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Showing most liked content on 11/18/19 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Heya, looking to finish my RA setup i trade following items for RA items down below HANDGUN:MILLA [0/0/0/0|60] MILLE MARTEAUX [60/0/0/0|50] MASTER RAVEN [0/0/0/45|35] looking for: charge yas9k & demon yask9k with some hit Taste of Affection with stats and hit D-Virus Armor x1 Snow Queen with hit Donation Tokens/Photon Tokens/Photon Drops PM me if you have any offer for me Cheers Shisui
  2. 1 like
    DMC is still a thing here. I noticed it yet a lot of times. But the DMC here seems to occur less often than on other servers. Which means in team play with randoms it doesnt really matter. But if you do time attacks then black mage isnt the best choice. Another aspect is the combination of meele + nuke on a force for solo runs. you can kill resistance weak low hp‘ed mobs with techs. But otherwise on high hp mobs with high resistance you can use demon weapons and then finish em of with techs.
  3. 1 like
    Ive seen them go for 5PD Yeah 60 seems the standard going rate People have been selling a few in tradelists this year, just not under new selling topics