Rules 09/21/17
Read our server/forum rules here: https://playpso.net/forums/guidelines/ -
Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build Guide 05/28/19
server exclusive items, useful tips, setups, and more! -
Destiny Reader Update! Map Items! 05/01/24
Floor item reader is here! (last update: 5/2/2024) -
What's coming to Destiny PSOBB? 05/26/24
Trailer of NEW End-game contents! stay tuned! -
Destiny XMAS 2024! 1st Raid BOSS: Nightmare Chaser XII 12/16/24
New item "Chaos Engine" and Quest "Silent Nightmare [Raid/Year-Round]"
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5 likesAs promised, now you can view all available Destiny item information in one organized place. Find it here: playpso.net/database The current state of the system is beta. If you find info that's not displayed correctly, please post it in this thread and we'll update it. This database contains all of the Destiny items and stats. You can: Sort items based on name, stats, targets, etc. Apply filters to retrieve a filtered list. Click on the + sign to reveal some additional information about the item. Pro tips: For weapons in the "type" filter, you can select "All Melee" or "All Ranged" to filter the table on the respective weapon types. Set "usable class" to your class, "min. Targets" to 3, and sort on "total ATP" to see the best multihit weapons for your class. To see the best triple invincibility mags, in the mag tab set all filters to "invincibility" and sort on activation %. Note: We may or may not add pictures in the future, but for now there's no pics. If you want to see how some of our items look like, there's still this thread: Even though its outdated and has some wrong stats... Anyways, we'll do our best to keep this database 100% up to date at all times. Enjoy!
1 likeOUTDATED: check playpso.net/database instead or this guide includes more usefull info! Credit to @Sabrina for the pictures! Weapons (custom & modified) GULD MILLA Type: Mechgun min ATP: 180 max ATP: 200 Grind: 60 total ATP: 320 ATA: 30 Required ATA: 190 Special: Gush Range: 120.0 (targets: 1) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DARK FLOW Type: Sword min ATP: 1100 max ATP: 1100 Grind: 0 total ATP: 1100 ATA: 50 Required ATP: 1100 Special: Energy Wave Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal DARK METEOR Type: Shot min ATP: 700 max ATP: 700 Grind: 25 total ATP: 750 ATA: 45 Required ATA: 200 Special: Energy Beam Range: 150.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DARK BRIDGE Type: Rod min ATP: 600 max ATP: 600 Grind: 0 total ATP: 600 ATA: 60 Required MST: 900 Special: None Boosts: Rafoie +50%, Grants +50%, Razonde +50% Boosts: DFP +50 Range: 14.0 (targets: 1) Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl ULTIMATE DOUBLE CANNON Type: Double Saber min ATP: 1000 max ATP: 1000 Grind: 0 total ATP: 1000 ATA: 60 Required ATP: 1200 Special: Ultimate Destruction Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Special Range: 210.0 (targets 8) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal MASTER RAVEN Type: Handgun min ATP: 150 max ATP: 180 Grind: 9 total ATP: 198 ATA: 52 MST: 5 Required ATA: 150 Special: Lord's Range: 170.0 (targets: 1) Class: humar, hucast, ramar, racast, fomar, fonewm LAST SWAN Type: Handgun min ATP: 150 max ATP: 180 Grind: 9 total ATP: 198 ATA: 52 MST: 5 Required ATA: 150 Special: Master's Range: 170.0 (targets: 1) Class: hunewearl, hucaseal, ramarl, racaseal, fomarl, fonewearl GUSH NEEDLE Type: Needle min ATP: 400 max ATP: 400 Grind: 60 total ATP: 520 ATA: 40 Required ATA: 135 Special: Gush Range: 65.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal HELL NEEDLE Type: Needle min ATP: 400 max ATP: 400 Grind: 60 total ATP: 520 ATA: 40 Required ATA: 135 Special: Hell Range: 65.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal ARREST NEEDLE Type: Needle min ATP: 400 max ATP: 400 Grind: 60 total ATP: 520 ATA: 40 Required ATA: 135 Special: Arrest Range: 65.