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Showing most liked content on 03/20/24 in all areas

  1. 4 likes
    Thank you Valentine
  2. 2 likes
  3. 2 likes
  4. 2 likes
    Thanks for the event, I really enjoyed it
  5. 2 likes
    Thanks for the event!
  6. 1 like
    Ahhh okay thanks that helps alot! I don't know the orignal max stats per char but i can look that up and compare. Thank you for the overview of some of the classes. Looks like there's more than just stat changes to be aware of. Magic buffs are a combination of nerfs to creatures and buffs from better items? Got it. A combo dragon fight sounds awesome! Guess I'll just have to play and find out what has changed on all of them. Again thanks for the information! Very much appreciated!
  7. 1 like
    Hi! About max stats for each char: https://pso.rollandrate.com/maxstat.php for e.g. HUmar/Ramar can use S/D/J/Z lv15. Melee FO don't need cry at their pretty low ata anymore, HUcaseal is no longer outclassed by HUct/RAct cuz of ATP buff (1700), etc. but still HUmar / RAcaseal are less used tbh, but it doesn't mean they are complately useless i believe. (the gap of ATP between RAct/RAcl is 100) Boosted magic: Lots of enemies don't have ridiculous resists unlike vanilla multi-mode. for e.g. dark bringer had like 90-90-90-100-123, but here has 30EIC so you can deal decent damage on them. of cource we have some cool stuffs to boost magic, the rare armor PRIMAL NEXUS (lv200 FO armor that boost all tech by 30%) is one of these. Epic Battle: We have some of harder contents even with Destiny's featured gear. for e.g. in Beyond the Veil (EP1>Special), at the end you fight at Buffed dragon and gol dragon (named Rathalos / Vaal Hazzak) 'at the same time' (yes its impossible to make this quest without Destiny's hardcoded technical support). Some event has quest with custom enemy thats much stronger than regulaer one. and especially dark falz and olga flow are buffed as you can see in the banner. Of cource we continue to make something like that contents in the future, i hope you to stay tuned I hope this list would help you about daily quest. (plz chack tab for crates)
  8. 1 like
    Max stats of chars:https://pso.rollandrate.com/maxstat.php Monster stats:http://psobb.epizy.com/database.php?type=5&i=3 I might be the only one who rarely plays FO but I can tell you that FO here gets Technique cast speed +100% through unit V802, and can cast Shifta Deband lvl 35 with Paragon frame for example
  9. 1 like
  10. 1 like
    <<<<<<<<< Hey Welcome >>>>>>>>>> Pricing 1Dt = 2 Pt = 10 Pd = 2 Crates HELL NEEDLE 90% Machine 90% Hit only trade Calibur 85 Native 50% hit 20pds Cryo Warhead 100 pds Planet Eater 70/0/80/0/60 15 Dts CHARGE HELION +31 35 Dark 30 Hit 10Dts TASTE OF AFFECTION 70 Machine 90 Dark 10Dts TASTE OF AFFECTION 60 Abeast 60 Machine 50 Dark 10 DTs MASTER RAVEN 50/0/0/0/50 10 Dts STORMRENDER 0/0/30/0 (untekked) 30pds FLIGHT CUTTER 50% HIT 5Dts Lavis Canon 50% machine 10PDs Proof of Sonic Team 20pds Parts of Eggblaster 20pds 0 Def Mags 5Pds SHIELDS: GIZONDE MERGE 10Dts My wants DF Native Abeast , Ratha Native Abeast, UDC Native A Beast, 2cond Wings, Hell Striker with Hit , 4th Orbs Dts Pts Ps any Crates Pds Ingame: Hisoka , Yami , Towel, (Han D. Tuch)