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Showing most liked content on 12/26/17 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
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    So today we played during the first (earlier) HH and in the last few minutes I suggested to Shisui to do a Yellowboze CCA for PB/Flow. And it dropped, which made running 2 RAcasts with Hell weapons very viable ... We spent a few hours unlocking Ep. 2 up to 8-1 when another HH started, so we kept unlocking and then ran 8-3 on Whitill. This was the last run before our time would have run out ... result: (He dropped his PGF for me, we did not get two at the same time)
  3. 1 like
    Great job on the revamped HUD, thanks for listening to your community
  4. 1 like
    Updated the HUD with more clear HP bars while still maintaining a festive atmosphere. Not really decided but anywhere between January 13 and 20