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  1. 6 likes
    ***Destiny 0.7.133*** ・The rate for Hit% in EP2 is improved. Generally, except Yellowboze, the Hit% rate is really low in EP2 compared to other Episodes despite of the difficulty. So other IDs now have same Hit% rate as Yellowboze in EP2. ・The rate for "NONE%" in EP2 and latter areas of EP4 are reduced. In EP2/4, you have much worse chance to get weapon with 2~3areas % compared to EP1 despite of the difficulty. Now you have better chance to get decent stats than before in EP2/4. Latter areas of EP4: ・The Area% Patterns in EP4 are improved. Despite of the difficulty, the Area% Patterns in EP4 were pretty bad. Improved Area% Patterns: ・The droprate of Lv30 attack techs are improved. As you know, getting Lv30 attack techs is REALLY HARD. Now the droprate is better than before. But it's still not easy hunt. ・You can buy ×5 Photon Tokens at once in Bazaar from this update. Thanks to [VR Test Destiny: Underground [EP2>VR], You prolly want more Photon Tokens for Legendary Crates, but the NPC only sells 1 by 1 before this update. ・TP materials are obtainable as random drop in Seabed, Tower and Desert3 (Ultimate only) The droprate is same as Luck Materials.
  2. 5 likes
    ***Destiny 0.7.134*** Enemy HP bar is available from now! Huge thanks and credits goes to @Orgodemirk note: it doesn't work for barbaray and de rol le (dal ra lie) for now, will be fixed in the future. Also Tension Blasterhas been buffed when you are using with Moro (mag) Hits: 3-3-3
  3. 5 likes
    might as well post this goodie here
  4. 4 likes
    I never thought I'd see the day.......
  5. 4 likes
    Destiny 0.7.131 2 Weapons got buffed from this update! VALKYRIE 10targets Buffed Angle/Range Speed +30% Animation: Rod → Mixed FOmarl and FOneweal can use 1-1-3Hits swing when HP is lower than 13% (3rd attack is 5targets and narrower angle) RIANOV 303SNR-5 Normal Hits: 4, Heavy Hits: 3, Special Hits: 5
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    Woah HUGE CONGRATS on your first ever pgf!!! You defiantly earned that one.
  8. 2 likes
    "Retrieve the control of tower from Unknown hostile force!" Find this quest in: Episode2 > Special > The Discontrolled Tower [Raid] Difficulty: 9 Boss uses Additional AoE attacks. Boss has higher HP than PSOBB limit (32767) New Role Challenge (for mor info, please check official discord!) : https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn Wide-Screen client (psobbw.exe) is REQUIRED! If you haven't already, set a widescreen resolution in the launcher. 4:3 aspect ratio is not supported in this quest. If you are having trouble with visibility of AoE attacks, please try this Effect Pack. https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1210951466404286536/1290963526315147345 This quest is Very Hard! Clear Silent Nightmare [Raid] first is highly recommended. Quest by: @VEL(JP) [New!] Jointparts (Unit) "An unknown artifact it's said to be used in the past. It enhances bond strength of certain weapons." To get Jointparts, you need to trade requested items with NPC in Bazaar (FOmar) "Cladding of Manipulator III" is only obtainable from Raid BOSS: Manipulator III @1/12 (All IDs) Custom drops in The Discontrolled Tower [Raid]: Mericus: Syncesta 1/787 (Other than WHITILL) Mericus: State/Maintenance 1/1865 (WHITILL) Astark: Trap/Search 1/900 (Other than PURPLENUM) Astark: Yasminkov 9000M 1/900 (PURPLENUM) Dorphon Eclair: Photon Token 1/400 (Other than ORAN) Dorphon Eclair: Storm Render 1/787 (ORAN) Pazuzu: Photon Token 1/400 (Other than VIRIDIA) Pazuzu: Dark Matter 1/900 (VIRIDIA) Manipulator III: Cladding of Manipulator III 1/12 (All IDs) When you are equiping Jointparts, following weapons get buffed. Mille Marteaux N/H Hits: 4-4-4 (auto-target mode and Range 130.0) S Hits: 3-3-3Hits (Yes, x9 Divine Punishments in 1 combo. Range/Angle are better than regular DP) ATP+100 MST+100 In addition, beattime restriction is removed (You can always use DP. huge thanks to @Orgodemirk ) Guld Milla N/H: Buffed Range (190.0) S: Auto-Target mode S Hits: 5-5-5 ATP+400 Dual Bird N/H/S: Buffed Range (150.0) Hits: 4-4-4 Celestial Fusion N/H/S: Buffed Range (150.0) ATA+20 MST+100 Twin Rika's Claw Animation: Claw → Dagger Hits: 2-2-2 Targets: 5 Buffed Angle, Range of Tempest special Ultimate Double Cannon Speed: +15% Buffed Range/Angle of Special Attack (135.0/35.0) ATA+20 Also Special Attack hits EP4 Lizards in the face Monster Counts:
  9. 2 likes
    This is the contents of 78 legendary item crates, nothing too crazy in there but it gives you an idea of possible items in these crates.
