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Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build Guide 05/28/19
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Destiny Reader Update! Map Items! 05/01/24
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What's coming to Destiny PSOBB? 05/26/24
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Raid Quest: "The Discontrolled Tower" 03/06/25
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■Dr. Osto's Request■ We recieved some requests from Dr Osto... Rules -You'll be awarded x5 of Dr Osto's Appreciation Badge by clearing one request. its in-game item. -There are 10+1 requests and it's allowed to sell/buy/trade Dr Osto's Badge as currency with other players. -You need to start from request 1, once you finished request 10, then you can do final request or restart from 1. -To clear his request, you need to exchange certain requested items with GM to get Dr Osto's Badge. (like claire's deal5) -If you want to redeem Dr Osto's Badge, you need to tell GM what you need! -About requested weapon, you can redeem any stats one. but you need Enemy parts isntead of Enemy weapon. Free ID will be available till the redeem ends Rules about redeeming We are allowing to redeem badges for service year-round, but requests and shop are available for 1 month after xmas event. thus... Redeeming requested items for Badges: After xmas event (for 1 month) Redeeming Badges for shopping: After xmas event (for 1 month) Redeeming Badges for service: Year-Round no untekked wep. if you are redeeming lots of items at once, plz gather items in one place or login multiple accounts at the same time for fast redeem! at worst case we cansel your redeem order. thats said, you have around 2 month to hunt requested items! (during xmas and after xmas for 1 month) i recommend you to use blank bank to check easily and for fast redeem. Request1: Tormentorr -I want to grow up hildetorr much more stronger and bigger to make it able to cast Rafoie/Gifoie/Zonde... List of requested items Request 2: Oppressor VII and Praetrian IV -I want to update sinow blue&red to make more faster and stronger... List of requested items Request3: D-Virus Baranz -I want to update baranz to make more hazardable... List of requested items Request4: Headless Horseman -I saw ghost of Dark Bringer in ruins, but no one believes it... List of requested items Request5: Phantasmal Construct ????? List of requested items Request6: Rathalos and Vaal Hazak -Do you know the dragons that came from another dimention? here is the hint how to call them, but i have no clue at all. List of requested items Request7: Dr.Robotonik -Actually i was planning to invite infamous guy from sonic games, but its tough. can you help me? List of requested items Request8: Grim Reaper I want to see if illgill can have more power of darkness. List of requested items Request9: Soul Butcher I want to add metalic shell on Dal la lie to make no one can hurt it. List of requested items Request10: The Prophet Someone hacked Vol-Opt and it's out of my control, can you help me? List of requested items Final Request: Millenium Fury ????? -You need to clear request 1~10 to do this mission. You'll be awarded 15 Badges instead of 5. -You can't do final request twice. List of requested items List of Service You can get various service by redeeming Dr. Osto's Badge. Dr. Osto's Badge shop You can buy various stuffs too! those items are available from this shop only! If you have any question, feel free to ask! enjoy thanks for screen shots @Magic @thanx
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Destiny PSOBB EASTER EVENT 2023 This amazing banner was made by @Shiva Time for some easter! So, what's there to do??? Egg Rappies Of course the Egg Rappies are back, dropping Easter Eggs that contain various stuff. Find the Rappies in Episode 2 Temple. You can exchange Easter Eggs with a GM for a special item from the following list: Byakko shield - 25 Easter Eggs Suzaku shield - 25 Easter Eggs Daisy Chain - 15 Easter Eggs Murasame - 15 Easter Eggs Tension Blaster - 15 Easter Eggs RIANOV 303SNR-5 - 15 Easter Eggs Black Gear - 15 Easter Eggs Epsiguard - 15 Easter Eggs Rules: The weapons will be delivered with blank stats (0 attributes/hit) and shields/armors will have minimum stats. Redeeming is possible from now until June the 3rd. To redeem your Easter Eggs, please message a GM on the forums or look for redeem rooms in game. x10 XP and Free Section ID For the entire duration of the event! Use /sectionid to change your section id. The event lasts for around 4 weeks. D-Virus Baranz have returned! A super hazardous D-Factor Virus has escaped from dr. Osto's lab! The virus spread all the way to mines, infecting the Baranz and empowering their abilities. Destiny PSOBB presents the extremely powerful D-Virus Baranz! Do you have what it takes to get the situation under control?! D-Virus Baranz appear in the following quests: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Mine's Offensive Ultimate Episode 2 / Easter / Gal Da Val's Darkness Drops: D-Virus Launcher "A powerful virus flows through this ultimate weapon. Its true potential is awakened when the owner has low health." The lower your HP gets, the more projectiles it fires with each shot. Under 1/2 HP this weapon fires 2 projectiles to each target, under 1/8 (dark flow mode) it fires 3 shots per target (for a total of 12 shots). Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1170 Section ID: Virida, Greenill, Skyly, Bluefull, Purplenum. D-Virus Armor "Armor enhanced with a D-Factor virus. The virus empowers your abilities, increasing attack speed and defensive power." Drops from: Episode 1 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: Pinkal, Redria, Oran, Yellowboze, Whitill. Primal Nexus "This strange artifact is embedded with ancient magic. A proficient caster can harness this magic to empower offensive techniques and magic resistance." Drops from: Episode 2 D-Virus Baranz @ 1/1204 Section ID: All ids Oppressor VII, Praetorian IV & The Prophet Hopkins lost his SOUL RIPPER! Help him retrieve it by going toe to toe with some of the most powerful monsters ever seen in Destiny PSOBB. Warning: These enemies are strong! Better bring some friends They appear only in the following quest: Ultimate Episode 1 / Easter / Lost SOUL RIPPER Drops: Oppressor VII: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids Praetorian IV: Photon Drop @ 1/300 on all ids The Prophet: TWIN RIKA'S CLAW @ 1/64 on all ids TWIN RIKA'S CLAW "A famous claw, modified by an unknown scientist to unlock its full potential. ATP increases by 200 when equipped by a hunter." Type: Claw ATP: 660 - 730 ATA: 40 Grind: 200 Total ATP: 1130 Targets: 3 Special: Tempest, Razonde lv. 25 Boosts: All Stats +10, Gifoie +30%, Gibarta +30%, Gizonde +30% Class: humar, hunewearl, hucast, hucaseal, ramar, ramarl, racast, racaseal Some info about event droprates: These items only drop in the specified quests. In all other quests, the standard items are dropping according to the droptable. The droprate shown has DAR already calculated in. Just like the regular droptable. For example, Primal Nexus drops at 1/1204 from baranz episode 2. The actual rate is 1/602, but because baranz has 50% DAR, the rate shown is 1/1204. Furthermore, these rates (just like the ones on the droptable) benefit fully from happy hours x3 and ultimate x2. Easter event will run for about 4 weeks. Special thanks to all the staff for making this possible. Good luck and we hope you enjoy the event!
Hoi Everyone. I thought you guys would appreciate a Weekend Mini Event. What does this mini event contains ? Free Section ID XP X10 This Weekend Mini Event is now live and ends on Monday Morning 10 AM GMT. Enjoy This Weekend Mini Event
Valentine's 2021! Love is in the air <3 Valentine's Chair Special thanks to @Shiva for an amazing valentine's chair and the lobby theme. Valentine's Crate Notes Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Flower Bouquets Flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet or to change a special from a weapon. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the whole event! Special Valentine hunt Wing's of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta & Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. Limited edition, meaning it drops during Valentine's only, and may or may not return next year. Drops from Dark Falz: Pinkal, Redria, Oran. A special thanks to @Shiva for the pretty banner. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for his work. Event will last for around 3 weeks. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's from Destiny!
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Hello everyone, Welcome to.............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the Amazing banner. This will be a fun Valentine themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random Valentine Symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are very simple: Valentine theme only (so any Valentine related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st Place: @torico FINAL EGG BLASTER [0/0/0/0|57] (Rolled 57) 2nd Place: @HHawk4 SNOW QUEEN [0/0/0/0|90] (Rolled 90) 3rd Place: @R-78 YASMINKOV 9000M [0/0/0/0|91] (Rolled 91) Prizes will be handed out differently. 1st place gets to pick any prize, 2nd place picks from the two prizes that are left, 3th place gets whatever isn't picked. This time its going to be different. All the prizes are 0 stats, However the winners can get hit on them, while in game i will hand out the prizes to the winners they can use the in game command /roll The number rolled with this command will be the amount of hit they receive on the weapon they won. For example: You rolled 65, you get 65 hit. Hope that's clear enough. Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. This event will end on Sunday 14TH of February at 12 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck.
- 20 replies
Hi all, this is a fun mini event/giveaway with prizes from my own inventory Rules are simple, as the titel alrdy says: first come, first served! in order to win the first prize, you have to reply here with *first*, for second prize with *second* and for third prize with *seventh* ( i know i got u here) . Only one reply and prize per player and no editing! Here is an example to clarify a litlebit: Vel posted 4mins ago: second Flola posted 4mins ago: first desuxu Dep posted 4mins ago: first Orgo posted 3mins ago: second (Edited 2min ago) Mystery posted 3 mins ago: second Shiva posted 3 mins ago: second woof Rem posted 2 mins ago: second Shisui posted 1min ago: third Piv posted 1min ago: seventh Cosmos posted 1 min ago: seventh The winners in this case --> 1)Flola, 2)Mystery and 3)Piv, Consolation Prize--> Dep 5Photon Tokens, Shiva 2PTs, Rem 2PTs Prizes: 1. 3RD ANNIVERSARY BLADE [0/0/45/50|0] CRIMSON 2. 3RD ANNIVERSARY BLADE [35/35/0/0|0] GALAXY 3. D-Virus Armor Everyone between first and second reply 5 Photon tokens and ppl between second and third 2 PTs. I will unlock this topic at some point on next Happy Hour. Good luck and have Fun ;D
Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Easter themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random Easter Symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are very simple: Easter theme only (so any Easter related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st: @Mr Snows Orb of Illusions 2nd: @Nickie Immortal/Battle 3rd: @Hollywood Custom mag by your choice Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. This event will end on Sunday 19 of April at 7 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck.
