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Everything posted by Lipelis

  1. Show your screenshots

    PARTY \o/
  2. EASTER EVENT 2020: Chaotic Casino

    woOOOF that Primal Nexus looks and got some sexy stats 👀 also the technical aspect for PSO content here is always impressive.. Cheers Destiny!
  3. Music

    Classic wow!
  4. Music

    It's been a while since I've been in a Berlin Techno'ish mood but hey, when Blawan plays an unreleased tune from his duo Karenn, it's always a pleasure (the timecode should be set 👂🎵)
  5. Luck mat and scape doll oddities

    @Gummy no sacrificing base stats involved if you follow some max stats plans! Here is a cool doc with multiple plans; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIN2LbEmjdybDzvI8QuU9SMvy9csROqpkSl8bldvv0E/edit#gid=458429584
  6. Luck mat and scape doll oddities

    Ahoy Gummy, My 2 cent theory about the limitation of Dolls is to fit the philosophy of the majors game changes, like no-knockdown for example. That amplified feeling of danger while playing is a nice touch to balance the powerful custom gear available. Also a "Game Over" from time to time (which is not that punitive in my opinion) is a good message to think about a game-plan to complete the run. And as Obama says... With great power comes great responsibility btw you still owe me 500k spent on moons
  7. Old Newbie

  8. B> Last Emperor with DTs contact me ploze, ty Edit: ty @Rem cr-blush.gif


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  11. Music

    Woa.. New Gorillaz sounds lovely Désolé 🇫🇷
  12. Lipelist ⏸

    CLOSED FOR NOW sorry! ._.
  13. T> SOUL DEVOURER [100/0/100/0|100] ✨ for Yellow Wings Done: ✅

  14. Show your screenshots

    And I thought that my 40 crates farmed were already a lot, nvm lmao cg topu that's insane!
  15. Wrath's Fancy Costume Competition

    This event got three time more answers than your previous one.. no but jokes aside, we are a small community, that's not a news we know that. So a bump about mini event is a common thing to refresh people memory so they don't forget about it or in this case maybe an extended date to motivate people to post their ideas in time could have been a thing.. since a costume event is more time consuming for participants to prepare than a single answer quiz, if you get my point here. And long story short a sentence about it in the main post in the first place would have been appreciated, now it feels like an anti-climatic last minute surprise.. Don't get me wrong, I'm being honest here Wrath but I hope that my point is constructive enough to be benefical to the next events... which add life to Destiny's activity and we all appreciate that!
  16. Converting Monster Parts Guidance

    Welcome Siozek
  17. Show your screenshots

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, ehehehehehehe.... oh woaw.... 2freakin80% That's something
  18. S> x15 Flower Bouquets → 20pds 👀

  19. Happy Birthday Sab!

  20. Valentine's 2020!

    Thanks... ... Destiny ,_, ❤️
  21. List of Valentine Crate

    BUMP 😎 + Frostbite + Soul Devourer
  22. What are your PSO Goals?

    From my first introduction early December I grinded the game a lot in a short amount of time (according to my standards) so since I reached some of my main goals for RA & HU, I feel like this is a good moment to share my progress with a relatively detailed log it could be interesting for new players and curious people hehe Legend: ➡️= Important date | ✦ = Major game changer ➡️November 18, 2019 Joined Destiny → RAmar Charge Arms 1pd Bazaar Heavenly/Battle Very Hard Bluefull MA4DMD, Dorphon Eclair ✦ → Never: C/Battle → Hell Striker → Death Reaper → Spread Needle → Frozen Shooter → Won Wrath’s Quiz → Red Ring → Orgo: Combustion Cannon → Berserk Arms 5th Phantasmal Crate → Tiger’s Fang & Dragon’s Claw 0/70/70/0|90 6th Phantasmal Crate → V502 Heart of Dark Chao Utimate Viridia CCA, Gryphon Lavis Cannon 0/0/25/0|45 Ultimate Redria Maximum Attack 4th Stage -1B-, Pouilly Slime Business Jacket Ultimate Yellowboze TTF, Dark Bringer Death Reaper 40hit Ultimate Redria PTS, Indi Belra ➡️December 6, 2019 Halloween Event with free ID and Photon Tokens activated because of delay Cannon Rouge Utimate Greenill MA4DMD, Dorphon Eclair Heavenly/Arms Utimate Pinkal MA4DMD, Dorphon Eclair ✦ Grave Digger Ultimate Bluefull Max Attack, Goran Detonator Sealed J-Sword Ultimate Skyly Defend The Main Room, Gi Gue -> 20dts Heaven Striker 0/0/0/35|35 Ultimate Redria Max Attack, Pyro Goran V503 Ultimate Redria Max Attack, Goran Detonator State Maintenance Oran CCA, Gryphon ✦ V802 Ultimate Whitill Lost Soul Blade, Sinow Blue → RAmarl 6pts → Blue Phantom Field 30pts → Dr. Robotnik's Plan B Raygun 0/0/50/50|30 from Restless Lion Parts of Egg Blaster Ultimate Skyly, Baranz ✦ Final Egg Blaster 0/0/50/50|30 → Sabrina: Ninja Suit D-Virus Launcher 40/0/0/0 Ultimate Bluefull Gal Da Val’s Darkness Baranz 1/1820 Genesis Armor Whitill, Epsilon Ill Gill Reaper 80% Walking Through Flames, Grim Reaper Demon Wings PTS, Headless Horseman ➡️December 28, 2019 Xmas Event with free ID and Photon Tokens activated Ethereal Armor Christmas themed Symbol chat event 2nd place → Flola: Boondocks Saints Ultimate Purplenum PTS, Indi Belra Xmas Present Hell TypeSH/Shot 45hit Xmas Present Charge Yas 40hit Xmas Present Demon Yas → Wade: 30pts → 15dts 1st Parasitic gene "Flow" RT ✦ Dark Meteor 0/0/50/50|50 → RAcast Prophets of Motav Ultimate Oran → 22dts Oran Card Ultimate Oran, Dubchich 1/16806 ✦ → tsetsuna: Imm/Battle for pts Christmas Spirit 0/0/0/40|40 January 15, 2020 Skyly Wings from Howitzer for 25pts into Whitill 8-3 unlocked 2nd Parasitic gene "Flow" RT → HUcast ✦ Dark Flow 0/0/50/50|50 pts → Twin Cyclone, Stormrender, D-Photon Core, Dark Matter… ✦ Ultimate Double Cannon 0/0/25/0|45 ✦ dts → Depassage: Rathalos Great Sword, Dragon Sword Orb Of Illusions x4 January 25, 2020 Redria Wings bought to Piv turned into Viridia … TOTAL: ~300 hours From now on, I split my ressources into upgrading RA & HU gear (at a 60:40~ ratio since I'm a native Ranger player) then Dark Bridge and serious FO stuff will come later. Thanks for reading! Cheers 🍻
  23. List: Phantasmal Crate Items

    @wade1212 I keep a list on a doc