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  1. 8 likes
    Thank you for selling me the crate from Anniversary crate
  2. 8 likes
    PSOBB Destiny Valentines 2025! Banner by @thanx Here we go! Happy valentines from Destiny <3 Valentines Crate As usual Valentine Crates are dropping randomly from monsters! Valentine Crate contains various items that includes some of useful items like twin cyclone, lavis blade, M&A85 Fury, Planet Eater, Soul Devourer etc. There are also exclusive items in the valentine crate. Maximum % on weapon could be 100 (It's super rare though) Rules Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Crate item list: Flower Bouquets For the duration of valentines event, flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet or to change a special from a weapon. Redeeming starts after the event ends, for 1 month. Custom monster: Bubbles! No worries, this guy just wants a hug. Find him in the quest: Episode 2 / Valentines / Love Research. This a temporary quest only active during valentines event and based on the quest Dolmolm Research. There's a secret way to unlock 6 extra Bubbles spawns in Seabed upper level. Fixed some issues and refined things in Love Research (from 2025) Removed wall in Pioneer2, you can access to shop directly from pipe. Removed HP/Death check, so you can go to seabed even you died in temple area. Fixed telepipe position in pioneer2. Fixed some minor issues. Tweaked some enemy spawns. Monster count: Seasonal Valentines items Wings of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta, Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. This item only drops during valentines event. Drops from Bubbles on all IDs @ 1/630 Section ID Halos "A chromatic halo that boosts support techniques and accuracy." Req Lv:150 DFP:180 EVP:180 EFR:20 EIC:20 ETH:20 EDK:25 ELT:20 Class: All This shield boosts: Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%, Jellen & Zalure by 100%, and ATA by 25. It's only available during Valentines. To obtain it, find the "exotic armor dealer" NPC in the Love Research quest and he will trade it for ×3 Wings of Life and ×50 Flower Bouquets. The color of the halo you receive is based on your current section ID. So if you want a certain color, make sure to change your section ID first! x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the duration of the event! To change your section ID, use /sectionid X (X=0~9) in the lobby. Valentine Event will last for 3 weeks. Enjoy and Have Fun!
  3. 8 likes
    In the next update, 2 weapons will be updated. 1.ANO RIFLE Required: RAcaseal ??? ??? 2.ZANBA Required: HUmar ??? ??? Only RAcaseal can use buffed Anorifle and only HUmar can use buffed Zanba. Stay tuned! Destiny Official Discord: https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn
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    Player : Alphonse(RAcast) @thanxQuest : Beyond The VeilTime : 13:56No PB With the DM buffs, BtV is now solo-runnable in 13:xx. this was my second run since being buffed
  7. 4 likes
  8. 3 likes
    Hello, I'm planning to implement a new quest: VR Test Destiny: Underground (EP2 > VR) after 2025 Valentine Event! Here is some screenshots from the quest: Stay tuned! About previous quest (VR Test Destiny: Seabed), Please check here:
  9. 3 likes
    I got 2 engines back to back during event <3
  10. 3 likes
    Destiny ver.0.713 Patch note (New Quest and Droptable update) Added Japanese guide in Bazaar quest (日本語ガイドをバザークエストに追加しました。開始地点の近くに居ます) Added banner for Book of Hitogata,Orotiagito and Ano Rifle Removed certain quests from daily quest list Updated droptable (see below or droptable for more info) Updated/Improved Love Research [EP2>Valentine] Added New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR] as Year-Round content (Difficulty: 4) New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR] Areas: Test Subject Disposal Area1 → Test Subject Disposal Area2 → BOSS (Olga Flow) Clear Reward (N~VH) Normal/Hard: Power Material ×1 V-Hard: Power Material ×2 Clear Reward (Ultimate) ・Power Material ×2 ・Calibur/Raygun/Arms ・Resist/Burning++ (Rare) (++ one boosts 17resist instead of 15) ・Resist/Blizzard++ (Rare) ・Resist/Storm++ (Rare) ・Resist/Holy++ (Rare) ・Resist/Devil++ (Rare) ・Special Weapon (Very Rare) -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? (4P Only) Weapons will come with x/x/0/0/x, x/0/x/0/x, 0/x/0/x/x, x/0/0/x/x, 0/x/x/0/x or 0/0/x/x/x Hit:30%~65% Attribute:50%~60% Monster Count: Viridia: Crimson Assasin [EP1]: Red Partisan → Anti-Dark Ring 1/572 Dark Falz: Anti-Dark Ring → Red Ring 1/64 Astark: YATA MIRROR → KITETSU 1/688 Shambertin: Exterminator → LE COGNEUR 1/64 Greenil: Tollow: Red Saber → Death Cannon 1/900 Melqueek: Demolition Comet → RIANOV 303SNR-3 1/758 Gol Dragon: Death Cannon → Immortal/Ability 1/64 Epsilon: Ano Rifle 1/1050 → 1/620 Gal Gryphon: Last Swan → Ninja Suit 1/85 Skyly: Melqueek: God/HP → Sword of Despair 1/975 Tollow: Sacred Guard → Twin Pallasch 1/900 Bluefull: Tollow: Agito → Glide Divine 1/900 Hildetorr [EP2]: Wildmill → Heaven Punisher 1/19 Purplenum: Crimson Assasin [EP1]: SMOKING PLATE → Boondock Saints 1/827 Dal Ra Lie: L&K38 Combat 1/64 → 1/43 Dark Falz: Immortal/Battle 1/128 → 1/113 Gol Dragon: Oblivion → Immortal/Ability 1/64 Pinkal: Hildelt [EP1]: ELYSION → DEATH REAPER 1/370 Melqueek: Suppressed Gun 1/620 → 1/487 Nano Dragon: Guilty Light → Tormentor 1/677 Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Heart of Chu Chu 1/568 Mericarol: Tormentor → Hunter's Shell 1/930 Redria: Tollow: Red Saber → Twin Pallasch 1/900 Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Flight Cutter 1/700 Hildetorr [EP2]: Rabbit Wand → Magic Stone "Iritista" 1/21 Oran: Sil Dragon: Dragon's Claw → L&K38 Combat 1/43 Saint Million: Laconium Axe → Soul Devourer 1/85 Yellowboze: Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525 Dorphon: Black Hound Cuirass → Girasole 1/393 Saint Million: Girasole → STORMRENDER 1/64 Whitill: Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525 Del-D [EP1]: Rico's Glasses → Heaven Striker 1/1950 Gal Gryphon: Wedding Dress 1/73 → 1/64 Shambertin: Mystic Spirit → Valkyrie 1/73 All IDs: (Ultimate) Boota: Daylight Scar → CRIMSON COAT 1/213 Goran: CRIMSON COAT → Daylight Scar 1/487 VERY HARD Contains various updates. Please check droptable! https://playpso.net/drop-tables
  11. 3 likes
    Hello everyone, First of all, this is more of a fun event and experiment rather than a serious auction. For the reverse auction we have a GOLDEN RING Basically, its a maxed red ring in gold with level 1 requirement The rules are as follows: The starting bid is 200 PDs Everyone can only bid twice The person with the lowest bid at the end wins Bids can only be undercut by a maximum of 5 PDs Example: Person 1 bids 195 PDs, Person 2 bids 185 PDs, and Person 3 bids 190 PDs. In this case Person 3s bid of 190 PDs would be considered the lowest valid bid and would win the reverse auction, as the second bid was more than 5 PDs undercut to the first bid and therefore invalid I have a min price and countdown (which is secret) that I want to achieve and if this limit is reached, the auction will end and the person with the lowest bid will win Bids from accounts created today or edited will be ignored Have Fun and Good Luck!
  12. 3 likes
    The reverse auction event has ended! @Kishuna won with 135 PDs! Second place goes to @HammerHead9000 and third place to @R-78 and @December as welcome gift ;D Please PM me your guild cards to send you the DTs Thanks to everyone for participating!
  13. 2 likes
    Updated Database! added information about custom set bonus/weapon update. and fixed that some of new items were missing or special was listed as "NONE". https://playpso.net/database For more info about buffed/customized weapons/gear: https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1319574285286637608 thanks for playing Destiny Server
  14. 2 likes
    This list aims to cater to the budgets and context of newer players. Almost everything is discounted, some heavily. Buy 50 crates-worth or more and get 15% off. Enjoy! Larger items can be bought from my tradelist (https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1332165829160210505) with a 10% discount, @ 2crates:1DT # :DARKFLOW: Swords JUDGEMENT BLADE [0/0/35/25|40] - 15 Crates ILL GILL REAPER [0/0/0/25 | 0] - 12 Crates TWIN CYCLONE [0/20/10/0 | 0] - 8 Crates ZANBA [50/40/0/50|0] - 6 Crates LAME D'ARGENT [0/0/50/0|0] - 5 Crates DEATH REAPER +30 [0/45/0/40 | 45] - 2 Crates # :DARKFMETEOR: Guns TypeSH/SHOT [Hell] [0/0/0/0|25] - 10 Crates TypeSH/SHOT [Hell] [0/0/0/0|30] - 13 Crates YASMINKOV 9000M [Demon's] [5/15/0/0|20] - 4 Crates YASMINKOV 9000M [Demon's] [20/20/0/0|25] - 5 Crates YASMINKOV 9000M [Charge] [5/0/30/0|30] - 6 Crates MASTER RAVEN +9 [0/0/0/0 | 50] - 9 Crates Laser +4 [Hell] [35/0/0/0|40] - 5 Crates BARANZ LAUNCHER [30/0/0/0|20] - 3 Crates # :DARKFBRIDGE: Magic CLAW OF ELEMENTS [0/0/40/0|0] - 3 Crates GLIDE DIVINE S [35/0/0/0|0] - 2 Crates GLIDE DIVINE X [35/0/0/0|0] - 2 Crates LAST EMPEROR [0/0/30/0 | 0] - 10 Crates # :REDRING: Armor/Units PRIMAL NEXUS - 18 Crates MOTHER GARB+ - 2 Crates DYNASTY ARMOR - 4 Crates SHADOW CLOAK - 5 Crates RED PHANTOM FIELD - 3 Crates HALLOWED GARMENT [def:45/50] x2 - 3 Crates/ea HALLOWED GARMENT [def:35+/50] x3 - 2 Crates/ea PB/Flow - 14 Crates V503 - 9 Crates V802 - 7 Crates Immortal/HP - 2 Crates Trap/Search - 4 Crates V101 - 1 Crate Heavenly/Battle - 1 Crate Centurion/Mind - 1 Crate # :RedBox: Tools Dragon Scale - 3 Crates Dark Matter x2 - 17 Crates/ea # :package: Mats Power/HP Materials - x33/crate Mind Materials - x50/crate Luck Materials - x6/crate Grinds - x99/crate PDs: x4/crate <copied from https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1341164338622238753/1341164338622238753 for those forum users who don't use Discord>
  15. 2 likes
    this will be fun to play, thanks for always making new content for us
  16. 2 likes
