we just had a thread like this a week ago... sorry dont know how to find it
basically the girls are op
hucasy might be best hu
weps are very cool, different meta here, swords arent used, instead we have many 3 hit melee weps like double swords
we have a wep that can lower your hp from full to df in one combo
we have a low hp RA wep, and hp lowering gun that can lower hp in 2 combos
force is opaf, fonewm might be the best solo character in the game
magic works basically everywhere
delsaber ep 2 not weak to hell but mostly edk stats are the same
monster EVP is NOT boosted however their atp and hp seem to be increased. crimson assassin seems to have a lot of hp
dark bridge is actually op, the 3x grants attack can do tons of dammage, few enemies are resistant
dark meteor shots 7 shots i think
dark flow has an added physical attack when using the wave, the sword also now hits so this will make 6 hits on the sweetspot of dark flow instead of 5
olga can be obliterated several different ways. dark flow not required
hunewy is really good too
we have v802 and v503 upgraded versions of v801 v502
state.maintance unit for cure all, no more cure confuse meta
item called pb flow build 1 pb every 5 sec? these stack, can build pb fast
we have a mag with invuneralbe proc chance over 90%
so u can get a lot of i frames with 2 pb flow and that mag, nice on hu who can reduce to 63pb with tjs or dragon sword (upgraded tjs/not needed any unsealing, more atp)
btw olgas sword wave attack does a lot more damage just warning you its not 600ish anymore its like ... 1400? idk
you dont fall down, biggest difference. gameplay changes because of this quite a bit. some dont like it, i came to like it a lot. cheers mate hope you like it here