  10. 2 likes
    Destiny 0.7.132 New Quest **Will be applied after server restart on February 28th.** ■Added New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Underground (EP2 > VR) https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1340959343339765801 ■Added some items to Legendary Item Crate ■Added Banner for Valkyrie and Rianov 303SNR-5 ■VR Test Destiny: Seabed - Fixed targetting issue in Floor2 ■Training Room - Added 100PB machine and Player Particle Generator - Enabled Auto-Revive mode in this quest. (You don't die) - Added 1 room in ruins3 - Added teleporters in ruins 1 and 2 ■Fixed some minor issues Thanks for playing Destiny PSOBB! [New!] VR Test Destiny: Underground [EP2 > VR] Underground Area1 → Underground Area2 → Underground Area3 → BOSS1 BOSS2 (Secret) Difficulty: 5 Quest Reward of New Quest After completing this quest, Hopkins will exchange your Photon Token for Legendary Item Crate. (He only trades once per 1 run and ultimate only) He offers: Legendary Crates×5 for Photon Tokens×5 Legendary Crates×1 for Photon Tokens×1 If you are not willing to trade, he will give you a Photon Drop*1 as clear reward. (ultimate only) Custom Drop Table for New Quest BOSS1: State/Maintenance 1/93 (All IDs) BOSS2 (Secret): PB/FLOW 1/93 (All IDs) Monster Counts:
  11. 2 likes
    "Retrieve the control of tower from unknown hostile force!" New Quest: "The Discontrolled Tower" (EP2 > Special [Year-Round]) Areas: CCA --> Tower --> BOSS Manipulator III drops: "Jointparts (Unit)" New Role Challenge: "Discontrolled Survivor" Will be implemented in around the late March at the moment, please wait for further news!
  12. 1 like
    Try adjusting volume of destiny down in sound mixer, just search sound mixer in your search bar at bottom of your windows computer screen to get there. I know for me when using discord voice chat I need to turn the volume of destiny waaaay down in sound mixer and make sure discord is still at 100 volume in sound mixer. You need to have all the programs running you want to adjust volume of in sound mixer to see them in the mixer.
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    Destiny ver.0.713 Patch note (New Quest and Droptable update) Added Japanese guide in Bazaar quest (日本語ガイドをバザークエストに追加しました。開始地点の近くに居ます) Added banner for Book of Hitogata,Orotiagito and Ano Rifle Removed certain quests from daily quest list Updated droptable (see below or droptable for more info) Updated/Improved Love Research [EP2>Valentine] Added New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR] as Year-Round content (Difficulty: 4) New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR] Areas: Test Subject Disposal Area1 → Test Subject Disposal Area2 → BOSS (Olga Flow) Clear Reward (N~VH) Normal/Hard: Power Material ×1 V-Hard: Power Material ×2 Clear Reward (Ultimate) ・Power Material ×2 ・Calibur/Raygun/Arms ・Resist/Burning++ (Rare) (++ one boosts 17resist instead of 15) ・Resist/Blizzard++ (Rare) ・Resist/Storm++ (Rare) ・Resist/Holy++ (Rare) ・Resist/Devil++ (Rare) ・Special Weapon (Very Rare) -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? -????? (4P Only) Weapons will come with x/x/0/0/x, x/0/x/0/x, 0/x/0/x/x, x/0/0/x/x, 0/x/x/0/x or 0/0/x/x/x Hit:30%~65% Attribute:50%~60% Monster Count: Viridia: Crimson Assasin [EP1]: Red Partisan → Anti-Dark Ring 1/572 Dark Falz: Anti-Dark Ring → Red Ring 1/64 Astark: YATA MIRROR → KITETSU 1/688 Shambertin: Exterminator → LE COGNEUR 1/64 Greenil: Tollow: Red Saber → Death Cannon 1/900 Melqueek: Demolition Comet → RIANOV 303SNR-3 1/758 Gol Dragon: Death Cannon → Immortal/Ability 1/64 Epsilon: Ano Rifle 1/1050 → 1/620 Gal Gryphon: Last Swan → Ninja Suit 1/85 Skyly: Melqueek: God/HP → Sword of Despair 1/975 Tollow: Sacred Guard → Twin Pallasch 1/900 Bluefull: Tollow: Agito → Glide Divine 1/900 Hildetorr [EP2]: Wildmill → Heaven Punisher 1/19 Purplenum: Crimson Assasin [EP1]: SMOKING PLATE → Boondock Saints 1/827 Dal Ra Lie: L&K38 Combat 1/64 → 1/43 Dark Falz: Immortal/Battle 1/128 → 1/113 Gol Dragon: Oblivion → Immortal/Ability 1/64 Pinkal: Hildelt [EP1]: ELYSION → DEATH REAPER 1/370 Melqueek: Suppressed Gun 1/620 → 1/487 Nano Dragon: Guilty Light → Tormentor 1/677 Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Heart of Chu Chu 1/568 Mericarol: Tormentor → Hunter's