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DESERT EAGLE Type: Mechgun min ATP: 185 max ATP: 185 Grind: 80 total ATP: 345 ATA: 50 Required ATA: 200 Special: Long range piercing Range: 85.0 (targets: 1) Special Range: 170.0 (targets 10) Class: humar, hucast, ramar, racast INFERNO BLADE Type: Sword min ATP: 575 max ATP: 575 Grind: 35 total ATP: 645 ATA: 48 Required MST: 700 Special: Burning Boosts: Foie +50%, Gifoie +40%, Rafoie +30% Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl SUBZERO Type: Rifle min ATP: 250 max ATP: 280 Grind: 24 total ATP: 328 ATA: 70 Required MST: 680 Special: Blizzard Boosts: Barta +50%, Gibarta +40%, Rabarta +30% Range: 210.0 (targets: 1) Class: humar, hunewearl, ramar, ramarl, fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl GLIDE DIVINE S Type: Rod min ATP: 440 max ATP: 440 Grind: 0 total ATP: 440 ATA: 34 MST: 55 Required MST: 900 Special: Anti, TP refill Boosts: Megid Penetration, Grants +60%, Zalure +300% Boosts: DFP +50 Range: 17.0 (targets: 1) Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl MYSTIC SPIRIT Type: Mechgun min ATP: 185 max ATP: 185 Grind: 80 total ATP: 345 ATA: 50 Required ATA: 200 Special: Long range piercing Range: 85.0 (targets: 1) Special Range: 170.0 (targets 10) Class: hunewearl, hucaseal, ramarl, racaseal NIGHTMARE Type: Sword min ATP: 880 max ATP: 920 Grind: 80 total ATP: 1080 ATA: 52 Required ATP: 1000 Special: Hell Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal DARK FALZ BUSTER Type: Twin Sword min ATP: 900 max ATP: 940 Grind: 0 total ATP: 940 ATA: 50 Required ATP: 700 Special: Hell Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal TORMENTOR Type: Shot min ATP: 415 max ATP: 415 Grind: 85 total ATP: 585 ATA: 50 Required ATA: 180 Special: Demon's Range: 130.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal EXTERMINATOR Type: Shot min ATP: 180 max ATP: 180 Grind: 145 total ATP: 470 ATA: 50 Required ATA: 180 Special: Berserk Range: 130.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DRAGON SWORD Type: Sword min ATP: 1000 max ATP: 1000 Grind: 0 total ATP: 1000 ATA: 35 Required ATP: 1000 Special: PB Based Energy Wave Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal FROSTBITE Type: Rifle min ATP: 350 max ATP: 350 Grind: 21 total ATP: 392 ATA: 60 Required ATA: 162 Special: Freeze shot Range: 210.0 (targets: 1) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal HELL STRIKER Type: Handgun min ATP: 380 max ATP: 380 Grind: 0 total ATP: 380 ATA: 60 Required ATA: 120 Special: Hell Range: 210.0 (targets: 1) Special Range: 150.0 (targets 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal, ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DEATH CANNON Type: Handgun min ATP: 290 max ATP: 290 Grind: 15 total ATP: 320 ATA: 56 Required ATA: 150 Special: Charge Range: 170.0 (targets: 1) Class: all TWIN PALLASCH Type: Double Saber min ATP: 260 max ATP: 260 Grind: 60 total ATP: 380 ATA: 35 Required ATP: 400 Special: Devil's Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: all PLANET EATER Type: Twin Sword min ATP: 400 max ATP: 400 Grind: 165 total ATP: 730 ATA: 50 Required ATP: 960 Special: Berserk Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal GRAVE DIGGER Type: Needle min ATP: 400 max ATP: 460 Grind: 9 total ATP: 478 ATA: 40 Required ATA: 190 Special: Demon's Range: 170.0 (targets: 5) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal MITSUNARI Type: Super Katana min ATP: 900 max ATP: 920 Grind: 30 total ATP: 980 ATA: 45 Required ATP: 900 Special: Hell Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal TIGER'S FANG & DRAGON'S CLAW Type: Twin Sword min ATP: 990 max ATP: 990 Grind: 21 total ATP: 1032 ATA: 35 Required ATP: 1000 Special: Gush Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal KITETSU Type: Super Katana min ATP: 900 max ATP: 920 Grind: 30 total ATP: 980 ATA: 45 Required ATP: 900 Special: Arrest Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal AENSLAND Type: Sword min ATP: 820 max ATP: 900 Grind: 25 total ATP: 950 ATA: 40 Required ATP: 880 Special: Spirit Boosts: EVP -30 Range: 13.0 (targets: 3) Special Range: 13.0 (targets 1) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal BOONDOCK SAINTS Type: Mechgun min ATP: 350 max ATP: 350 Grind: 50 total ATP: 450 ATA: 40 Required ATA: 190 Special: Hell Range: 170.0 (targets: 1) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal DEATH REAPER Type: Partisan min ATP: 666 max ATP: 