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Showing most liked content on 04/24/22 in Posts

  1. 4 likes
    Player : Enryu Quest : Beyond The Veil Time : 14:22 Class : RAcast No PB Video
  2. 4 likes
    No problem, here in Brazil right after Easter we have a very fun party called ''Sao Joao'', with bonfires, flags, character clothes and typical foods, we celebrate this event on this date without any problems. I already know the party will be guaranteed!
  3. 3 likes
    free id and exp*10 is activated from now.
  4. 3 likes
  5. 2 likes
    Player: @thanx(RAcast) @VEL(JP)(HUnewearl) Quest : Respective Tomorrow Time : 13:57
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    Unfortunately the testing didn't go well, there are still several things broken that need to be addressed before release. So I'm afraid Easter event will be delayed for a bit longer. Thanks so much for all the patience, here's a little sneak peek.
  7. 1 like
    Straight up going into my fav PSO videos 🔥🔥🔥 GG @R-78!
  8. 1 like
    Easter event delayed Let's get this out of the way first, Easter event will be delayed by at least a week. Yes it sucks, yes there will be new things, no it's not ready. Sorry guys. I tried to get everything released by this weekend, but that's just not going to happen. While the content is more or less done, I haven't even started to properly test the new stuff. I can't release it until everything is confirmed stable. An update on Destiny development For the past 6 months we've been mostly working on the server code and get things in place to make development faster and more streamlined. The way we used to do events was holding everything back. It took us ages to make unique items, enemies, quests and such and actually a lot of the time goes into planning and testing things to make sure everything works correctly on all your PSO installations. Some events consist of over 40 server files that have to be replaced or edited manually in the right place, and after a month, reverted back. This is painful, I'm getting too old for this lol. With every update behind the scenes the development became less hassle and more fun, and I've already reduced the amount of files required for an event by about 50% compared to before, without losing quality. We've field tested this new system last year with anniversary part 2, and besides a few minor issues, it works as intended. This means we can use the extra development time for more fun stuff and less dealing with problems. For Easter and future events, I've reduced the amount of files required even more. But, there's still a lot of testing ahead. The end goal here is that we can keep making fresh events that can be activated with barely any effort, while also working on new content, balance, bug fixes, tools, etc. For example, we've been working on some crazy endgame content for some time now, which, like I said in another post a while back, is not related to any events. That's still coming, and I promise it's worth the wait. In other words, endgame content is one of our main priorities. Anyways, I hope this gives some more insight of what we're all doing behind the scenes. And definitely don't miss this Easter event! Even though it will be late, I have a feeling this will be the best Easter event we've ever had. I'll be working hard to get it released by next weekend. Magic
  9. 1 like
    Wow, some amazing times coming in this year! Long live Destiny TA
  10. 1 like
    A " Beyond The Veil " almost as fast as TTF run!! You the best @R-78 😎 Let's gooooooo
  11. 1 like
    The way I see it, we could be taken down if sega really wants to, just like any other private server out there. But in reality I don't believe they care much. No current pso server community is large enough to be a significant threat to them. Maybe if there was a server with thousands of online players at a given time they would consider taking it down. But even then, as mylandra said, action would be taken against the server owners, never against the players. So at most you lose your time invested in your characters.
  12. 1 like
    Private servers are legal in general. The use and distribution of SEGA copyrighted content isn't. Meaning, you could be a 100% legal pso private server if you never hosted any client files and never used any of SEGA content including the use of quests, config files, etc. (Which means goodbye vanilla pso and users would have to grab the client files elsewhere of their own accord.) Both the users and the private servers are breaching the digital millenium copyright act by using and sharing SEGA's copyrighted content. That said, in alot of countries (Other than USA), law enforcement doesn't care too much about the downloading of said content, but rather care about those who share the content. Which means, the target of such laws is usually the server owners and never the users. It's also not very efficient to target random users when the company can just target a handful of servers. But these rules are slowly changing towards a more strict approach over time and nobody knows what the future holds 10 years ahead. You are dwelling on a greyline by playing on private servers in the same way you are playing retro games on emulators. I'll be honest. While it's technically possible for a private server to be 100% legal, I've never actually witnessed a private server that was truly legit. The software is sometimes legal, sometimes not. However, as soon as someone makes their own private servers, they need to host files/data for the players and it's not legal anymore. Even as far as psobb private server development goes, there's another factor to consider. To actually reverse engineer and add content to PSOBB nowadays, you don't really have a choice but to download and run the game in a non-legal way. This means the developers are also breaching the DMCA regardless of what people think. This can be different for older versions of PSO since the player actually purchased the game, but PSOBB has a EULA/Terms of service that was breached long ago.