Destiny ver.0.713 Patch note (New Quest and Droptable update)
Added Japanese guide in Bazaar quest (日本語ガイドをバザークエストに追加しました。開始地点の近くに居ます)
Added banner for Book of Hitogata,Orotiagito and Ano Rifle
Removed certain quests from daily quest list
Updated droptable (see below or droptable for more info)
Updated/Improved Love Research [EP2>Valentine]
Added New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR] as Year-Round content (Difficulty: 4)
New Quest: VR Test Destiny: Seabed [EP2>VR]
Areas: Test Subject Disposal Area1 → Test Subject Disposal Area2 → BOSS (Olga Flow)
Clear Reward (N~VH)
Normal/Hard: Power Material ×1
V-Hard: Power Material ×2
Clear Reward (Ultimate)
・Power Material ×2
・Resist/Burning++ (Rare) (++ one boosts 17resist instead of 15)
・Resist/Blizzard++ (Rare)
・Resist/Storm++ (Rare)
・Resist/Holy++ (Rare)
・Resist/Devil++ (Rare)
・Special Weapon (Very Rare)
-????? (4P Only)
Weapons will come with x/x/0/0/x, x/0/x/0/x, 0/x/0/x/x, x/0/0/x/x, 0/x/x/0/x or 0/0/x/x/x
Monster Count:
Crimson Assasin [EP1]: Red Partisan → Anti-Dark Ring 1/572
Dark Falz: Anti-Dark Ring → Red Ring 1/64
Shambertin: Exterminator → LE COGNEUR 1/64
Tollow: Red Saber → Death Cannon 1/900
Melqueek: Demolition Comet → RIANOV 303SNR-3 1/758
Gol Dragon: Death Cannon → Immortal/Ability 1/64
Epsilon: Ano Rifle 1/1050 → 1/620
Gal Gryphon: Last Swan → Ninja Suit 1/85
Melqueek: God/HP → Sword of Despair 1/975
Tollow: Sacred Guard → Twin Pallasch 1/900
Tollow: Agito → Glide Divine 1/900
Hildetorr [EP2]: Wildmill → Heaven Punisher 1/19 Purplenum:
Crimson Assasin [EP1]: SMOKING PLATE → Boondock Saints 1/827
Dal Ra Lie: L&K38 Combat 1/64 → 1/43
Dark Falz: Immortal/Battle 1/128 → 1/113
Gol Dragon: Oblivion → Immortal/Ability 1/64
Hildelt [EP1]: ELYSION → DEATH REAPER 1/370
Melqueek: Suppressed Gun 1/620 → 1/487
Nano Dragon: Guilty Light → Tormentor 1/677
Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Heart of Chu Chu 1/568
Mericarol: Tormentor → Hunter's Shell 1/930
Tollow: Red Saber → Twin Pallasch 1/900
Indi Belra [EP1]: DEATH REAPER → Flight Cutter 1/700
Hildetorr [EP2]: Rabbit Wand → Magic Stone "Iritista" 1/21 Oran:
Sil Dragon: Dragon's Claw → L&K38 Combat 1/43
Saint Million: Laconium Axe → Soul Devourer 1/85 Yellowboze:
Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525
Dorphon: Black Hound Cuirass → Girasole 1/393
Saint Million: Girasole → STORMRENDER 1/64 Whitill:
Melqueek: Red Sword → Daylight Scar 1/525
Del-D [EP1]: Rico's Glasses → Heaven Striker 1/1950
Gal Gryphon: Wedding Dress 1/73 → 1/64
Shambertin: Mystic Spirit → Valkyrie 1/73
All IDs: (Ultimate)
Boota: Daylight Scar → CRIMSON COAT 1/213
Goran: CRIMSON COAT → Daylight Scar 1/487
Contains various updates. Please check droptable!