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Showing most liked content on 04/29/18 in all areas

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    ↑ Looks like Luck's Luck in this Happy Hour still was sufficient to help Shiva get that drop Yesterday during the Happy Hour, Shisui and me also hunted Zu's Punishment doing 2 FOnewm PODs. We get a few Kondrieus and in one of those fights, I died as the boss died. Could already see the red box, just waiting to be revived. It wasn't a PD, but Shisui was not amused not getting a drop himself because he didn't plan to play PSO the next day, so this was his last chance to get the weapon before the end of the event. Or was it ...? Today, I decided to make it up to him. A Happy Hour began (the one where I joined Sab, Holbe and Shiva later) and I decided to hunt a Shadow Cloak for Shisui. After 6 or 7 runs: Having recently put hit on my Celestial Fusion to whittle down Astark/Zu/Dorphon HP to save time, I decided to try my luck again - literally, by sending my FOnewm (aptly named Luck) into POD. First run, Kondrieu - no drop. Second run, Kondrieu again! This time I died from two missiles hitting me at the same time and I had no Scape Doll. Grabbed a Scape Doll from the bank, and this time sweet revenge was mine:
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