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Everything posted by Piv

  1. Piv's List

    Got dark matter - thanks Sab Bought everything for now, going got leave open to sell a few bits
  2. Price guide

    Thanks Sab
  3. Price guide

    A few FO bits please Psycho Wand Dark Bridge Claw Of Elements Three Seals Mother Garb + v802 Adept
  4. B>Hit Grave Digger

  5. Piv's List

  6. Mini event puzzle

  7. Piv's List

    After a Behemoth Armour
  8. Piv's List

    Looking for a high stat Red Ringo
  9. Price guide

    Hey all! Could I please have a price check on Grinders (per +10) D Virus Armor
  10. PSOBB Sommelier's Trade List

    Hey 'm looking to buy a few slots from you, your PM box is full so please PM me when you can
  11. Piv's List

    After a high % d virus launcher

    Wrath made a 0 def custom Twin Sato Mag - super fast too! Thanks again!
  13. Ah I didn't realise that about Yas 3000R - thats great!
  14. Love the guide, I refer to it a lot I would say a Hit Hell TypeRI/RIFLE (or a hit hell laser which is much cheaper but less ata) is worth considering for some spawns where auto lock isn't wanted, it also has the longest range of the hell guns. I've found it useful in certain spawns in episode 2 sniping gees from a big distance or aiming for certain enemies that unlock the room. Its more of a legacy gear suggestion but Stealth Suit has an interesting property that it removes weapon equip lag so you can attack faster when changing weapons. Might not be optimal given the other options but is worth considering possibly.
  15. Piv's List

    Couple more bits to get!
  16. Price guide

    Thanks guys
  17. Price guide

    Hey guys! I'd really appreciate some opinions on what these items are worth: M&A85 Fury S Rank Rifle or Gun (With Zalure Special Anti Dark Ring State/Maintenane (10dt?) Photon Booster (2 - 3dt?)
  18. Ata Calculator

    You beast! Thats amazing - thank you
  19. Ata Calculator

    Hey! I know certain enemies have been buffed / changed - I was wondering if this old Ata calculator is still useful / accurate at all? I'm not sure if Destiny has changed EVP values compared to vanilla Ata Calculator: http://legacywiki.schtserv.com/atacalc.php edit: I know this doesnt factor in manual evasion for weapons like Baranz / D Virus Launcher - it'd be interesting to know how that is calculated
  20. Piv's List

    bump, buying Photon tokens with DTs
  21. First time being shown this quest - it was great fun!
  22. Piv's List

    Bump! Thought I had all my wants but discovered many more awesome weapons
  23. Piv's List

    That's great to hear, thank you! - PM sent!