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Showing most liked content on 05/04/23 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
    First of all thank you for this contest it is an entertaining moment. Here is my turn
  2. 1 like
    hello, i’m avarea! i am new to destiny, so nice to meet you! i have been watching my bf play for a bit and i made a character to see if i’d like it here! (if you’ve seen or played with a HUcast named “Buio,” that’s him ) i decided to make my own account to play with him and others so if you see my FOmarl “avarea” around, i’m a bit shy but friendly!
  3. 1 like
    Hello all and Welcome to our... This will be a fun themed Community event. In this event you guys have to make the funniest Symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are very simple: Fun theme only (so any Fun related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. *Just stick with your Original Idea tweak it if you must but don`t edit it to an completly new Symbol Chat.* You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. Community decides with Upvotes who wins The best 5 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st: @avarea60 DTs / 9 upvotes & rolled 64 2nd: @NemesisPGF / 9 upvotes & rolled 40 3rd: @MaxweelCHRISTMAS SPIRIT [0/40/40/0|0] / 8 upvotes 4th: @thanx Cryo Warhead / 7 upvotes & rolled 78 5th: @nddoubleog State/Maintenance / 7 upvotes & rolled 67 Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 10 PDs as a consolation prize. 10 PD`s @Depassage @Youngchris93 @R-78 @Stevechan @RAY665 This event will end on Sunday 7 of May at 7 PM CET/UTC+1 I hope we all have fun. Good luck everyone !! * Edited +Edited again added PGF and Cryo Warhead to the Prize Pool
  4. 1 like
    Shout out to a song that lives rent free in my head, thanks for the event and everything else https://youtu.be/az4AMGuGfaM