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Showing most liked content on 05/03/18 in Posts

  1. 6 likes
    What hate, though? I don't see any hate besides from mudkipz and you apparently, but yeah, homies 4 life, right. So, the stolen code myth has been debunked, so now we're getting the undeserved bans thing again? Well let's settle that one as well, the people that got banned for, included but not limited to: trolling the forums, coming up with fake issues to troll the staff and harassing legitimate players ingame, were given the chance to appeal their ban as seen here. Guess how many people actually appealed? zero. That gives me the impression they were not really here to play, after all. So thanks but no thanks, we don't want your "PSOBB's dead and toxic player base". Also this server is far from dead as well. It's growing. Just a few days ago we had 17+ players online. I can't be more proud and I'll never give up on Destiny. Do us all a favor and move on.
  2. 3 likes
    Here is my Winnie the Pooh.
  3. 2 likes
    As the title states...Looking to join an active team!
  4. 2 likes
  5. 1 like
    Hello all, Welcome to............. Special thanks to @Shiva for the banner. This will be a fun Disney themed mini event. In this event you guys have to make a Disney symbol chat in game. Make a screenshot from it and post it in this thread. Rules are verry simple: Disney theme only (so any disney related symbol chat is allowed). You can only post 1 symbol chat. You can update your symbol chat by editing your post. You can't post new ones. You can't edit after the end date. Everything edited after end date is disqualified. No inappropriate content. Have fun. If you are not keeping on the rules you will be disqualified and can't participate again. The best 3 Wins good prizes, Prizes will be 1st D-VIRUS ARMOR ajiponz5914 2nd DARK MATTER Mr Snow 3rd S-RANK With special and name Lucapy This event will end on 19-05-2018 at 4 pm GMT+2 = 2 pm UTC = 9 am EST = 11 pm JST(Japan). I hope you guys have fun Good luck