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Showing most liked content on 07/03/24 in all areas

  1. 4 likes
    Hello everyone for 1 I'm not a troll I'm new to the server! And would like to get the hang of this server I'm coming from ultima first game I made tho I was called a troll I am not I am.new to server I made a char years ago and played a hour apparently I don't remember but I'm just here to say hello and if anyone wants to help me get started that be awesome starting from scratch is a nightmare
  2. 1 like
    Welcome, I was a participant in ULTIMA SERVER too, since I discovered this server (2019) I never left. There is no comparison here, events, missions with daily prizes, challenging difficulty, fun, items with unique design, independence in your performance, such as, adding hits to weapons and status, super exclusive items in events, and here your wizard has SD level 35 Do you want more than that? My best known name in the game is Zion and when I'm available I'm happy to help you hunt and level items!
  3. 1 like
    Welcome, if you hate starting from scratch, you found the right server. With x10 exp on now you will fly through those levels. The helpful community and happy hours every 15.5 hours will ensure you find gear fast too.