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What's coming to Destiny PSOBB?

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We are proud to inform stuffs about new endgame contents! stay tuned everyone xD


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No Pain , No Gain .xD

Appreciate the work you guys/girls are doing , and keeping these missions more party attuned and dungeon crawler based.

Edited by Retro

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Looks cool. I just hope it fairly challenging and not just a bunch of instant death stuff. I look forward to what new items are coming if any with this.

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Here is quote of magic's comments on youtube.


What's showed here is endgame content balanced towards geared lv 200 players with decent skill at the game.

Can't tell for more details about difficulty, items etc, but 'no pain, no gain':)

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First of all, Mericarols and purple epsilons one hit kill and they're in the game since gamecube.

Back when I played PSO as a kid on my friend's gamecube, we got oneshot by the first hildebear encounter in normal. What did we do? We devised strategies to deal with it regardless, and that's some of the most fun I ever had playing PSO.

But when you have demons, mag invincibility, guaranteed freezes, 4 way PB and J/Z at your disposal, the fight is already favored heavily towards players. Especially in terms of pure power. Several bosses get obliterated by dark flows and final egg blasters before they can even attack.

The truth is, a team of geared Lv 200 players is much more powerful than the content currently available (events excluded) and any content without at least some instant death mechanics is just too easy to be called endgame.

Another problem is the fact that enemies can only have a maximum of 32767 hp. But even if we were to increase that somehow, demons would make light work of any HP increase. We do have plans to address this issue in the future though.

An argument could be made for tanking, healing and dealing damage, but with the utility we have available there's always going to be a better way to kill enemies more efficiently. Plus, enemy positions and targets aren't synced in PSO, so an enemy may be attacking the tank on one client, but going after the healer on their screen.

All this makes balancing new content a difficult task. But I believe we did a good job with the right combination of power and instant death. And if it does turn out to be unreasonably hard, we can always nerf some parts of it.

Lastly I want to mention that, without saying too much, this harder content will benefit everyone in some way, even players who aren't geared enough or aren't ready yet to participate directly.

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50 minutes ago, Magic said:

First of all, Mericarols and purple epsilons one hit kill and they're in the game since gamecube.

Back when I played PSO as a kid on my friend's gamecube, we got oneshot by the first hildebear encounter in normal. What did we do? We devised strategies to deal with it regardless, and that's some of the most fun I ever had playing PSO.

But when you have demons, mag invincibility, guaranteed freezes, 4 way PB and J/Z at your disposal, the fight is already favored heavily towards players. Especially in terms of pure power. Several bosses get obliterated by dark flows and final egg blasters before they can even attack.

The truth is, a team of geared Lv 200 players is much more powerful than the content currently available (events excluded) and any content without at least some instant death mechanics is just too easy to be called endgame.

Another problem is the fact that enemies can only have a maximum of 32767 hp. But even if we were to increase that somehow, demons would make light work of any HP increase. We do have plans to address this issue in the future though.

An argument could be made for tanking, healing and dealing damage, but with the utility we have available there's always going to be a better way to kill enemies more efficiently. Plus, enemy positions and targets aren't synced in PSO, so an enemy may be attacking the tank on one client, but going after the healer on their screen.

All this makes balancing new content a difficult task. But I believe we did a good job with the right combination of power and instant death. And if it does turn out to be unreasonably hard, we can always nerf some parts of it.

Lastly I want to mention that, without saying too much, this harder content will benefit everyone in some way, even players who aren't geared enough or aren't ready yet to participate directly.

Truth ,  the fact edk can be reached as high as it is now , simplified the game even more . It was a lot harder to reach 88 edk to survive a del lilly in towers . 

I love this formula for event game play it in courage's team formation and thought .Not just , i push 1 combo enemy dead scenario. 

55 minutes ago, Magic said:

Plus, enemy positions and targets aren't synced in PSO, so an enemy may be attacking the tank on one client, but going after the healer on their screen.

