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Showing most liked content on 11/27/19 in Posts

  1. 12 likes
    The first 80h weapon I've ever owned. And so it begins.
  2. 8 likes
    This took way longer than it should have + million deaths, but I managed to solo HoD 1
  3. 2 likes
    How much are you eating? If you're not eating enough or the right kind of food, it's a recipe for hypoglycemia which leads to insomnia. Also, don't try to stack a whole day's worth of food before bedtime just because you haven't eaten throughout the day. You may not notice at first because your body will be fueling off adrenaline. However, not sleeping enough eventually leads to hormonal imbalances and all sorts of related issues.
  4. 2 likes
    My two daily's crates for today
  5. 1 like
    So im a 17 year old who suffers with really bad insomnia, on a college night im going to sleep at 6am, waking up at a little passed 8am and missing my classes. I will then take that 2 hours sleep and that will fuel my body till the next day where the cycle repeats for days on end. Many of you guys on here that know me somewhat will know that ive been trying to combat insomnia for years, to no avail. Im just looking for any unique tips and tricks to help me with my insomnia. Im asking here because i have no where else to look. All internet research has been tested and it really doesnt seem to have any advantages. Maybe some of you have had similar issues and could share your thoughts. ~ Thanks Wrath
  6. 1 like
    The video was very interesting, i have indeed heard most of it before. Thank you for all the advice and help. I will try some of the things you and the video mentioned. Hopefully i can get my sleep back on track
  7. 1 like
    It's tricky to give advice on this online really - is there anything you doctor can prescribe you? From my very limited experience I find using f.lux (if youre on windows) can help if you're on the computer a lot like I am. It's free, and it reduces blue light throughout the day. https://justgetflux.com/ Exercising in the day can help your body naturally feel tired too. Also I find drinking lots of water throughout the day helps me feel more awake in the day. I hope you get the right help for it + find something that works for you edit: You might have heard all this before but this was interesting:
  8. 1 like
  9. 1 like
    It's about time I showed my RAmarl some love.