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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. Destiny v0.6.8 patchnotes

    its on viridia indi belra. actually doesnt show up correctly D:
  2. Halloween Event 2017

    if it has 9+ stars its unreduced
  3. Halloween Event 2017

    i just did a hod 2 today. it is horrible
  4. There will be a Forum event soon so be prepaired and stay tuned ;)

    will be my first forum event so dont expect much but ill try to do it as good as i can :3

  5. Zwene´s Shop

    i dont want to read such words again. or i have to warn you bro https://playpso.net/forums/guidelines/ Vulgar language and obscenities.
  6. All Custom Gear stats + pics

    ty. added it
  7. That one moment after 25+ PoD's when finally a Kondrieu appears and drops literally nothing D:

    1. Shisui


      i believed and praised dw before! but got no drop :c

    2. JanenbaDMS


      Kondy is cruel D:

    3. Shisui
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. Selling Some finds

    yeah im a moderator. im able to edit posts
  9. Show your screenshots

    i hear some irony since its a dark weapon now
  10. Selling Some finds

    this has something to do with theme. if you mark that white stripes you see what he wrote ill edit it so everyone can see it
  11. Show your screenshots

    got that beauty today :3 my first lame drop on this server
  12. Daily Quest: Item Crate

    @Shade i allowed myselfe to edit your topic and added some crate drops which are confirmed and deleted that double pd
  13. Team Uchiha

    Hello players from Destiny! I'm Shisui. I'm from Austria and 22 years old. i havent played pso for too long but i've learned alot about the game and the mechanics. So I made a team called Uchiha, you'll recognize that from the teamflag. Requirement for invitation: active Player (i take this for real) must be able to use Team Speak (for better teamplay/strategies) knowledge about game mechanics/game itselfe (if you dont have, be willing and ready to learn ) accepting that sometimes its better to act as 2p teams. or to hunt certain items on themselfe (cause of easy rates or anything like that) follow rules from Destiny Server! just a little note: You won't get a invitation if you ask. you'll have to play with me/us to proof yourselfe. and if im convinced i'll think about it to add you to the team What my thought about the team is: to create a strong and trustworthy team with as less members as possible to make crates hunts easier, cause as team we could help each other and lower rates for team mates (even if you got it already, just afk in room and its help enough :3 ) to help each other and to learn more about strategies and game mechanics noone have known already I think this was everything i wanted to let you know bout my team. How to conntact me? find me ingame and we can do a run or two together Cheers Shisui
  14. Daily Quest: Item Crate

    you can add Legendary: Genesis Armor, Chain Sawd, Centurion/Arms & Centurion/Mind
  15. Really simple question

    https://playpso.net/register here
  16. Hello

    heyo Jezbuz! Glad to see you around! See you in the Battlefields
  17. What's up

    welcome to destiny! enjoy your stay any questions = feel free to ask !
  18. hi

    welcome to our server ! ^~^ if you have any questions feel free to ask
  19. hi everyone.

    hey enjoy your stay on Destiny! if you have any questions feel free to ask
  20. Feel free to join our Discord Server https://discord.gg/J4nGcU ^~^

  21. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    well since i dont have dm here i cant check it on destiny ._. i got 2 files in data folder now effect_nt.xvm (with the blue/changed texture) and effect_nt2.xvm (original file - i just changed name to make a backup that way) also tried removieng the original one still wont work
  22. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    nope.. well lemme tell you what i did. 1. extracted effect_nt.xvm 2. extracted texture 6 3. changed colour 4. imported new coloured texture 5. saved it and rechecked that the texture 6 is blue 6. edited original effect_nt.xvm to effect_nt2.xvm 7. copied the changed effect_nt.xvm to data folder 8. started game - nothing changed 9. checked file again and texture is still blue :c
  23. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    didnt changed colour ingame for me...
  24. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    ty ill try it out today evening ☺️✌???? (think i only tried effect and not effect_nt