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Showing most liked content on 07/01/22 in all areas

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    Game changes Shared dropstyle has been disabled, from now on individual dropstyle is default and all rooms created have it set to individual. We did this because almost no one uses shared drops anyway, and moving forward to new content, it's unreasonable for us to keep maintaining two dropstyles. Fixed an issue where weapons were not dropping with over 70% attributes. All this time the attribute percentage generation wasn't working correctly and it was actually impossible to find higher than 70% attributes on weapons. Even though still very rare, it's possible now to find weapons with up to 90% attributes. The chance is give or take 1/10,000, the default rate for PSO. Special thanks to @VEL(JP) and everyone else involved who pointed out this issue to me. I ran multiple simulations that eventually confirmed their suspicion, and in the end found the issue. The fix works in my testing, but as always, make sure to report any issues you may find. Custom monsters in events no longer appear globally, but instead appear in specific quests, which have their own category in the quest menu. These categories are only available during the respective event. Event item drops are also now tied to specific quests. The actual droprates can be found in the respective event topic. Various bugfixes and anticheat improvements.