- 10 replies
Valentine's 2020! Love is in the air <3 Valentine's Chair Special thanks to @Shiva for an amazing valentine's chair and the lobby theme. Valentine's Crate Notes Valentine's Crates drop the same way as Daily crates, individually. No daily limit, and all monsters have a chance to drop a Valentine's Crate. It's not allowed to farm these crates with multiple accounts at the same time. Flower Bouquets Flower bouquets drop randomly from all monsters. Find 15 and exchange them with a GM to add a special to a weapon that doesn't have a special yet. Redeeming starts after the event ends. (Flower bouquets have the same rate as the valentine's Crates) x10 XP & Free Section ID For for the whole event! Special Valentine hunt Wing's of Life "A set of holy wings that boost support techniques." This shield boosts Resta & Reverser & Moon Atomizer range by 100%. Class: All. Limited edition, meaning it drops during Valentine's only, and may or may not return next year. Drops from Dark Falz: Pinkal, Redria, Oran. A special thanks to @Shiva & @Digi Ferox for the banner. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for his work. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's from Destiny! Valentine's Event ends on Sunday 8 march.
Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Christmas themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random Christmas symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are verry simple: Christmas theme only (so any Christmas related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be: 1st: @VEL Ill Gill Reaper with triple 50 stats 2nd: @Lipelis Ethereal Armor 3rd: @Howitzer State/Maintenance Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. This event will end on Sunday January 5th at 8 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck.
- 14 replies
Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun video game themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a random video game symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are verry simple: Video game's theme only (so any video game related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. It's appreciated if you also post a picture of the game it's from. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be 1st CRYO WARHEAD 2nd IMMORTAL/BATTLE 3rd S-RANK WITH NAME & SPECIAL Every one that participated in this event but didn't win will get 2 Phantasmal crates as a consolation prize. Also a special thanks to @Magictrick for agreeing on those amazing prizes. This event will end on Friday December the 21st at 7 PM server time GMT/UTC. I hope you guys have fun. Good luck. WINNERS ARE: 1st place @Arashi 2nd place @Zenetsu 3th place @VEL(JP) and @Shazbot
Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Disney themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a Disney symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are verry simple: Disney theme only (so any disney related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be 1st D-VIRUS ARMOR ajiponz5914 2nd DARK MATTER Mr Snow 3rd S-RANK With special and name Lucapy This event will end on 19-05-2018 at 4 pm GMT+2 = 2 pm UTC = 9 am EST = 11 pm JST(Japan). I hope you guys have fun Good luck
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Hello all, I wanted to say that i had alot of fun during launch and TA event. Since we had free section ID change on during launch event and not everyone changed it back on time when it went off, I thought we put it back on for this weekend. This will be a weekend mini Event What will this mini event be ? A quest Christmas Catastrophe will be added for the weekend, There you can hunt materials very easy. Normal 1 material Hard 1 material Very Hard 2 materials Ultimate 2 materials Multilogging is not allowed. Free Section ID change X5 XP for the whole weekend This mini event starts on Friday 6 october at 06:00 PM server time (GMT/UTC) and it ends on Monday 9 october 11:59 PM server time (GMT/UTC) Make sure you change it back this time! I hope you all enjoy this weekend mini event! Happy Hunting and have lots of FUN.
- 23 replies
Race of the Mags look at those mags, look at all those mags flying through air. But now the rought wind is here. Loop the loop it goes. Uncontrollable for the owner of the mag. "Oh, what a sin" cries the owner. Those mags are racing the birds. Who will win? RULES Now ladies and gentlemen, come closer, come closer. Please, place your bet. Please, dont breake in sweat. Right here in this irascible heat, Which of these mags will you treat? (only one mag can win the race) (end date unknown) (only 1 vote per user) Race Participants Mag Name: Doom Eye Mag Cell: Black Doom's Blood Sample Mag Name: Buzz Bomber Mag Cell: Animal Cell Mag Name: Coelum Mag Cell: Dragon Tear Mag Name: NiGHTS Mag Cell: Ideya Cell Red Ideya represents Courage White Ideya represents Purity Blue Ideya represents Intelligence Green Ideya represents Growth Yellow Ideya represents Hope Mag Name: WOOF-A-JET Mag Cell: DOG.exe Mag Name: Twin Bee Mag Cell: Love of Win Bee