here? and What do those % mean? 4.35% yas??
  5. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    Does anyone have a list of all the known quest rewards? such as roct's list.
  6. «・CLOSED・»

    Ok, ill meet you after HH
  7. «・CLOSED・»

    I'll be on all weekend. Let me know when your on
  8. Destiny v0.6.7 patchnotes

    Dropstyle change is LOVE
  9. Show your screenshots

    Some bits!
  10. Show your screenshots

    Holy shit those %, that's one amazing ultimate dc coming up wow.
  11. Weekend Mini Event

    Guess I should try to log on this weekend. Need materials bad
  12. ???? «Bee's_Team» ????

  13. Team Fellowship

    Join and help us destroy the ring!
  14. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    Need that launcher updates instead of via PSO ;D
  15. «・CLOSED・»

    Charge Gungnir (50/0/0/0|45) Master Raven Please :3 (wont be on for a few days if you can hold for me)
  16. Not bothering to update atm because:
  17. Spent a while going over all the forum patchnotes/mainpage and asking a few questions and this is what I have: (Help: Does anyone know how to make spoilers) If anyone knows anymore information then please post and I'll update topic. Combinations: Double Cannon + Dark Matter: Ultimate DC Yamigarisu + Dark Matter: Nightmare Spread Needle + Dark Matter: Hell Needle Spirit Garment + Dark Matter: Behemoth Armour Proof of Sonic Team +Spread Needle: Arrest Needle Ultimate DC: Double Saber ATP: +1k Targets: 3 Special: Ultimate Destruction Judgement Blade: Twin Sword ATP: +920 Grind: +40 Special: Demons Targets: 3 Planet Eater: Twin Sword ATP: +400I Grind: +165 Special: Beserk Twins Gladius: Double Saber ATP: 150 Grind:? Special: Gush? Targets: 3 Twin Pallasch: Double Saber Atp: ??? Grind:??? Special?? Targets: 3 Tiger's Fang + Dragons Claw: Twin Sword ATP: ??? Grind: ??? Special Gush Oblivion: Sword (Hammer) ATP: +800-830 Grind: +60 Special: Charge Kitsetsu: Katana (6strike) ATP: +900-920 Grind: +30 Special: Arrest Targets: 3 Mitsunari: Katana (6strike) ATP: +900-920 +30 Grind Targets: 3 Claw of Elements: Claw ATP: +700 Grind: +100 Special: Spirit Boosts: Gibarta/zonde techs 90% / Gifoie 60% Armageddon: Mechguns ATP: +25 Grind: +60 Special: Auto-Target-Charge Desert Eagle: Mechgun ATP: +185 Grind: +80 Special: Long Range Piecre Sex: Male Mystic Spirit: Mechgun ATP: 185 Grind: +80 Special: Long Range Piece Sex: Females Grave Digger: Launcher ATP: +400-460 Grind +9 Special: Demons Range: Shot Speed: Needle Combustion Cannon: Flamethrower ATP+720 Special: Overdrive Glide Divine S: Rod Boosts: Grants 60% Range: 3x Zalure Other: Megid Piece Glide Divine X: Rod Boosts: Si 60% Death Cannon: ???? Special: Charge ATP: 400 Grind: 36 Exterminator: ????? ATP: +180 Grind: +145 Special: ???? Unknown Info: INFERNO BLADE SUBZERO WEALTHY DESERT EAGLE NIGHTMARE DARK FALZ BUSTER TORMENTOR DRAGON SWORD BIG ASS GUN FROSTBITE HELL STRIKER AENSLAND BOONDOCK SAINTS DEATH REAPER SCRAMBLED EGG BLASTER TWIN NEI CLAW SWORD OF DESPAIR SOUL BITER KEZIA'S BERETTA Units V802 MST:+80 Tech Speed: +100% Centurion/Power: ATP: +75 Centurion/Mind: MST: +75 Centurion/Legs: EVP: +75 Centurion/Body: DFP: +75 Centurion/Arm: ATA: +35 Centurion/HP: HP: +??? Centurion/Luck: Luck: +60 Immortal/Power: ATP: +125 Immortal/Arms: ATA: +50 Immortal/Mind: MST: +125 Immortal/Legs: EVP: +125 Immortal/Body: DFP: + 125 Immortal/HP: HP: +???? Immortal/Luck: LCK: +90 Immortal/Ability: ATP: +40 DFP: +40 MST: +40 ATA: +4 EVP: +40 LCK: +40 Immortal/Battle: Speed: ???? PB/Flow: Significant boost to PB? HP/Flow: Significant boost to HP? TP/Flow: Significant boost to TP? Mags: Nights Cell: Ideya Cell Req: Lvl 50 Twin Sato Cell: A new Friend Req: Sato Dark Chao Cell: Heart of Dark Chao Req: Lvl 50 Twin Wraith 3x Invilcibility 60% Activation Cell:Pandora's Box Req: Lvl 50 Coelum Cell: Dragon Tear Req: Lvl 50 Shields /Armour:
  18. Commands

    YES, I've seen this been used by @Leon elsewhere.; she walked really funny!
  19. Max Stat Plans and Improvised Calculator

    Wasn't sure what 4-open was but assume it means free Slots. (open-slot).I made my own plan but ended up with same results. Fair play on the guide.
  20. Race to 200 event!

    Started 4 days after launch but I got there!!
  21. B> SDJZ

    Buying for buddy, Lvl 28-30, 1 PD each Or any 20+ freebies would be nice.
  22. Endgame Armor Stats

    That's ok. I believe, just didn't realize it applied to all armours/Shields so was curious.
  23. Endgame Armor Stats

    Ofc, DFP /EVP are always over max, thats standard. But I didn't tink all armours gave ATA/ATP boosts above max, as I am unsure if there are some that give below. @Magictrick @Shiva could you confirm that all the armours in this list's ATA/ATP iare boosted over max? And what shields also do so from this list?
  24. Endgame Armor Stats

    Which ones specifically or are you saying all?
  25. Endgame Armor Stats

    Curious about these stats. Since red ring is known for adding ata over max (rather than towards it) does any of the new armory work in that way?