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  1. 1 like
    Our team is awesome because you don't have to be a pro or even any good. You will get help from other teammates.
  2. 1 like
    SELLING Usable Items Parasitic Gene "Flow" PGF 55 DTs / 110 PTs Weapons Dark Meteor +25 [0/50/0/50/50] 60DTs / 120 PTs Stormrender [0/0/0/0/25] Final Egg Blaster +30 [0/35/0/0/55] Combustion Cannon [0/0/0/5/0] untekked Combustion Cannon [0/0/15/0/0] Baranz Launcher [0/0/0/90/100] Black King Bar [0/0/0/0/80] Skyfall [0/0/0/0/0] 6DTs / 12 Pts Last Emperor [0/30/30/0/0] SOLD Kietsu +30 [0/0/50/55/35] Claw of Elements [0/0/0/0/0] Armor X Parts ver 3.10 [0/0] Dynasty Armor [0/0] Archfiend Armor [4 slot 0/0] SOLD Etheral Armor x2 [4 slot 0/0] 10 Dts / 20 Pts Shields From The Depths [0/0] Cataclysm Shield [0/0] Units Immortal Battle 30 PTs Techs Lvl 15 techs 1 PD Lvl 20 techs 1 PD Materials HP Materials x125 Evade Materials x250 Mind Materials x250 Power Materials x 250 WANTS PDs/PTs/DT/s/PSs or trades PGF Genesis Armor MAX Red Ring MAX Rainbow Shield MAX
  3. 1 like