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Showing most liked content on 03/06/19 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Valentine's 2019! Love is in the air <3 Valentine's Chair Special thanks to @Shiva for an amazing valentine's chair and the lobby theme. New Valentine's Crate Notes Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Flower Bouquets Flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the whole event! Special Valentine hunt Wing's of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta & Reverser range by 100%. Class: All. Limited edition, meaning it drops during Valentine's only, and may or may not return next year. Drops from Dark Falz: Pinkal, Redria, Oran. A special thanks to @Shiva & @Digi Ferox for the banner. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for his hard work on the Wings of Life and the valentine's Crate. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's from Destiny! Valentine's Event ends on Sunday 10 march.
  2. 1 like
    definily looks like your files arent whitelisted but try this one: https://mega.nz/#!mIghUIYA!VTA5q81AV6LMpti8wpAirv3ChGTCn2PtipyPhmNuR2o just drop the files into your destiny psobb folder again were the exe is located.
  3. 1 like
    Hmmm... did you whitelist the whole folder? Cause your AV shouldn't recognize the false alert afterwards. otherwise try the following: -reinstall -start the game and let it patch -after it interrupts, check your destiny psobb folder were the exe is loacated -look for a file called psobb.pat (There might be 2 files with the same name) -delete both psobb.pat files -Launch the game and let it patch Hope this will solve it