Maybe a agro table , like in world of warcraft how enemy go for damage dealer ? The de - sync is a pain for sure, the warps in challenge mode used to often cause this in episode 2 back in day.

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I didn't mean any offense with that statement and I apologize if any was taken. I don't think most of us mind some instant death mechanics. However, there are definitely more well received events even with minor groans and then there are events like the easter event that a lot of people just opted out of this year due to entire classes not being able to do them and/or small movement errors got you killed to a fixed 4000 damage per hit. I know the game is old and has its many issues with things like de-syncs. However, it is like the same god geared people that are capable of clearing this with little to no issue. You see the same people in the youtube videos. A mild to well geared team of 200s can have a hard time just doing Max S on episode 2 or ROCT. This isn't meant to be a rant or complaint. I am just point this out because it seems like offense was taken with my comment of not wanting an event that if I even look the wrong way I am dead. I know I am not the only player to have that mentality either. That event was just the most recent one. I don't think I speak for myself when I say we want hard, but not near impossible without max gear or getting hit through walls with insta death hits with fixed damage or other mechanics. I do also strongly disagree that things can't be made harder without making them one shot level 200 people with decent to even the best armors. Things don't have to hit for 4k+ damage to be difficult. I think HOD1 and HOD2 proved that with just base monsters and sheer numbers. 

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HoD1-2 aren't that hard at all for geared ppl tbh. even for middle level players its still easy if they have decent teamwork. and we are not planning to make quest with wall of enemies to raise the difficulty. nor make easier to hunt certain items obviously.

Without 1hko things or things that lead you death with mistake, this game is too easy especially as endgame-contents as magic said. since FO can spam resta with Paragon/Skyfall, Mag invincible and buffed range moon/reverser. If you've played end-content in other games, you can find there are lots of crazy contents with ridiculous difficulty but worth challenging. not only MMOs.

Gear is not the biggest problem (still important factor, but easier to reach decent endgame-gear compared to vanilla or so) to clear harder quest efficiently, the more important is teamwork and player skill. most of the problem you pointed out is mostly player's skill issue tbh. and its avoidable obvisouly. if ppl wants to clear certain content seriously, they can check video on youtube, build a plan to clear, make effort to get better gear, repeat try and fail to reach the goal etc (and I don't hesistate to post tips once its released). and this is what you'll be required to clear harder contents in ANY game. also 'Lost Soul Ripper' and 'Mines Offensive [Easter]' are doable with 2P within 15-20mins and theres video on youtube.

 If you remember when 'Toward the Final Destination' has been implemented, it WAS looked impossible to clear but players found a way to clear eventually. and finally its doable with 2P within 16mins. 'Walking through Flame' was designed for 4P and estimate clear time was 30mins+, but doable within 15mins. No one has thought 'Blink of Oblivion' is doable with 2P 11`xx till old BoO TA event starts.  'The Eternal Age's secret Epsi Challenge was considered impossible to complete 100 kills, but we achieved it. what I want to say is ppl could learn and get better eventually. It includes your player skill/gear.

Eitherway, we promise you the content will be cool and worth playing for everyone in some way, not only for perfect geared players with 100% teamwork. no worries, stay tuned.

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12 hours ago, ScottAW said:

I didn't mean any offense with that statement and I apologize if any was taken. I don't think most of us mind some instant death mechanics. However, there are definitely more well received events even with minor groans and then there are events like the easter event that a lot of people just opted out of this year due to entire classes not being able to do them and/or small movement errors got you killed to a fixed 4000 damage per hit. I know the game is old and has its many issues with things like de-syncs. However, it is like the same god geared people that are capable of clearing this with little to no issue. You see the same people in the youtube videos. A mild to well geared team of 200s can have a hard time just doing Max S on episode 2 or ROCT. This isn't meant to be a rant or complaint. I am just point this out because it seems like offense was taken with my comment of not wanting an event that if I even look the wrong way I am dead. I know I am not the only player to have that mentality either. That event was just the most recent one. I don't think I speak for myself when I say we want hard, but not near impossible without max gear or getting hit through walls with insta death hits with fixed damage or other mechanics. I do also strongly disagree that things can't be made harder without making them one shot level 200 people with decent to even the best armors. Things don't have to hit for 4k+ damage to be difficult. I think HOD1 and HOD2 proved that with just base monsters and sheer numbers. 

