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  1. 2 likes
    Word searcher Destiny PsoBB There are 25 words in the puzzle: 4 classes 8 weapons 3 Shields 3 Armors 3 Mag cells 4 Items Rules are very simple, 1- make the puzzle. (paint is allowed to circle or cross the words) 2- post your solution in this topic. 3- you can only post 1 time. 4- You are allowed to edit your post with an updated solution, but the time of edit counts then as entry time. 5- Post your puzzle in a spoiler. 6- Staff members can't participate. 7- Have fun. The first person who post the correct solution wins. Prize: 30 DTS Good Luck
  2. 2 likes
    And we have a Winner it looks good. Here is the Solution and the words we were looking for. @HHawk4 Congratulations Sent me a pm with your guildcard number please for your prize
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    Diagonal words destroyed me there Well done cake!!
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