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Legendary User
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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. Daily Quest: Item Crate

    Legendary Crate: Heart of Angel
  2. Commands

    For now ask a GM to reset it for the two of u
  3. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    they use all the same charts as here:http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1021 the chao mag is also made by first having all stats at least at lvl 25. but there is now the dark chao mag which only requires a non rare lvl 50 mag + the cell
  4. Show your screenshots

    gib c/b pls....gib c/b pls....gib c/b pls....gib c/b pls....gib c/b pls....gib c/b pls.... begging Dark Falz with @Sab gib c/b pls
  5. Windows XP Download Launcher

    will definitly be announce when the time comes
  6. Music

  7. Destiny v0.6.7 patchnotes

    to keep track of it post it here https://playpso.net/forums/forum/17-ideas-suggestions/
  8. Greetings and Salutations

    Hey there, enjoy your stay ^^
  9. Hoi

  10. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    i hope so, buuuuuut probably not ^^;
  11. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    before u can reach the character select screen, it will re-download all changed files again
  12. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    It's not possible to use custom skins for weapons, mags and areas (during events). The client will download allways the latest version of the files automatically.
  13. Time Attack Event

    because the rule says this: The time is counted from the moment you leave pioneer until the quest is finished. This includes turning it in at the respective NPC.
  14. Time Attack Event

    time is up for new entries. please be patient since we have to look throught all entries. Winners will be announced soon™
  15. Time Attack Event

    Player 1 - @Holbewone (HUcast) Player 2 - @JanenbaDMS (RAcast) Player 3 - @Shiva (RAmar) Player 4 - @Sab (FOnewearl) Time 44:40 Minutes
  16. Music

  17. Race to 200 event!

    aaaand dat bee was the last one......... just in time
  18. Hi! ^^

    Hey there^^ enjoy ur stay lil fox
  19. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    no discord :3 no we dun need x3
  20. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    yepp, thats correct. gonna test it too, i guess.
  21. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    did u renamed it here? also u only need to drag and drop the file with the same name into ur data folder
  22. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    it also didnt uipdated the file? otherwise it would be really strange
  23. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    the effect.xvm only has a few techniques inside an some other random "crap"
  24. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    thats the file and thats the texture
  25. Quick Question, Quick Answer Thread.

    textures r never hardcoded. the green beam is in the effect.xvm inside the data.gsl