666 Grind: 30 total ATP: 726 ATA: 43 MST: 25 Required ATP: 580 Special: Hell Boosts: Megid Penetration Range: 30.0 (targets: 10) Class: all GLIDE DIVINE X Type: Rod min ATP: 440 max ATP: 440 Grind: 0 total ATP: 440 ATA: 34 MST: 55 Required MST: 900 Special: Anti, TP refill Boosts: Foie +60%, Barta +60%, Zonde +60% Boosts: DFP +50 Range: 17.0 (targets: 1) Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl ARMAGEDDON Type: Mechgun min ATP: 75 max ATP: 75 Grind: 60 total ATP: 195 ATA: 25 Required ATA: 200 Special: Autotarget Charge Range: 85.0 (targets: 1) Special Range: 85.0 (targets: 1) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal COMBUSTION CANNON Type: Shot min ATP: 720 max ATP: 720 Grind: 0 total ATP: 720 ATA: 75 Required ATA: 220 Special: Overdrive Range: 210.0 (targets: 10) Class: ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal CLAW OF ELEMENTS Type: Fist min ATP: 700 max ATP: 700 Grind: 100 total ATP: 900 ATA: 62 Required MST: 770 Special: Spirit Boosts: Gifoie +60%, Gibarta +90%, Gizonde +90% Range: 14.0 (targets: 1) Class: all JUDGEMENT BLADE Type: Twin Sword min ATP: 920 max ATP: 920 Grind: 40 total ATP: 1000 ATA: 35 Required ATP: 1000 Special: Demon's Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal OBLIVION Type: Sword min ATP: 800 max ATP: 830 Grind: 60 total ATP: 950 ATA: 40 Required ATP: 1000 Special: Charge Range: 25.0 (targets: 3) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal SWORD OF DESPAIR Type: Sword min ATP: 1160 max ATP: 1160 Grind: 0 total ATP: 1160 ATA: 50 Required ATP: 1200 Special: Demon's Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal SOUL BITER Type: Sword min ATP: 700 max ATP: 750 Grind: 75 total ATP: 900 ATA: 40 Required ATP: 1100 Special: Berserk Range: 25.0 (targets: 10) Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal Armors (custom & modified) REFLEX GEAR DFP: 150 - 150 EVP: 380 - 380 Class: all Required level: 200 EFR: 30 ETH: 30 EIC: 30 EDK: 30 ELT: 30 GENESIS ARMOR DFP: 408 - 508 EVP: 244 - 284 Class: all Required level: 190 EFR: 30 ETH: 30 EIC: 30 EDK: 34 ELT: 34 X-PARTS ver3.10 DFP: 180 - 180 EVP: 150 - 150 Class: hucast, hucaseal, racast, racaseal Required level: 180 Boosts: ATP +80 EFR: 0 ETH: 0 EIC: 0 EDK: 30 ELT: 30 DYNASTY ARMOR DFP: 230 - 280 EVP: 148 - 170 Class: all Required level: 180 Boosts: All Stats +15 EFR: 20 ETH: 20 EIC: 20 EDK: 28 ELT: 28 BUSINESS JACKET DFP: 288 - 330 EVP: 260 - 280 Class: all Required level: 160 Boosts: HP +100 EFR: 30 ETH: 30 EIC: 30 EDK: 30 ELT: 30 ARCHFIEND ARMOR DFP: 370 - 370 EVP: 180 - 260 Class: all Required level: 177 EFR: 0 ETH: 0 EIC: 0 EDK: 50 ELT: 0 NINJA SUIT DFP: 140 - 140 EVP: 200 - 200 Class: all Required level: 180 Boosts: ATP +70 EFR: 24 ETH: 20 EIC: 20 EDK: 24 ELT: 24 BEHEMOTH ARMOR DFP: 340 - 340 EVP: 340 - 340 Class: all Required level: 200 Boosts: ATP +30 EFR: 32 ETH: 32 EIC: 32 EDK: 35 ELT: 35 Shields (custom & modified) THREE SEALS DFP: 140 - 140 EVP: 145 - 145 Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl Required level: 100 Boosts: Rafoie +30%, Razonde +30%, Rabarta +30% EFR: 33 ETH: 33 EIC: 33 EDK: 33 ELT: 33 ELEMENTAL SHIELD DFP: 148 - 148 EVP: 170 - 170 Class: fomar, fomarl, fonewm, fonewearl Required level: 120 Boosts: Foie +40%, Barta +40%, Zonde +40% Adds +1 to technique level. (Cannot exceed Level 30) EFR: 35 ETH: 35 EIC: 35 EDK: 35 ELT: 35 BLUE PHANTOM FIELD DFP: 145 - 160 EVP: 190 - 210 Class: all Required level: 180 Boosts: Zalure +300% Boosts: ATA +30 EFR: 25 ETH: 25 EIC: 25 EDK: 15 ELT: 15 RED PHANTOM FIELD DFP: 165 - 180 EVP: 170 - 190 Class: all Required level: 180 Boosts: Jellen +300% Boosts: ATP +60 EFR: 25 ETH: 25 EIC: 25 EDK: 15 ELT: 15 ENERGY STORM DFP: 160 - 160 EVP: 220 - 220 Class: all Required level: 180 Boosts: ATP +50 EFR: 30 ETH: 18 EIC: 18 EDK: 24 ELT: 24 MOLTEN RING DFP: 140 - 140 EVP: 140 - 140 Class: all Required level: 100 EFR: 50 ETH: 0 EIC: 0 EDK: 50 ELT: 0 RAINBOW SHIELD DFP: 170 - 190 EVP: 230 - 255 Class: all Required level: 135 Boosts: Grants +50% Boosts: All Stats +15 EFR: 15 ETH: 15 EIC: 15 EDK: 32 ELT: 32 CATACLYSM SHIELD DFP: 220 - 220 EVP: 250 - 250 Class: all Required level: 200 Boosts: HP +50 EFR: 35 ETH: 25 EIC: 25 EDK: 35 ELT: 25