Shell 1/930 Redria: Tollow: Red Saber → Twin Pallasch 1/900 Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Flight Cutter 1/700 Hildetorr [EP2]: Rabbit Wand → Magic Stone "Iritista" 1/21 Oran: Sil Dragon: Dragon's Claw → L&K38 Combat 1/43 Saint Million: Laconium Axe → Soul Devourer 1/85 Yellowboze: Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525 Dorphon: Black Hound Cuirass → Girasole 1/393 Saint Million: Girasole → STORMRENDER 1/64 Whitill: Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525 Del-D [EP1]: Rico's Glasses → Heaven Striker 1/1950 Gal Gryphon: Wedding Dress 1/73 → 1/64 Shambertin: Mystic Spirit → Valkyrie 1/73 All IDs: (Ultimate) Boota: Daylight Scar → CRIMSON COAT 1/213 Goran: CRIMSON COAT → Daylight Scar 1/487 VERY HARD Contains various updates. Please check droptable! https://playpso.net/drop-tables
  16. 1 like
    Yes Gatene, government quests are done in "normal" aka multiplayer mode. You will find them in the principal's room, talk to lady to the left of principal. Note that players can join you at anytime during these quests. For ep2 you can find government quests in the lab. For all other quests, no players can join once started. I can relate, this also confused me the first time I played blue burst.
  17. 1 like
    Hello everyone, this is my tutorial how to feed a 0 DEF mag without gaining one single DEF point! First of all.. How do we get 0 DEF mags? Pretty simple: You can get them randomly from a Legendary Item Crate! Now into the feeding: Feed it with a blueful HUnewearl Step 1: Mag 0DEF / 0POW / 0DEX / 0MIND Now feed the mag with 19x Antidotes Step 2: Deposit the mag in the bank and withdraw it Now feed the mag with 1 more Antidote Now your mags stats are ~0,99DEF / 2POW / 8DEX / 0MIND Also your mag evolves into Varuna and gains the Photon Blast "Farlla" Step 3: Feed your mag 4x antiparalysis (to loose some DEF-points) And now change blocks to save your mag Step 4: Feed your mag only antidotes until it reaches lvl 35 At lvl 35 the mag evolves into the mag Marutah and gains the Photon Blast "Pilla" Step 5: Feed your mag 1x antiparalysis and then 5x dimates (first the antiparalysis then the dimates!!!) Repeat that step until your mag reaches lvl 49 Step 6: Once your mag reached lvl 49 trade it to a HUmar with the ID Redria Repeat step 5 until your mag reaches lvl 50 At the moment your mag Marutah hit lvl 50 it evolves into the mag Ila and gains the Photon Blast "Mylla & Youlla" Congratulation! You can now use a custome mag cell on that mag and lvl it up to lvl 200 and it haven't gained any DEF-points! (feeding custom mag: POW=feed it dimates, DEX=feed it antidotes, Mind=feed it difluids) If you want to make the mag Kama to let it evolve into a Tellusis or a Gael Giel follow step 7 & 8: Step 7: (evolving into a KAMA) Trade the mag Ila back to your blueful HUnewearl. Now feed the mag Ila dimates until POW gets higher than DEX. If that's the case then your mag will evolve into the mag KAMA The mag is now ready to use the mag cell Dragon Scale on it to let it evolve into a Tellusis (Any Kama mag + Dragon Scale = Tellusis) Step 8: (only for Gael Giel) after your mag evolved into the mag Kama feed it dimates (for POW) / antidotes (for DEX) / difluids (for MIND) untill it reaches lvl 100 BUT you need to have POW higher than DEX and DEX higher than MIND also don't forget that your mag will evolve into a 4th evolution mag (Savitri) when your mag hits lvl 100 that only happens when your mags DEF plus POW is equal to DEX plus MIND The mag is now ready to use the mag cell D-Photon Core on it to let it evolve into a Gael Giel (Any Kama mag at lvl 100+ plus D-Photon Core = Gael Giel) If you got any questions about mags just leave a question here in the comments or send me a private message with your question! Hope you like that tutorial! Cheers Shisui Here is the mag feeding chart! While mag feeding the feeding chart should always be your best friend! https://playpso.net/forums/topic/328-mag-feeding-charts/
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    You can also feed to 10 with a Ranger for Kalki which learns Estlla (Dolphin) or with a Force for Vritra which learns Leilla (Healer) then swap it to another character before lvl 35.
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