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Showing most liked content on 07/26/18 in Posts

  1. 6 likes
    Look what Magictrick wrote back in May - " 17+ players online. I can't be more proud " ... And now we are nearly to double that figure. Let's see what the playerbase will be in a year or so. Oh, about the playerbase ... I like a lot it as there is next to no drama here and the forum shoutbox is not being inundated by inane drivel.
  2. 2 likes
    Why ? Why can't people just play. Wherever you want, with whoever you want ; no need to judge, diffame or shame. And for... what anyway ? Certainly not fame, money or panties, so I don't get it. By the way, this server is great. And so are the others. We can choose one, or pick them all. And I wanted to say : it's nice to have the choice, so thank you to everyone that makes this possible. Remember that PSO is already a grandpa, and all these servers are so many shiny canes that allow it to stay upright.
  3. 2 likes
    RT about 150 times two MORTAL RUIN get!! and Dr.Robotniks Plan B I picked it up with my friend at the same time
  4. 1 like
    FOmar Imm/Battle,V503, V802, Imm/Mind (RR): 5/122/73/0 mag, 93 power mats, 85 def mats, 18 mind mats (28 if you want to swap on the field for Blue/Red Phantom Field),, 35 luck mats 19/(9 if you used the 10 extra mind mats) Extra mats This gives you a maxed ATP/DFP/ATA/LUCK and gives you 1250 MST necessary to use Skyfall you need all the units mentionned for this result