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Retro last won the day on January 26

Retro had the most liked content!

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64 Excellent


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866 profile views
  1. Destiny's Time Attack Records

    My best attempt , i see by records . I need a lot to improve. TTF Solo Ultimate No pb
  2. Retro's wares

    PARAGON FRAME [slots: 4 / def: 26 / evp: 4] in stock
  3. XMAS 2024! Silent Nightmare [Raid]

    Amazing work , Merry Xmas Destiny Staff. Love the combiners and the new unit excellent work again.
  4. Retro's wares

    updated guns wings mag
  5. Retro's wares

    10 dt , 100 pd
  6. Retro's wares

    bump update
  7. Retro's wares

    Edited as used them bat wings
  8. Destiny0.7.8 Major Update!

    Oh My! , Halo's *gobsmacked*
  9. Halloween 2024! "Hallowed World"

    What a update , just had a chance to sit and read though properly . Looking forward to testing . Big Thank you to all your time and work.
  10. Halloween Sneakpeek (2024)

    That makes 3 , same!
  11. Show your screenshots

    Crate drop
  12. About Anniversary items

    Perhaps only during Anniversary you may add to a Random enemy as a drop that event on 1 id , but with a high drop rate and don't release the enemy name that gives item . Would make community hunt/communicate for a item not easy to obtain.
  13. Anniversary 2024: Radiant Destiny!

    Idea and Code by @Orgodemirk Special thanks by @Magic Placeholder skin by @VEL(JP) Guys you have shined again , big up for this.