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Showing most liked content on 09/30/18 in Posts

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    Well, there's no actual "file" named Occamy.C, or Fuerboos for that matter, anywhere in the client. These are names for "threats" the antivirus software finds (or claims to find). The files the software is concerned about are psobb.exe/psobbw.exe files and in psobb.pat/psobbw.pat. The latter are the same files but in patch form. Since our client changes with each update, there's not much telling what kind of flags it gets picked up on each time. Last update we only had 6 flags, this time we're not so lucky it seems. But I assure you, there's no malware in our client. Use your best judgement, but you should know that all psobb servers have virus flags in their files (some even in additional .dlls). Even the original stock psobb client had a ton of flags. If you want to play here without issues, you pretty much have to whitelist the folder (or at least the 4 files I mentioned).
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    I'm having issues unlocking quests in the One Player mode. After finishing the first 2 sets all the way through Gran Squall I am unable to get the next set of quests. Am i missing something or am I experiencing a bug? Truthfully i just want to convert enemy parts into equipment, so if there is another way to do that outside of the later single player quests I would be glad to know.
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    create a multiplayer game. take the second warp (between bank and area warp) the lady to the left gives you acces to the government quests. if you finish them up to the moment you can do 4-1 you have unlocked all solo mode quests
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    I found a discover violation of regulations The name of the room is obscene, But it is Japanese. The meaning of "manko" is "P*ssy"
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    Ever wanted to get a copy of Sega's official PSO Book of Hunters?.... there u go^^ https://mega.nz/#!DB50QIoQ!xnaMIUmntBXkE7nxvfqKWXsMYZPiKWr8Ie3XdderVcg
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