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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. -pinned this topic
  2. Commands

    made a public tutorial with a video how to do that. And also other server probably dun know how to do that, besides 3 or 4 people so far. But still people wont be able to overwirte any model, since the plZsmpnj.afs is updating automaticly. So for now u all have to wait for other new magic thats going to happen some other time.
  3. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    some use "." instead of "," and the other way round. People would complain with both even knowing that a high droprate would actually have 3 numbers after the "," or "."
  4. What other games are you playing?

    Soleil (Crusader of Centy) & Ristar :3
  5. Whats your Favorite Food?

    shouldnt the "G" in the title be a "F"?
  6. Show your screenshots

    wut? when was this? i dun remember being there when u found it D:
  7. Commands

    no initial ID swap after that 1 week. can recommend u to create a character with whatever name and then change the ID while u still can
  8. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    which is still a thing
  9. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    only 5x exp will be gone.... infinite magfeed will stay
  10. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    will end 1 week from launch, except magfeed
  11. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    coming soon Normal - Very Hard Droprate = 1x Ultimate Droprate = 2x Happy Hour Droprate = 3x on all difficults 5x EXP Boost only lasts 1 week since launch
  12. o hai

  13. nice :3 Now thats fixed ill close this topic
  14. if u r using OS XP, then open thepsobb.exe instead of the launcher for now. The launcher isnt fully working with OS XP yet
  15. Race to 200 event!

    i guess NDW is next if it didnt allready happened
  16. Mag Cell Event

    1 mag from another event and 1 secret mag cell
  17. Show your screenshots

    also here r another 2 mags listed which r available
  18. Show your screenshots

    There i a mag cell called "a new friend" the cell is used on a sato with lvl 100 at least
  19. Hello! :3

    Welcome! glad u two enjoy the server
  20. hi

    Maybe I can get u back to make some stuff again. will pm u
  21. List of modified vanilla item?

    non yet, since there r way to many changes made
  22. hi

    dude hows ur project going?
  23. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    not allowed, so they dont work. for example floor reader and stuff like that also dun work.