No offense taken. I do disagree though, I believe the reason less people played easter this year in comparison to say, valentines, is because there wasn't really anything new. D-Virus Baranz alone has been dealing 4k damage for years and the event was always well received. The reason it's 4k damage is because at 4k it's essentially a one hit kill, but can't reliably be used against them with confuse traps. But yes, instant death is by design. Anything less and mag invincibility can be abused by setting HP to a certain number. Not all our events feature monsters that one hit kill by the way, you have to realize easter is one of our hardest events (if not the hardest).

As Vel said, these challenges are really less about gear (to a certain extent, you'll still need some essentials and a high level) and more about knowledge of spawns, knowledge of the game and reaction times. Freeze and confuse traps are free to get, and those are still some of the best ways to deal with these types of mobs. Combine that with a ranger with a grave digger (not hard to get either) and you got your team some good odds to kill them. Twin Cyclone for hunters is also a very good option. We also make sure with all our enemies that it's not essential to own 80 hit weapons to thrive, and that there's always at least one way to kill them. That said, obviously I can't guarantee you won't die a few times. And even the best players here still die every now and then from the buffed sinows. But that's okay. Like others said, no pain no gain :)

Either way, it's alright if we have different opinions. I hope you enjoy your time here regardless. And like I said before, the upcoming content will be beneficial for everyone regardless of participation.

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In relation to these insane events here on the server (yes, there is no way to name it any other way and yes it is a compliment:D). My only regret is that I rarely participate, mostly because I don't have a team to go in search of event rewards, but that's not the only implication, sometimes the average time for event missions, due to the difficulty, exceeds 30 minutes, which It's just up to me to hunt for other possible items on the hunt alone and sell them to try to buy new ones. But that's my particularity, and I don't see it as a negative point, because when I can join a team, fun is guaranteed. But here ''Toward The Final Destination!'' I think they're past the point, I played it once and went to sleep very irritated >:( hahahahah! But that's it, I hope they continue, create many events and items that we can get as much as we can. And one last request, could you bring 2nd Anniversary wins again, even if just for a weekend, at the beginning of the year, so we can fly in the new year? (Poetic no?) hahah hugs!

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On 6.6.2024 at 3:56 PM, gesseluis said:

I hope they continue, create many events and items that we can get as much as we can

I also think that any kind of new content, especially endgame content, is highly appreciated. In the end of the day, everyone decides for themselves whether they want to play the new content or not. Its an addition to the game after all

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On 6/6/2024 at 2:56 PM, gesseluis said:

In relation to these insane events here on the server (yes, there is no way to name it any other way and yes it is a compliment:D). My only regret is that I rarely participate, mostly because I don't have a team to go in search of event rewards, but that's not the only implication, sometimes the average time for event missions, due to the difficulty, exceeds 30 minutes, which It's just up to me to hunt for other possible items on the hunt alone and sell them to try to buy new ones. But that's my particularity, and I don't see it as a negative point, because when I can join a team, fun is guaranteed. But here ''Toward The Final Destination!'' I think they're past the point, I played it once and went to sleep very irritated >:( hahahahah! But that's it, I hope they continue, create many events and items that we can get as much as we can. And one last request, could you bring 2nd Anniversary wins again, even if just for a weekend, at the beginning of the year, so we can fly in the new year? (Poetic no?) hahah hugs!

I have the same issue due to work :(

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