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Everything posted by Mystery

  1. Free Section ID

    This will end tomorrow at 9 am GMT make sure to change your ID back in time.
  2. Free Section ID

    Hi all, Since the event ended and not everyone was able to get back the right section ID I put it back on it will last until Sunday 7th of June 6PM GMT. Make sure by that time you have the right section ID. Enjoy
  3. Happy birthday my friend have a wonderful day and may all your dreams come true. <3 


  4. Music

    <3 <3 <3
  5. Music

    Man i love this guy Sefa all the way <3
  6. Music

    Sefa <3
  7. B> Primal Nexus x3 10 Dts each pm me 

  8. Happy Birthday I wish you a wonderful day and lots of healthy years to come <3 


  9. S> DARK BRIDGE [50/0/0/50|30] 60 Dts

  10. Easter Themed Symbol Chat Event !!!

    Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Easter themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random Easter Symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are very simple: Easter theme only (so any Easter related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st: @Mr Snows Orb of Illusions 2nd: @Nickie Immortal/Battle 3rd: @Hollywood Custom mag by your choice Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. This event will end on Sunday 19 of April at 7 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck.
  11. Easter Themed Symbol Chat Event !!!

    Everyone got there prizes hope you all enjoy it . Untill next time
  12. Easter Themed Symbol Chat Event !!!

    Thank you all for participating, We have made our decision The Winners are: 1st place @Mr Snows 2nd place @Nickie 3th place @Hollywood Congratulations to all of you guys. The 3 winners can sent me a pm when you have time to collect your prize. For the others i will open a pm with all of you for your crates. Hope you all had fun.
  13. Easter Themed Symbol Chat Event !!!

    This event has ended. The winners will be announced soon.
  14. Destiny v0.69.420 (april fools)

    it was april fools patch v0.69.420 LOL
  15. Old Newbie

    Hello welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay
  16. Valentine's 2020!

    Event has ended hope everyone had fun. From now on you can redeem 15 Flower Bouquets for a special on weapons that don't have a special yet. You can't use it for S-ranks or weapons that already have his own special. It is allowed to change a special too on weapons that doesn't come with his own special. Every gm can redeem flowers so feel free to pm one of us.
  17. Valentine's 2020!

    Valentine's 2020! Love is in the air <3 Valentine's Chair Special thanks to @Shiva for an amazing valentine's chair and the lobby theme. Valentine's Crate Notes Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Flower Bouquets Flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the whole event! Special Valentine hunt Wing's of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta & Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. Limited edition, meaning it drops during Valentine's only, and may or may not return next year. Drops from Dark Falz: Pinkal, Redria, Oran. A special thanks to @Shiva & @Digi Ferox for the banner. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for his work. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's from Destiny! Valentine's Event ends on Sunday 8 march.

    Valentine's 2019! Love is in the air <3 Valentine's Chair Special thanks to @Shiva for an amazing valentine's chair and the lobby theme. New Valentine's Crate Notes Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Flower Bouquets Flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the whole event! Special Valentine hunt Wing's of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta & Reverser range by 100%. Class: All. Limited edition, meaning it drops during Valentine's only, and may or may not return next year. Drops from Dark Falz: Pinkal, Redria, Oran. A special thanks to @Shiva & @Digi Ferox for the banner. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for his hard work on the Wings of Life and the valentine's Crate. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's from Destiny! Valentine's Event ends on Sunday 10 march.
  19. B> PGF pm me if your selling 

  20. B> PGF pm me if your selling 

  21. Hello

    Hey, Welcome to Destiny enjoy your stay If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask anytime.
  22. Music

    Sefa My new favorite DJ man i love his music <3
  23. Christmas themed Symbol chat event

    Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Christmas themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random Christmas symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are verry simple: Christmas theme only (so any Christmas related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st: @VEL Ill Gill Reaper with triple 50 stats 2nd: @Lipelis Ethereal Armor 3rd: @Howitzer State/Maintenance Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. This event will end on Sunday January 5th at 8 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck.