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Showing most liked content on 02/20/20 in Posts

  1. 4 likes
    dont know how it got cropped like that coverting the bmp but YAY
  2. 2 likes
    This event got three time more answers than your previous one.. no but jokes aside, we are a small community, that's not a news we know that. So a bump about mini event is a common thing to refresh people memory so they don't forget about it or in this case maybe an extended date to motivate people to post their ideas in time could have been a thing.. since a costume event is more time consuming for participants to prepare than a single answer quiz, if you get my point here. And long story short a sentence about it in the main post in the first place would have been appreciated, now it feels like an anti-climatic last minute surprise.. Don't get me wrong, I'm being honest here Wrath but I hope that my point is constructive enough to be benefical to the next events... which add life to Destiny's activity and we all appreciate that!
  3. 2 likes
    Meseta Gunner Uber drop: A fine lvl 200 photo I must say
  4. 1 like
    Due to insuffiencent amount of entrees i cant judge the costumes very well because there are only 3 entrees. Which means everybody wins, i did hope that many more people would take part but it seems this wasnt something people were interested in, i wont be handing out the official prizes because i wish to use them for other events down the road. However those of you that did enter will be getting a 10 PDs, 5 luck mats each and 2 Bouquets. I hope the participants understand that i loved all of your designs and appreciate you dearly for taking part
  5. 1 like
    This took waay too long, but I managed to solo Beyond The Veil! Its amazing to think like a quest like this can be made in PSO, I love the fact there are new bosses being created.. thank you Destiny staff!
  6. 1 like