    2 weapons have been buffed from this update! 1.ANO RIFLE Required: RAcaseal Hits 3-3-3 (N/H/S) ATP+150 2.ZANBA Required: HUmar Hits 1-1-3 (N/H/S) Speed +15% Buffed Angle (45.0 → 55.0) Only RAcaseal can use buffed Anorifle and only HUmar can use buffed Zanba. Stay tuned! Destiny Official Discord: https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn
  17. 2 likes
    My best attempt , i see by records . I need a lot to improve. TTF Solo Ultimate No pb
  18. 1 like
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    yea, im sorry, your account was created after this event went live. Current lowest bid 29PT
  21. 1 like
    Think I may not be qualified, didn't realize that the forums were a different signup from the actual game until after the auction started, but I'll try. 14 DT
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    Bid 18 dt (180 pd)
  30. 1 like
    Bid 18DT and 5 PD (185 PD)
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    19DT, and 4pd. (194 PD)
  33. 1 like
    You said to have fun! So, I just wanted to give some laughs and a free bump. Trolling is a more nefarious act, mine was more friendly (I hope, lol). Sweet, thanks for clarifying the authorization. I've bought an item and got it confiscated it the past (schthack) due to the seller not being authorized to sell it.
  34. 1 like
    current lowest bid is 195PDs! no trolling pls
  35. 1 like
    I received the item from @Shiva and am allowed to sell it. Since Im no longer actively playing i find it a shame to let it rot in the bank and would prefer if someone active could make use of it. Its a limited beta reward, owned by only a very small number of players
  36. 1 like
  37. 1 like
    I was just having some fun and humor. I'll place a real bid now. Thanks for the auction! 195 PDs. (Also, did you ask Orgo before auctioning off one of his trinkets? This has gotta be one of Orgo's golden-boy/Yellowboze specials. )
  38. 1 like
    I didn't record it because I didn't expect it to run so fast, but Ill post a vid when I get the chance ty
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    after 3 hours just when the HH is finished, here is his grave
  41. 1 like
    We're proud to release a new version of the Destiny Reader! Download it here: Download Note that the reader has a new filename that now includes the version number. The latest version is v.0.9.15. The new version will not retain v0.9.14 or older settings / position / size / etc. Screenshots: Changelog: To install: Simply drop it in your destiny folder, right click on it and select "send to desktop (create shortcut)" though the reader can be run from any folder on your PC. You will no longer need the always_show.txt file, but be sure to copy your item list from that file into the textbox within the reader. Known issues: For now, reader doesn't work alongside ENB. Workaround: place the reader in a separate folder. (assuming this is not fixed) Rare Sound has some known edge cases that currently cause a sound to happen when there was not a rare drop. These include dropping and picking up meseta from your inventory while a rare item is on the floor before picking up meseta from a monster or box. And dropping 1 item from a stack if it's not the entire stack in your inventory (dropping 2 or 3 pd / luck mat too). These do not apply on Pioneer 2 or Lab areas. Rare Sound may have other unknown issues. Your selected client can change to a different one automatically in rare situations that involve using 3 or more clients at once. Example: If you open 3 Clients, select Client 2, and close Client 1, your selected Client will remain "Client 2" but Client 2 will have changed to what was previously "Client 3" and you'll be reading from a different floor. This can also happen when opening additional clients, and should only apply when you have a specific client selected in settings. Map Items option will not work correctly if you use Non-fixed Map Direction in game. Map Items can appear on top of other windows if a window is on top of your game, but not the active window. Items will only appear when your game or the reader itself are the active window. Map items will still show when opening Symbol Chat / Word Select menu, or when viewing chat log / sending mail. Map items may not appear correctly in cases where items move on the map automatically, like between boss phases. Map item positions may not update properly when using the tooltip feature to show item details on the map. If you encounter any other bugs, please post them here in this topic or in the bugtracker section of the forums. Enjoy! Third party readers are still not allowed on Destiny. See the previous topic for additional info.
  42. 1 like
    hi! I'm Nova - I think I've played on four? maybe five? different PSOBB servers over the years - very excited to get started on here Going great for the most part - the game crashes A Lot on my win10 PC though. Excited to meet all of you & to finally play thru all the govt quests, haha.
  43. 1 like
    Looking to expand team , if anyone needs team HMU